1173 | * | Pope Alexander III canonizes Thomas Becket (1118-70). As Archbishop of Canterbury, Becket had been martyred three years earlier on orders of English King Henry II a former friend until Becket was elevated to Archbishop in 1162. | Ref: 5 |
1583 | * | Groningen Netherlands begins using Gregorian calendar. | Ref: 5 |
1598 | * | Boris Godunov crowned tsar. | Ref: 5 |
1613 | * | Michael Romanov, son of the Patriarch of Moscow, elected Russian tsar. | Ref: 5 |
1631 | * | Michael Romanov, son of the Patriarch of Moscow, is elected Russian Tsar. | Ref: 2 |
1673 | * | Michiel A de Ruyter appointed Lieutenant-Admiral-General of Dutch fleet. | Ref: 5 |
1675 | * | Prince Willem III appointed viceroy of Gelderland. | Ref: 5 |
1764 | * | John Wilkes thrown out of English House of Commons for "Essay on Women". | Ref: 5 |
1775 | * | As troubles with Great Britain increase, colonists in Massachusetts vote to buy military equipment for 15,000 men. | Ref: 2 |
1777 | * | English ambassador Joseph Yorke demands dismissal of Governor John de Graaff for saluting US flag. | Ref: 5 |
1782 | * | US congress resolves the establishment of a US mint. | Ref: 5 |
1792 | * | Congress passes Presidential Succession Act. | Ref: 5 |
1795 | * | Freedom of worship was established in France under the constitution that came out of the French Revolution of 1789. | Ref: 5 |
1828 | * | The Cherokee Phoenix, the first Native American newspaper, is published in English and in both the newly invented Cherokee alphabet in New Echota, GA. (XDG, p 4A, 2/21/2000) | Ref: 83 |
1846 | * | Sarah G. Bagley becomes the first female telegrapher as she takes charge at the newly opened telegraph office in Lowell, Massachusetts. | Ref: 5 |
1847 | * | Donner Party: First Relief leaves with 23 refugees: Edward and Simon Breen; John Denton; Elitha and Leanna Donner, their cousin George, and George’s half brother William Hook; Noah James; Philippine Keseberg and her daughter Ada; Mary and William Murphy; Naomi Pike; Eleanor, Lovina, and William C. Graves; Margret Reed and her children Virginia, Patty, James Jr., and Thomas; their servant Eliza Williams; Mrs. Wolfinger. Patty and Tommy Reed give out and are taken back to stay with the Breens. Ada Keseberg dies and is buried in the snow. John Denton gives out and is left behind to die. En route down the mountains they meet Second Relief coming the opposite way, led by James Reed. After an emotional reunion with part of his family, he hurries on to the cabins to get Patty and Tommy. Only a few days from safety, young William Hook dies after overeating. | Ref: 28 |
1853 | * | US authorizes minting of $3 gold pieces. | Ref: 5 |
1857 | * | US issues flying eagle cents. | Ref: 5 |
1857 | * | Congress outlaws foreign currency as legal tender in US. | Ref: 5 |
1858 | * | Edwin T Holmes installs first electric burglar alarm (Boston MA). | Ref: 5 |
1861 | * | Navaho Indians elect Herrero Grande as chief. | Ref: 5 |
1864 | * | First US Catholic parish church for blacks dedicated, Baltimore MD. | Ref: 5 |
1866 | * | Lucy B. Hobbs becomes the first woman to graduate from a dental school, the Ohio College of Dental Surgery in Cincinnati. | Ref: 5 |
1874 | * | Benjamin Disraeli replaces William Gladstone as English premier. | Ref: 5 |
1874 | | Oakland Daily Tribune begins publication. | Ref: 5 |
1878 | | The first telephone directory (with 50 names) is issued by the New Haven District of the Telephone Company of Connecticut. | Ref: 5 |
1882 | * | NYC's 24 hour race begins, winner with most mileage in 24 hours. | Ref: 5 |
1883 | * | 2nd French government of Ferry begins. | Ref: 5 |
1885 | * | The Washington Monument is dedicated. Ref | |
1887 | * | Oregon becomes first US state to make Labor Day a holiday. | Ref: 5 |
1887 | * | First US bacteriology laboratory opens (Brooklyn). | Ref: 5 |
1895 | * | North Carolina Legislature, adjourns for day to mark death of Frederick Douglass. | Ref: 5 |
1903 | * | Cornerstone laid for US army war college, Washington DC. | Ref: 5 |
1915 | * | World's Fair in San Francisco opens. | Ref: 5 |
1919 | | German National Meeting accepts Anschluss incorporation of Austria. | Ref: 5 |
1919 | * | Revolutionary strike in Barcelona. | Ref: 5 |
1922 | * | Great Britain grants Egypt independence. | Ref: 5 |
1925 | | Mass meeting of SPD's Reichsbanner Black-Red-Gold in Magdeburg. | Ref: 5 |
1932 | * | André Tardieu becomes premier of France. | Ref: 5 |
1939 | * | Nazis force Jews to hand over all gold and silver items. | Ref: 35 |
1939 | * | Belgian government of Pierlot forms. | Ref: 5 |
1941 | * | (Chairman, Joint Chiefs) US Senate accepts Omar Bradley's demotion to Brigadier-General. | Ref: 5 |
1943 | * | Dutch Roman Catholic bishops protest against persecution of Jews. | Ref: 5 |
1946 | | Anti-British demonstrations in Egypt. | Ref: 5 |
1946 | | Indian naval mutiny at Bombay | Ref: 10 |
1949 | * | Xenia Ohio's first drive-in restaurant, the Chat'n'Chew opens on Dayton Avenue. (XDG, 3/2/1984) | Ref: 83 |
1949 | * | President Harry S Truman is scheduled to make a brief stop in Xenia OH. A crowd awaited the visit. However, the train was quite late, so the President went to bed. The train proceeded through Xenia, but the President was asleep. (XDG, p 4B, 9/30/2003) | Ref: 83 |
1956 | * | A grand jury in Montgomery, Alabama indicts 115 in a Negro bus boycott. | Ref: 2 |
1958 | * | Egypt-Syria as UAR elect Nasser President (99.9% vote). | Ref: 5 |
1960 | | Havana places all Cuban industry under direct control of the government. | Ref: 2 |
1961 | | Gabon adopts constitution. | Ref: 5 |
1962 | | Minister De Pous confirms natural gas reserves in Groningen Netherlands. | Ref: 5 |
1963 | * | US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site. | Ref: 5 |
1966 | | Indonesia's President Sukarno fires General Nasution. | Ref: 5 |
1968 | | 150,000 demonstrate against leftist students in West-Berlin. | Ref: 5 |
1972 | * | Richard Nixon arrives in Beijing, China, becoming the first U.S. president to visit a country not diplomatically recognized by the U.S. | Ref: 2 |
1974 | * | A report claims that the use of defoliants by the U.S. has scarred Vietnam for a century. | Ref: 2 |
1974 | * | Silver hits record $5.96½ an ounce in London. | Ref: 5 |
1974 | | Israeli forces leave western Suez. | Ref: 5 |
1974 | | Yugoslavia adopts constitution. | Ref: 5 |
1975 | * | Former Attorney General John N. Mitchell and former White House aides H.R. Haldeman and John D. Ehrlichman are sentenced to 2½-8 years in prison for their roles in the Watergate cover-up. | Ref: 70 |
1976 | * | Cardinal Willebrands installed as archbishop of Utrecht. | Ref: 5 |
1977 | * | 74 Unification Church couples wed in New York NY. | Ref: 5 |
1981 | * | "Yorkshire Ripper" Peter Sutcliffe, murderer of 13 women, captured. | Ref: 5 |
1986 | * | AIDS patient Ryan White returns to classes at Western Middle School. | Ref: 5 |
1987 | * | The first snow in recorded history falls on desert near Persian Gulf, 18 inches falls on Abu Dhabi and melts in four hours. | Ref: 62 |
1988 | * | During a live TV broadcast, televangelist Jimmy Swaggert, 52, admitted to visiting a prostitute, then announced he would be leaving his ministry for an unspecified length of time. (Defrocked in April by the Assemblies of God, he was ordered to stay off TV for a year, but returned after only three months.) | Ref: 5 |
1989 | * | US bust Chinese heroin ring, capture record 820 lbs heroin ($1 billion street value). | Ref: 5 |
1989 | * | President George H.W. Bush called Ayatollah Khomeini's death warrant against "Satanic Verses" author Salman Rushdie "deeply offensive to the norms of civilized behavior." | Ref: 70 |
1992 | * | John Frohnmayer announces his resignation as chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts. (XDG, p 4A, 2/21/2002) | Ref: 83 |
1994 | * | FBI Agents arrested Aldrich Hazen Ames, a 30-year Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) veteran, and his wife, Maria del Rosario Casas Ames on espionage charges. Ames' crimes began in April 1985, and resulted in at least ten Soviet sources of the CIA and FBI being killed. Other sources were imprisoned and more than 100 intelligence operations were compromised. Ames provided thousands of classified documents to the Soviet Union and later, the Russian Republic. | Ref: 14 |
1997 | * | A bomb explodes at a gay and lesbian nightclub in Atlanta, injuring five people. (XDG, p 4A, 2/21/2002) | Ref: 83 |
1997 | * | Whitewater prosecutor Kenneth Starr reverses his decision to resign. (XDG, p 4A, 2/21/2002) | Ref: 83 |
2000 | * | Consumer advocate Ralph Nader announces his entry into the presidential race, bidding for the nomination of the Green Party. (XDG, p 4A, 2/21/2002) | Ref: 83 |
1804 | * | First steam locomotive (Richard Trevithick's) makes run in Wales over 9 miles with ten-ton load and 70 passengers. | Ref: 5 |
1842 | * | First known sewing machine patented in US, John Greenough, Washington DC. | Ref: 5 |
1902 | * | Dr Harvey Cushing, 1st US brain surgeon, does his 1st brain operation. | Ref: 5 |
1922 | * | Airship Rome explodes at Hampton Roads Virginia; 34 die. | Ref: 5 |
1931 | * | Alka Seltzer introduced. | Ref: 5 |
1932 | * | William N. Goodwin of Newark, New Jersey patents the camera exposure meter. | Ref: 4 |
1947 | * | Edwin Land demonstrates black and white photos that self develop in only 60 seconds | Ref: 4 |
1953 | * | F Crick & J Watson discover structure of DNA-molecule. | Ref: 5 |
1961 | * | Mercury-Atlas 2 reentry test reaches 172 km. | Ref: 5 |
1969 | * | First launching of heavy N-1 rocket at Baikonur Kazachstan (explodes). | Ref: 5 |
1979 | * | Japan launches Hakucho x-ray satellite & Corsa-B (550/580 km). | Ref: 5 |
1981 | * | Japan launches Hinotori satellite to study solar flares (580/640 k). | Ref: 5 |
1981 | * | NASA launches Comstar D-4. | Ref: 5 |
1995 | * | Former Chicago stockbroker and U.S. balloonist Steve Fossett made history. He was the first person to fly solo across the Pacific Ocean in a balloon, landing in Leader, Saskatchewan, Canada on this day. | Ref: 4 |
1995 | * | RAF-pilot Jo Salter is first woman to fly in a tornado. | Ref: 5 |
1996 | * | Soyuz TM-23, launched into orbit. | Ref: 5 |
1997 | * | The space shuttle Discovery (STS 82) returns to earth after a mission to upgrade the Hubble telescope. (XDG, p 4A, 2/21/2002) | Ref: 83 |
1431 | * | England begins trial against Joan of Arc. | Ref: 5 |
1564 | | Philip II routes cardinal Granvelle to Franche-Comté. | Ref: 5 |
1574 | | Spanish garrison of Middelburg Netherlands surrenders. | Ref: 5 |
1744 | | The British blockade of Toulon is broken by 27 French and Spanish warships attacking 29 British ships. | Ref: 2 |
1797 | * | Trinidad, West Indies surrenders to the British. | Ref: 5 |
1849 | * | In the Second Sikh War, Sir Hugh Gough's well placed guns win a victory over a Sikh force twice the size of his at Gujerat on the Chenab River, assuring British control of the Punjab for years to come. | Ref: 2 |
1862 | * | Confederate Constitution & Presidency are declared permanent. | Ref: 5 |
1862 | * | The Texas Rangers win a Confederate victory in the Battle of Val Verde, New Mexico.
The Texas Rangers win a Confederate victory in the Battle of Val Verde, New Mexico. | Ref: 2 |
1864 | * | Jeffery Forrest US Confederate Brigadier-General, dies in battle. | Ref: 5 |
1864 | * | Battle at Okolonam MS. | Ref: 5 |
1905 | * | The Mukden campaign of the Russo-Japanese War, begins. | Ref: 2 |
1914 | | White Wolf troops attack Zhanjiang China. | Ref: 5 |
1915 | * | 20th Russian Army corps surrenders. | Ref: 5 |
1916 | * | The start of the Battle of Verdun. It lasts until December with no clear victor and 1 million casualties. | Ref: 5 |
1918 | * | Australians chase Turkish troop out of Jericho, Dutch Palestine. | Ref: 5 |
1940 | * | The Germans begin construction of a concentration camp at Auschwitz. | Ref: 2 |
1941 | * | The German battle cruiser Admiral Scheer sinks Canadian merchant ship Canadian Cruiser in the western Indian Ocean. The captain and crew are taken prisoner. | |
1943 | * | German offensive at Western Dorsalgebergte Tunisia. | Ref: 5 |
1944 | * | Hideki Tojo becomes chief of staff of the Japanese army. When the bellicose war minister and most powerful man in Japan, Army General Hideki Tojo, became prime minister in October 1941, there no longer was a chance of avoiding war with Britain and the United States. | Ref: 2 |
1945 | * | Allied forces break through the Siegfried Line in Europe. | |
1945 | * | Archbishop De Jong calls for help with war casualties. | Ref: 5 |
1945 | * | British Army captures Goch. | Ref: 5 |
1945 | * | US 10th Armour division overthrows Orscholz line. | Ref: 5 |
1949 | | Nicaragua and Costa Rica sign a friendship treaty ending hostilities over their borders. | Ref: 2 |
1951 | * | The U. S. Eighth Army launches Operation Killer, a counterattack to push Chinese forces north of the Han River in Korea. | Ref: 2 |
1970 | * | Pathet Lao conquerors Xieng Khuang & Muong Suy. | Ref: 5 |
1987 | | Syrian army marches into Beirut. | Ref: 5 |
1991 | * | USSR announces Iraq agrees to a proposal to end Persian Gulf War US calls the plan unacceptable. | Ref: 5 |
1896 | * | Bob Fitzsimmons KOs Peter Maher in 95 seconds in the first boxing match that was to be filmed. However, the fight was over before the film crew was ready. | Ref: 97 |
1904 | * | The National Ski Association is formed in Ishpeming, MI. | Ref: 4 |
1931 | * | The Dodgers arrive in Cuba to start a series of five inter-squad games. | Ref: 1 |
1931 | * | The White Sox and Giants become the first major league teams to play a night game; the Buffs Stadium (Houston, Texas) exhibition game lasts ten innings with the teams collecting a total of 23 hits. | Ref: 1 |
1942 | | US female Figure Skating championship won by Jane Vaughn. | Ref: 5 |
1942 | | US male Figure Skating championship won by Bobby Specht. | Ref: 5 |
1947 | | Whipper Billy Watson beats Bill Longson, to become wrestling champion. | Ref: 5 |
1948 | * | Six days after its first race was held, NASCAR was officially incorporated as the National Association for Stock Car Racing. | Ref: 3 |
1950 | * | The first International Pancake Race was held in Liberal, Kansas. The annual event, scheduled each year on Shrove Tuesday, pits the women of Liberal against the women of Olney, Bucks, England. Wearing dresses and aprons, their heads covered in scarves, the women run a 415-yard, ‘S’ shaped course. Each woman also carries a pancake in a skillet and must toss the pancake three times. The fastest pancake carrier ran the race in 58.5 seconds in 1975. This record was set by Liberal’s Sheila Turner. | Ref: 4 |
1951 | * | South Carolina House urges "Shoeless Joe" Jackson be reinstated. | Ref: 5 |
1952 | | Dick Button performs first figure skating triple jump in competition. | Ref: 5 |
1953 | * | Pitcher Dizzy Dean and outfielder Al Simmons are elected to the Hall of Fame by the BBWAA, but the Yankee Clipper, Joe DiMaggio, is not. | Ref: 1 |
1953 | * | Longest collegiate basketball game (6 OTs) Niagara beats Siena 88-81. | Ref: 5 |
1957 | * | Dodgers (Ft Worth) & Cubs (Los Angeles) "trade" minor league franchises. | Ref: 5 |
1958 | * | In an effort to fill the void of Dodger and Giant baseball in the Big Apple, the Phillies agree to televise 78 games in the New York City area which is without NL baseball for the first time since the league's inception in 1876. | Ref: 1 |
1960 | * | Stan Musial insists he take a $20,000 pay cut. 'Stan the Man' believes he was overpaid in 1957 and 1958 and his salary should be based on his play last season. | Ref: 1 |
1960 | * | Fay Crocker wins LPGA Lake Worth Golf Open. | Ref: 5 |
1961 | * | Cassius Clay KOs Donnie Fleeman in the 7th round in Miami Beach FL. | Ref: 96 |
1968 | * | An agreement between baseball players and club owners increased the minimum salary for major-league players to $10,000 a year. | Ref: 4 |
1969 | * | Stan Musial and Roy Campanella are selected by the baseball writers to join the elite group of players enshrined in Cooperstown. | Ref: 1 |
1969 | * | Ted Williams signs 5-year contract to manage Washington Senators. | Ref: 5 |
1971 | * | No player receives three-fourths of the necessary votes to be elected into the Hall of Fame with Yogi Berra and Early Wynn coming the closest. | Ref: 1 |
1971 | * | The richest women’s golf event was won by Ruth Jensen. Jensen captured the $60,000 Sears Women’s World Classic. | Ref: 4 |
1973 | * | Chicago Black Hawks, record 262nd NHL game without being shut-out. | Ref: 5 |
1974 | * | Tom Seaver becomes the highest-paid pitcher in baseball history when he signs a contract for $172,000 per season to hurl for the Mets. | Ref: 1 |
1979 | * | Two Iowa girls High School basketball teams play 4 scoreless quarters; the game was won 4-2 in the 4th overtime period. | Ref: 5 |
1980 | * | Hanni Wenzel is first Liechtensteiner to win Olympics gold (giant slalom). | Ref: 5 |
1980 | * | Eric Heiden skates Olympics record 1500 meter in 1 55.44. | Ref: 5 |
1981 | * | Four-time gold glover Cesar Geronimo is traded by the Reds to the Royals for minor leaguer infielder German Barranca. | Ref: 1 |
1982 | * | Beth Daniel wins LPGA Bent Tree Ladies Golf Classic. | Ref: 5 |
1983 | * | Donald Davis runs 1 mile backwards in 6 minutes 7.1 seconds. | Ref: 5 |
1983 | * | NBA San Diego Clippers begin a 29 game road losing streak. | Ref: 5 |
1985 | * | Largest NBA crowd to date 44,970 (Atlanta at Detroit). | Ref: 5 |
1985 | | Evert van Benthem wins 13th Friese 11 city skating race. | Ref: 5 |
1985 | * | Tim Raines is awarded a $12 million salary for 1985 by arbitrator. | Ref: 5 |
1986 | * | In defiance of the Red's policy, Rollie Fingers refuses to cut off his trademark handlebar mustache and will retire from baseball. | Ref: 1 |
1986 | * | Tennis star Jimmy Connors fined $20,000 & suspended for 10 weeks. | Ref: 5 |
1987 | * | Free agent Vida Blue comes to terms with the A's, but will surprise the team next month by announcing his retirement. | Ref: 1 |
1987 | * | Cindy Rarick wins LPGA Tsumura Hawaiian Ladies Golf Open. | Ref: 5 |
1988 | | Gustafson skates world record 10 km (13:48.20). | Ref: 5 |
1989 | * | Pete Rose meets with Commissioner Peter Ueberroth and Commissioner-elect Bart Giamatti to explain the allegations concerning his gambling habits. | Ref: 1 |
1992 | * | Kristi Yamaguchi wins a gold medal in the Olympic figure skating competition at Albertville. Midori Ito of Japan wins silver, Nancy Kerrigan wins bronze. (XDG, p 4A, 2/21/2002) | Ref: 83 |
1993 | * | 43rd NBA All-Star Game West beats East 135-132 (OT) at Salt Lake City. | Ref: 5 |
1993 | * | Sergei Bubka pole vaults world record indoor (6.15 meters). | Ref: 5 |
1995 | * | CFL's Sacramento Gold Miners become San Antonio Texans. | Ref: 5 |
1998 | * | Cup Noodles Hawaiian Ladies Golf Open | Ref: 5 |
2000 | * | Denying the acquisition of Ken Griffey, Jr. as the reason, the Reds announce the team has dropped its ban on earrings. Players have worn them in the clubhouse, but weren't allowed on the field with them. | Ref: 1 |
2001 | * | In an effort to conserve electricity during California's energy crisis, the Angels turn off Edison International Field's Big A and the Little A signs. The landmark beacons, which are usually illuminated 24 hours a day, will be turned on only for stadium events. | Ref: 1 |
1848 | | "The Communist Manifesto", written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, is published in Brussels. | Ref: 3 |
1909 | | John Galsworthy's "Strife" premieres in London. | Ref: 5 |
1910 | | John Galsworthy's "Justice" premieres in London. | Ref: 5 |
1911 | * | Gustav Mahler conducts his last concerto (Berceuse élégique). | Ref: 5 |
1920 | * | Darius Milhaud & Jean Cocteau's ballet, "Le Train Bleu" premieres in Paris. | Ref: 5 |
1922 | * | WHK-AM in Cleveland OH begins radio transmissions. | Ref: 5 |
1923 | * | André Charlot's musical "Rats" premieres in London. | Ref: 5 |
1925 | | The first issue of the New Yorker magazine hits the newsstands. | Ref: 2 |
1927 | * | Franz Lehr's opera "Zarewitsch" premieres. | Ref: 5 |
1930 | * | Marc Connelly's "Green Pastures" premieres in New York NY. | Ref: 5 |
1943 | | Free World Theatre debuted on the Blue network (now ABC radio). The program was produced and directed by Arch Oboler. | Ref: 4 |
1944 | * | "The War As It Happens" news show premieres on NBC (NYC only). | Ref: 5 |
1945 | | The Lion and the Mouse was first broadcast on Brownstone Theatre, which premiered this day on the Mutual Broadcasting System. | Ref: 4 |
1947 | * | First broadcast of 1st US TV soap opera "A Woman to Remember". | Ref: 5 |
1952 | * | Elizabeth Taylor marries her second husband Michael Wilding. | Ref: 24 |
1953 | * | "Maggie" closes at National Theater NYC after 5 performances. | Ref: 5 |
1958 | * | "Portotino" opens at Adelphi Theater NYC for 3 performances. | Ref: 5 |
1961 | | Friedrich Dürrenmatt's "Die Physiker" premieres in Zürich. | Ref: 5 |
1964 | * | UK flies 24,000 rolls of Beatle wallpaper to US. | Ref: 5 |
1970 | * | Jackson 5 make TV debut on "American Bandstand". | Ref: 5 |
1972 | * | The group known as Climax received a gold record for their one and only hit, Precious and Few. The LA-based group was led by Sonny Geraci, formerly of the The Outsiders (of Time Won’t Let Me fame). | Ref: 4 |
1972 | * | Michael Weller's "Moonchildren" premieres in New York NY. | Ref: 5 |
1975 | * | John Lennon's "Rock 'n' Roll" album is released. | Ref: 5 |
1976 | * | "Rockabye Hamlet" closes at Minskoff Theater NYC after 7 performances. | Ref: 5 |
1981 | * | Dolly Parton reached the top spot on the pop music charts with 9 to 5, from the movie of the same name, in which Dolly starred with Lily Tomlin and Jane Fonda. The hit song stayed at #1 for a week, gave way to Eddie Rabbitt’s I Love a Rainy Night and bounced back two weeks later for another week at number one. | Ref: 4 |
1981 | * | REO Speedwagon’s Hi Infidelity was the #1 U.S. album. Hi-Infidelity spent a total of fifteen weeks at number one. The tracks: Don’t Let Him Go, Keep on Loving You, Follow My Heart, In Your Letter, Take It on the Run, Tough Guys, Out of Season, Shakin’ It Loose, Someone Tonight, I Wish You Were There. | Ref: 4 |
1982 | * | "Little Me" closes at Eugene O'Neill Theater NYC after 36 performances. | Ref: 5 |
1984 | | The Toy Manufacturers of America met in New York City to show the top toys of the year. They included: Menudo, Michael Jackson (accessories sold separately), Mr. T. and Judy Garland from The Wizard of Oz. | Ref: 4 |
1988 | * | Actor Dudley Moore marries actress Brogan Lane. | Ref: 5 |
1990 | * | 32nd Grammy Awards Wind Beneath My Wings, Nick of Time win. | Ref: 5 |
1991 | * | Neil Simon's "Lost in Yonkers" premieres at Richard Rodgers Theater in New York NY for 780 performances. | Ref: 5 |
1997 | | "Empire Strikes Back, special edition" premieres. | Ref: 5 |
2001 | * | The Wilberforce University Choir announces that it will be traveling on March 6th to perform with musician Ray Charles in his California studio. (XDG, p 1, 2/21/2000) | Ref: 83 |
1417 | * | Louis IX Duke of Bayern (University of Ingolstadt), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1484 | | Joachim I Nestor elector (Brandenburg, Constitution), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1556 | * | Sethus Calvisius composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1674 | * | Johann Augustin Kobelius composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1684 | * | Justus van Effen writer/founder (Holland Spectator), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1690 | * | Christoph Stoltzenberg composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1710 | * | Willem van Haren Frisian nobleman/poet (Human Life), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1728 | * | Peter III Kiel Germany, Russian tsar (1761-62), husband of Catherine, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1730 | * | Charles L Fournier Flemish writer/painter, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1744 | * | Eise J Eisinga Frisia, built planetarium Franeker, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1776 | * | Vincenzo Lavigna composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1779 | | Friedrich C von Savigny German lawyer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1785 | * | Karl A Varnhagen von Ense German officer/author (Die Sterner), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1794 | * | Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, best known as the Mexican General who commanded the forces against the Alamo, also President of México (1833-36), is born. | Ref: 2 |
1795 | * | Francisco Manuel da Silva composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1800 | * | John Henry Winder, Brigadier General (Confederate Army), died in 1865, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1801 | * | John Henry Newman, England, Roman Catholic cardinal/churchman/author (Dream of Gerontius), is born. | Ref: 17 |
1801 | * | Johann Wenzel Kalliwoda composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1802 | * | George Douglas Ramsey Bvt Major General (Union Army), died in 1882, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1805 | * | David Tod US diplomat/(Governor-R-OH, 1861-63), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1814 | * | Nicolo Gabrielli composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1815 | * | Ernest Meissonier French painter/sculptor, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1817 | * | José Zorrilla y Moral Vallodolid Spain, poet/dramatist (El rey Loco), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1821 | * | Charles Scribner US, music publisher (Scribner Catalog), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1823 | * | Pierre Laffitte, French philosopher | Ref: 70 |
1829 | * | Johnson Hagood Brigadier General (Confederate Army), died in 1898, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1831 | * | Eduard Rappoldi composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1836 | * | Léo Delibes Saint-Germain-du-Val France, ballet composer (Coppélia), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1836 | * | Clement-Philibert-Leo Delibes composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1836 | * | Emil Hartmann composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1837 | * | Rosalía de Castro Spanish writer (Canteres Gallegos, Follas Novas), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1838 | * | Alexis De Rochon, developed spyglass, is born. | Ref: 62 |
1844 | * | Charles-Marie Widor Lyons France, composer/professor (Paris Conservatory), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1852 | * | [James] Burner Matthews US playwright/critic (New York Times), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1855 | * | Alice (Elvira Freeman) Palmer educator, administrator: president of Wellesley College [1882], member of Massachusetts Board of Education [1889], first dean of women: University of Chicago [1892], helped organize American Association of University Women; is born. | Ref: 4 |
1856 | * | Hendrik P Berlage architect (Stock exchange Amsterdam), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1857 | * | Jules de Trooz baron/premier of Belgium (1907), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1861 | * | Pierre Breville composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1867 | * | Otto Hermann Kahn Banker, organized Metropolitan Opera Company, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1875 | * | Jeanne Louise Calment France, world's oldest woman (died at 122), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1876 | * | Constantin Brancusi Romanian/French sculptor (Princesse X), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1877 | * | Jacob D du Toit [Totius] South African poet/theologist, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1878 | * | Fritz Cortolezis composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1880 | * | Frank Orth Philadelphia PA, actor (Boston Blackie, The Brothers), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1881 | * | -Savilly Tartakower Austrian/Polish/French chess player, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1885 | * | Sacha Guitry France, actor/playwright (Story of a Cheat), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1887 | * | -Savielly [Xavier] G Tartakower Austrian/Polish/French chess player, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1888 | * | Florence Bates Texas, actress (Moon & Sixpence, Love Crazy, San Antonio), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1888 | * | Willem Banning Dutch theologist/sociologist (Religious Build Up), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1889 | * | Felix Aylmer actor (Anastasia, Hamlet, Iron Duke, Macbeth, St Joan), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1892 | * | Harry Stack Sullivan, American psychiatrist and teacher | Ref: 70 |
1893 | * | Andrés Segovia Linares Spain, classical guitarist, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1893 | * | Vsevolod Pudovkin Soviet film director/theorist (Mother, Deserter), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1896 | * | Sylvain Poons Dutch cabaret performer (Blue Jackets), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1897 | * | Celia Lovsky Vienna Austria, actress (Airport, Harlow, T'Pau-Star Trek), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1898 | * | Vassily Vainonen Russian ballet dancers/choreographer (Gayaneh), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1900 | * | Madeleine Renaud French actress/theater director (Plaisir), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1900 | * | Sydney Arnold English comic/actor (Miss Jones & Son), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1902 | * | Arthur D Nock English/US historian (St Paul), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1902 | * | Bob [Hijman] Scholte Dutch vocalist, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1902 | | John Smallenbroek Dutch minister of Internal Affairs, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1903 | * | Anaïs Nin Paris, novelist (Winter of Artifice, House of Incense), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1903 | * | Thomas Yawkey baseball owner (Boston Red Sox), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1903 | * | Eric Fogg composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1903 | * | Madeleine Renaud Paris France, actress (Helene, Longest Day), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1903 | * | Raymond Queneau [M Presle], French author (Un Enfant a Dit), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1904 | * | Armand Preud'homme Flemish organist/poet, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1907 | * | W.H. (Wystan Hugh) Auden Pulitzer Prize-winning US poet: The Age of Anxiety [1948]; Poems, The Orators, an English Study, The Dog Beneath the Skin, Look, Stranger!, The Double Man, Nones, Enchafed Flood, Forewords and Afterwords, Thanksgiving for a Habitat; Bollingen Poetry Prize [1954]; National Medal for Literature [1967]; is born. | Ref: 17 |
1909 | * | George G F van Renesse Dutch pianist/music director, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1909 | * | Hans Erni Switzerland, painter/sculptor, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1909 | * | Helen O Dickens [Henderson], US physician/gynaecologist, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1910 | * | Douglas R S Bader British pilot (WWII), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1912 | * | Arline Judge actress (Girls in Chains, Mad Wednesday, Age of Consent), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1912 | * | Nikita Magaloff Russian/Swiss pianist (Arkadia 598-Schubert), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1912 | * | Patrick Murphy English multi-millionaire, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1913 | * | Glenn M Anderson (Representative-D-CA, 1969- ), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1914 | * | Arnold S Denker New York, US chess champion (1944-46), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1914 | * | Hermanus P "Piet" Mulder Dutch journalist (Parool/VARA), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1915 | * | Ann (Clara Lou) Sheridan, Denton TX, actress (Dodge City, Good Sam, Another World), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1915 | * | Godfrey Brown England, 4 X 400 meter runner (Olympics-gold-1936), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1917 | * | Victor G M Marijnen Dutch premier (1963-65), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1920 | * | Robert S. Johnson, American World War II fighter ace who shot down 27 German planes, is born. | Ref: 2 |
1921 | * | Albert Axelrod fencing: Olympic bronze medalist: [Rome, 1960, Individual Foil]; Olympic participant: 1952, 1956, 1960, 1964, 1968; editor/editor emeritus: American Fencing magazine, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1922 | * | Murray "the K" Kaufman NYC DJ (5th Beatle), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1922 | * | Uros Krek composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1923 | * | Zvi Zeitlin Dubrovnik Yugoslavia, violinist/professor (Eastman School), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1923 | * | Lola Flores entertainer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1923 | * | Lucille Bremer dancer/actress (Ruthless, Ziegfeld Follies), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1924 | * | Robert G Mugabe Premier/President of Zimbabwe, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1925 | * | (Dr.) Jack (John T.) Ramsay National Basketball Association Hall of Fame coach: Philadelphia 76ers, Indiana Pacers; NBA broadcast analyst: ESPN | Ref: 4 |
1925 | * | Al Fann Cleveland OH, actor (Alvin-He's the Mayor), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1925 | * | Sam Peckinpah Fresno CA, film director (The Wild Bunch, Straw Dogs), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1926 | * | Hans Andreus [Johan W van der Zant], Dutch poet (Animal Language), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1927 | * | Erma Bombeck (Fiste), American syndicated columnist whose column "At Wit's End" humorously dealt with life as a wife and mother, is born in Dayton OH. | Ref: 2 |
1927 | * | Hubert de Givenchy, fashion designer: furnished Hollywood/society stars [beginning in 1953]: Audrey Hepburn wore his fashions in Sabrina, Funny Face, Love in the Afternoon, Charade, Breakfast at Tiffany’s; Jackie and family dressed in Givenchy clothes at JFK funeral, is born in Beauvais France. | Ref: 4 |
1927 | * | Patricia Benoit, Ft Worth TX, actress (As The World Turns, Nancy-Mr Peepers), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1927 | * | Pierre Mercure composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1930 | | Elizabeth Adams madame, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1931 | * | Larry Hagman TV actor (I Dream of Jeannie, Dallas), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1932 | * | Harald V King of Norway (1991- ), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1933 | * | Nina Simone [Eunice Waymon], Tyron NC, singer/pianist ("I Loves You Porgy"), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1935 | * | Mark McManus actor (Taggart, Nightstick, 2000 Weeks, 12th Night), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1936 | * | Rue McClanahan Healdton OK, actress (Maude, Golden Girls), is born. | Ref: 68 |
1936 | * | Barbara Jordan Houston TX, (Representative-D-TX, 1972-78), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1937 | * | Ron Clarke Australian distance runner: 17 world records from 2 miles to 20,000 meters [1963-1970], is born. | Ref: 4 |
1937 | * | Gary Lockwood (Yusolfsky), Van Nuys CA, actor (2001, Survival Zone, Lieutenant), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1937 | | -Jilly Cooper is born. | Ref: 10 |
1938 | * | Ernie McMillan football: Univ. of Illinois, Green Bay Packers, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1938 | * | Beryl F Anthony Jr (Representative-D-CA, 1979- ), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1939 | * | Richard Beymer, Avoca IA, actor (West Side Story, Diary of Anne Frank), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1939 | * | Ron Nagle rock producer (Riding with the King), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1940 | * | Peter Gethin auto racer: first English driver to win Tasman series, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1940 | * | Peter McEnery England, actor (Game is Over, Moonspinners), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1940 | * | John Lewis (Representative-D-GA), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1941 | * | Charlie Shelburne English earl/large landowner, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1942 | * | Margarethe Von Trotta Berlin Germany, actress/director (Marianne), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1943 | * | Jack (John Eugene) Billingham baseball: pitcher: LA Dodgers, Houston Astros, Cincinnati Reds [World Series: 1972, 1975, 1976/all-star: 1973], Detroit Tigers, Boston Red Sox, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1943 | * | David Geffen Tony Award-winning producer: Cats [1983], M Butterfly [1988]; Miss Saigon, Beetlejuice, Risky Business; record executive: Geffen Records; partner in Dreamworks film production company with Jeffrey Katzenberg, Steven Spielberg, is born in Brooklyn NY. | Ref: 4 |
1943 | * | Duncan Swift jazz pianist, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1943 | * | Roberto Faenza director (Cop Killers, Corrupt), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1944 | * | Kitty Winn, Washington DC, actress (Beacon Hill), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1944 | * | Herman de Coninck Flemish writer/poet (Impossible Work), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1944 | * | (Ellen) Tyne Daly Madison WI, actress (Cagney & Lacey, Angel Unchained), is born. | Ref: 17 |
1945 | * | Danny Grant hockey: NHL: Montreal Canadiens, Minnesota North Stars [NHL’s Calder Trophy: 1969], Detroit Red Wings, LA Kings, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1945 | * | Paul Newton rock bassist, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1946 | * | Alan Rickman actor (Robin Hood Prince of Thieves), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1946 | * | Tricia Nixon (Cox) daughter of 37th U.S. President Richard M. Nixon, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1947 | * | Olympia J Snowe (Representative-R-ME, 1979- ), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1948 | * | Larry Ragland Richmond VA, comedian (Keep on Truckin'), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1949 | * | Jerry Harrison Milwaukee WI, rock keyboardist (Talking Heads-And She Was), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1951 | * | Bill Olds football: Univ. of Nebraska, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1951 | * | Michael Cotten rock synthesizer (Tubes), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1951 | * | Vince Welnick rock keyboardist (Tubes), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1952 | * | Jean-Jacques Brunel rock bassist (Stranglers-Dreamtime), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1953 | * | Ken Huff football: Washington Redskins guard: Super Bowl XVIII, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1953 | * | Jim Pietrzak football: Univ. of Michigan, NY Giants, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1953 | * | Christine Ebersole Park Forest IL, actress (Saturday Night Live, Barbara-Valerie, My Favorite Martian, Tootsie), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1953 | * | William L Petersen actor (Return to Lonesome Dove), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1954 | * | Ivo van Damme Belgium, 800/1500 meter dash (Olympics-silver-1976), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1955 | * | Kelsey Grammer St Thomas Virgin Islands, actor (Fraiser Crane-Cheers/Fraiser), is born. | Ref: 68 |
1956 | * | Woody Brown Dayton OH, actor (Cliff-Facts of Life, Flamingo Road, Dominion), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1958 | * | Jack Coleman Easton PA, actor (Steven Carrington-Dynasty), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1958 | * | Jake Steinfeld exercise expert (Body by Jake), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1958 | * | Alan Trammell Garden Grove CA, infielder (Detroit Tigers), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1958 | * | Mary Chapin Carpenter Grammy Award-winning singer: LP: Stones in the Road [1994], Shut Up and Kiss Me [1994], Passionate Kisses [1993], I Feel Lucky [1992], Down at the Twist and Shout [1991]; He Thinks He’ll Keep Her, LP: Hometown Girl; musician: guitar, songwriter: Girls with Guitars, co-wrote: Sally’s Pigeon; daughter of Life magazine executive Chapin Carpenter, is born in Princeton NJ. | Ref: 4 |
1961 | * | Christopher Atkins Rye NY, actor (Peter-Dallas, Blue Lagoon), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1961 | * | Ranking Roger rock vocalist (English Beat-Drowning), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1961 | * | Yobes Ondieki Kenya, 10K runner (world record), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1963 | * | William Baldwin actor: The Preppie Murder, Backdraft, Bulworth, Virus: Ghost in the Machine, Primary Suspect; brother of actors Alec, Daniel and Stephen Baldwin, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1963 | * | Greg Turner Dunedin New Zealand, Australasia golfer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1963 | * | Michael Gostigian Newtown Square PA, pentathlete (Olympics-16th-88, 92, 96), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1964 | * | Alana Soares Redondo Beach CA, playmate (March 1983), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1964 | * | Mark E Kelly Orange NJ, Lieutenant USN/astronaut, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1964 | * | Scott J Kelly Orange NJ, Lieutenant USN/astronaut, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1964 | * | Willie Pless CFL linebacker (Edmonton Eskimos), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1965 | * | Jayson Meyer Regina Saskatchewan, hockey defenseman (Team Germany), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1966 | * | Bronwen Booth London, actress (Andy-One Life to Live, Glory & Honor), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1966 | * | Chris Donnels US baseball infielder (Houston Astros), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1966 | * | Edie Boyer St Paul MN, discus thrower, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1966 | * | Tommy Hendricks rocker, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1966 | * | Wendy James London England, vocalist (Transvision Vamp-Velveteen), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1967 | * | Bas Roorda Dutch soccer player (FC Groningen, NEC), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1967 | * | Leroy Russel Burrell Philadelphia PA, long jumper (Olympics-96), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1967 | * | Patrick Lodewijks Dutch soccer player (PSV, FC Groningen), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1968 | * | Todd Ferich computer language expert, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1968 | * | Pellom McDaniels NFL defensive end (Kansas City Chiefs), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1968 | * | Terry Allen NFL running back (Minnesota Vikings, Washington Redskins), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1969 | * | Dean Noel CFL full back (Hamilton Tiger Cats), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1969 | * | Petra Kronberger Austrian alpine skier (Olympics-gold-1992), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1970 | * | Javier De La Hoya Mexican/US baseball pitcher (Florida Marlins), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1970 | * | Marc Woodard NFL linebacker (Philadelphia Eagles), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1970 | * | Patrick Pilloni hockey forward (Team Austria 1998), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1970 | * | Will Moore NFL wide receiver (New England Patriots, Jacksonville Jaguars), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1971 | * | Arco Jochemsen Dutch soccer player (SVDB, Vitesse), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1971 | * | Jeff Schmidt US baseball pitcher (California Angels), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1971 | * | Jey Phillips WLAF safety (Amsterdam Admirals), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1971 | * | Jose Solano actor (Baywatch), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1971 | * | Terry Mickens NFL wide receiver (Green Bay Packers-Superbowl 31), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1972 | * | Karl DeWolf hockey defenseman (Team France 1998), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1973 | * | Brian Rolston Flint, NHL left wing (Olympics-1994, New Jersey Devils), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1973 | * | Les Gutches Medford OR, 180½ lbs freestyle wrestler (Olympics-1996), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1974 | * | Alexei Lojkin NHL forward (Belarus, Olympics-98), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1974 | * | Rohsaan Griffin Texas City TX, 200 meter runner, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1975 | * | Troy Slaten actor (Jerry-Parker Lewis Can't Lose), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1975 | * | Scott Miller Sydney New South Wales Australia, swimmer (Olympics-silver-96), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1976 | * | Robin Confer soccer forward (Olympics-96), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1976 | * | Ryan Smyth Banff, NHL left wing (Edmonton Oilers), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1979 | * | Jennifer Love Hewitt Waco TX, actress (Party of Five, Time of Your Life, The Audrey Hepburn Story, I Know What You Did Last Summer), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1986 | * | Charlotte Church singer: LPs: Voice of an Angel, Charlotte Church, Dream a Dream, Enchantment, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1986 | * | Amedeo Belgium, son of princess Astrid/arch duke Lorenz | Ref: 5 |
556 | * | Maximianus van Ravenna bishop (Basilica S Stefano), dies. | Ref: 5 |
1109 | * | Death of Anselm of Canterbury, 76, priest and theologian. Best remembered for his 1099 classic, "Cur Deus Homo" ("Why God Became Man"), Anselm is regarded as the most original thinker in the Catholic Church since Augustine. His most often quoted saying was: 'I believe, in order that I may understand.'. | Ref: 5 |
1513 | * | Julius II [Giuliano dellea Rovere], Roman Catholic Pope (1503-13), dies at 69. | Ref: 69 |
1554 | * | Hieronymus Bock German doctor (founder of modern botany), dies. | Ref: 5 |
1595 | * | The Jesuit poet Robert Southwell is hanged for "treason" being a Catholic. | Ref: 2 |
1624 | * | Dirck van Baburen Dutch painter (Sepulture), dies at about 28. | Ref: 5 |
1648 | * | Christian IV king of Denmark/Norway, dies. | Ref: 5 |
1653 | | Adriaen Pauw master of Heemstede/Dutch Grand Pensionary, dies at 71. | Ref: 5 |
1677 | * | [Benedictus] Baruch Spinoza, Dutch philosopher, dies at 44. | Ref: 5 |
1684 | | Pieter van den Abeelen Dutch jeweller, dies at about 75. | Ref: 5 |
1689 | | Isaacus Vossius Dutch [Isaac Vos], librarian, dies. | Ref: 5 |
1711 | | Joan van Hoorn Governor-General of Netherlands-Indies (1707-09), dies at 57. | Ref: 5 |
1730 | * | Benedict XIII [Pietro F Orsini], Pope (1724-30), dies at 81. | Ref: 5 |
1741 | | Jethro Tull dies. | Ref: 10 |
1790 | * | Johann Friedrich Kloffler composer, dies at 64. | Ref: 5 |
1803 | * | Edward Despard is executed. He is the last person to be drawn & quartered in England. | Ref: 5 |
1821 | * | John Keats, the poet, dies. | Ref: 4 |
1842 | * | Wojciech Zywny composer, dies at 85. | Ref: 5 |
1852 | * | Nikolay Gogol, Ukrainian-born Russian humorist, dramatist and novelist, dies at age 42. | Ref: 70 |
1862 | * | Justinus A C Kerner German family doctor/poet/writer, dies at 75. | Ref: 5 |
1862 | | Nathaniel Gordon hanged | Ref: 10 |
1872 | * | Pavel P Gagarin Russian monarch/politician, dies at 82. | Ref: 5 |
1876 | * | Henry John Gauntlett composer, dies at 70. | Ref: 5 |
1879 | * | Peter P van Bosse Dutch liberal minister of Finance, dies at 69. | Ref: 5 |
1884 | * | John Pike Hullah composer, dies at 71. | Ref: 5 |
1894 | * | Gustave Caillebotte French shipbuilding designer/painter, dies at 45. | Ref: 5 |
1907 | * | SS Berlin sinks off Hoek van Holland Netherlands (142 dead). | Ref: 5 |
1917 | * | British Mendi sinks off Isle of Wight, 627 die. | Ref: 5 |
1917 | * | Train near Chirurcha Romania catches fire & explodes; 100s die. | Ref: 5 |
1918 | * | Extinction of Carolina parakeet; last green and yellow bird named Incas dies at Cincinnati Zoo. | Ref: 10 |
1919 | * | Mary Edwards Walker physician, women’s right leader: first female surgeon in U.S. Army; first woman to receive U.S. Congressional Medal of Honor; dies. | Ref: 4 |
1919 | * | Giovanni Bolzoni composer, dies at 77. | Ref: 5 |
1919 | * | Habib Ullah Chan emir of Afghanistam (1901-19), is murdered at age 46. | Ref: 5 |
1919 | * | Karl von Hohenzollern Prince of Belgium, dies. | Ref: 5 |
1919 | * | Kurt Eisner, premier Bayern (socialist), murdered at 51. | Ref: 5 |
1924 | * | Salvatore Auteri Manzocchi composer, dies at 78. | Ref: 5 |
1925 | * | Alfred Baldwin Sloan composer, dies at 52. | Ref: 5 |
1926 | * | Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, Dutch physicist (Nobel 1913), dies at 72. | Ref: 5 |
1934 | * | -Nicaraguan patriot Augusto Cesar Sandino assassinated by National Guard. | Ref: 5 |
1938 | * | Albert Huybrechts composer, dies at 39. | Ref: 5 |
1938 | * | George Ellery Hale, American astronomer, dies. | Ref: 17 |
1945 | * | Death of Eric Liddell, 43, Scottish Olympic champion runner (gold-1924). Later a missionary to China, Liddell was captured by the Japanese during WWII and died of a brain tumor while still imprisoned. (His college running days were portrayed in the 1981 British film, "Chariots of Fire."). | Ref: 5 |
1948 | * | Frederick Archibald Lamond composer, dies at 80. | Ref: 5 |
1949 | * | Ernest Walker composer, dies at 78. | Ref: 5 |
1951 | * | Anton Roemer Dutch actor (Gay Death), dies at 63. | Ref: 5 |
1956 | * | Edwin Franko Goldman composer, dies at 78. | Ref: 5 |
1961 | * | Blaise Cendrars [Frédéric Sauser-Hall], Switzerland, poet, dies at 73. | Ref: 5 |
1965 | * | Malcolm X [Little], black nationalist and founder of the Organization of Afro-American Unity, is shot to death in Harlem in front of 400 people, at age 39. It is believed his assailants are Black Muslims, a faith that Malcolm had recently abandoned. Ref | |
1968 | * | Anthony Asquith British director (Court Martial), dies at 65. | Ref: 5 |
1969 | * | José de Capriles Mexican-born US Olympics fencer, dies. | Ref: 5 |
1971 | * | Adolph Weiss composer, dies at 79. | Ref: 5 |
1971 | * | Series of tornadoes cuts through Mississippi & Louisiana killing 117. | Ref: 5 |
1973 | * | Israeli fighter planes shot down a Libyan Airlines jet over the Sinai Desert, killing more than 100 people. | Ref: 70 |
1973 | | Israeli fighter jets mistakenly shoot down Libyan passenger airliner;all 106 aboard killed | Ref: 10 |
1974 | * | Tim Horton hockey: NHL: Toronto Maple Leafs, NY Rangers, Pittsburgh Penguins, Buffalo Sabres; is killed in car crash. | Ref: 4 |
1976 | * | Frieda Inescort Scottish actress (Meet Corliss Archer), dies at 74. | Ref: 5 |
1979 | * | Ray Whitley composer, dies. | Ref: 5 |
1980 | * | Chester H Lauck actor (2 Weeks to Live, Goin' to Town), dies at 78. | Ref: 5 |
1982 | * | Legendary disc jockey Murray The K died in Los Angeles. Often referred to as ‘The Fifth Beatle’, Murray succumbed to cancer. He had been one of rock radio’s leading jocks and a big New York City radio personality for many years. | Ref: 4 |
1984 | * | Mikhail Sholokhov USSR, writer (And Quiet Flows the Don, Nobel 1965), dies at age 78. | Ref: 70 |
1985 | * | Louis Hayward actor (Lone Wolf, Survivors), dies of lung cancer at 75. | Ref: 5 |
1985 | * | Eric Herfst Dutch cabaret performer (Floris), dies at 47. | Ref: 5 |
1985 | * | Ina Claire actress/comedienne (3 Broadway Girls), dies of stroke at 92. | Ref: 5 |
1986 | * | Larry Wu-tai Chin, the first American found guilty of spying for China, killed himself in his Virginia jail cell. | Ref: 6 |
1986 | * | Novelist ("Ohio Town", "Herbs & Apples" & "The Fierce Dispute) and Xenia OH resident Helen Hooven Santmeyer dies. (XDG, p 3B, 9/30/2003) | Ref: 83 |
1987 | * | Joan Greenwood actress: Little Dorritt series, The Hound of the Baskervilles, Tom Jones, Importance of Being Earnest, Kind Hearts and Coronets, Frenzy; dies. | Ref: 4 |
1987 | * | Andy Warhol (Warhola) filmmaker, pop artist: Campbell Soup; “In the future everyone will be world famous for 15 minutes.”; dies. | Ref: 4 |
1991 | * | Roger Swaybill actor/writer (Porky's II, Breaking Point), dies at 47. | Ref: 5 |
1991 | * | Dame Margot Fonteyn ballet dancer: Sadler Wells Company; danced with Rudolph Nureyev, dies of cancer at age 71. | Ref: 4 |
1992 | * | Eva A Jessye US singer/actress (Eva Jessye Choir), dies at 97. | Ref: 5 |
1992 | * | Franc Holden British astronomer (Binary Stars), dies. | Ref: 5 |
1992 | * | Jane Pickens Langley Hoving singer, dies at 83. | Ref: 5 |
1992 | * | Kate A ter Horst-Arriëns Dutch nurse (Battle of Arnhem), dies at 85. | Ref: 5 |
1992 | | Roberto D'Aubuisson El Salvadorian founder (ARENA), dies. | Ref: 5 |
1992 | * | William S Magginetti dies at 98. | Ref: 5 |
1993 | * | Harvey Kurtzman cartoonist; founder of Mad magazine; dies. | Ref: 4 |
1994 | * | Frederick Edward Nicklin architect, dies at 68. | Ref: 5 |
1994 | * | William Elgin Swinton child Psychiatrist, dies at 54. | Ref: 5 |
1995 | * | Robert Bolt British playwright (Doctor Zhivago, Bounty), dies at 70. | Ref: 5 |
1996 | * | Horace Leonard Gold science fiction writer/editor, dies at 81. | Ref: 5 |
1996 | * | Jean Burroughs educationalist, dies at 67. | Ref: 5 |
1996 | * | Terence Edward Armstrong polar geographer, dies at 75. | Ref: 5 |
1996 | * | Morton Gould Pulitzer Prize-winning composer: Stringmusic [1995]; Fall River Legend, Billion Dollar Baby; film score: Delightfully Dangerous; dies. | Ref: 4 |
1997 | * | Kenneth Rowntree painter, dies at 81. | Ref: 5 |
1997 | * | Michael Hollings catholic priest/crusader, dies at 75 | Ref: 5 |
1999 | * | Gertrude Belle Elion New York City NY, biochemist/drug researcher (Nobel 1988), dies at age 81. | Ref: 70 |
2002 | * | John Thaw, actor, dies in London England at age 60. (TWA, 2003). | Ref: 95 |
2002 | * | The State Department declared that Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl was dead, a month after he'd been abducted by Islamic extremists in Pakistan. | Ref: 70 |