-721 | * | -BC- First recorded lunar eclipse in Babylon as described by Roman historian Ptolemy. | Ref: 10 |
1227 | * | Count Ugolino de' Conti is elected Pope Gregory IX. | Ref: 5 |
1452 | * | Frederick III of Hapsburg crowned Roman German Emperor. | Ref: 5 |
1497 | * | Portuguese royal court revokes order to expell Jews; force conversion to Christianity of thousands. | Ref: 10 |
1540 | | Court of Holland names Amsterdam sheriff John Hubrechtsz a "heretic". | Ref: 5 |
1628 | * | Massachusetts colony founded by Englishmen. | Ref: 5 |
1641 | * | A General Court ended which declared the Colony of Rhode Island a democracy. The Court also adopted a constitution granting religious freedom to all its citizens. | Ref: 5 |
1682 | * | Nationally Council accept independence of French church. | Ref: 5 |
1692 | * | (Salem Witch Trials) Abigail Williams denounces Rebecca Nurse as a witch. A warrant is issued for Martha Corey's arrest. | Ref: 21 |
1748 | * | English Naturalization Act passes granting Jews right to colonize US. | Ref: 5 |
1775 | | Poland & Prussia sign trade agreement. | Ref: 5 |
1776 | * | The first year "the swallows returned to Capistrano". This is St. Joseph’s Day, the day that the swallows traditionally return to the Mission San Juan Capistrano in California. Every March 19th since 1776, with very few exceptions, the birds come back to usher in spring in this Southern California seaside town. | Ref: 4 |
1778 | * | First record of swallows returning to Capistrano. | Ref: 10 |
1779 | * | The Shawnee are split into two tribes forever. Approximately two-thirds or nearly 4000 under chiefs Black Stump, Red Eagle, Ki-kusgow-lowa, Red Snake and Yellow Hawk will migrate to a Spanish grant of 25 square miles on Sugar Creek near Cape Girardeau in Missouri. Blue Jacket, among others, remains and forms a new sub-group (sept) at the present site of Bellafontaine OH. | Ref: 57 |
1796 | * | Freedom of the press comes to France. | Ref: 10 |
1822 | * | Boston MA incorporated as a city. | Ref: 5 |
1831 | * | The first bank robbery in America was reported. The City Bank of New York City lost $245,000 in the heist. | Ref: 4 |
1885 | * | Louis Riel returns to Canada, proclaims provisional government, Saskatchewan. | Ref: 5 |
1895 | * | Los Angeles Railway established to provide streetcar service. | Ref: 5 |
1903 | * | The U.S. Senate ratifies the Cuban treaty, gaining naval bases in Guantanamo and Bahia Honda. | Ref: 2 |
1906 | * | (Shipp) Parden and Hutchins celebrate their victory. About 8:00 p. m., a group of men carrying guns approach the jail where Ed Johnson is being held. The mob begins an attack on the jail. They batter their way through one door after another until they get into Johnson's cell. Johnson closes his eyes and recites the 23rd Psalm. At 11:20, the thugs finally get to Johnson, throw a rope over his neck and march him outside to the cheers of the mob. Johnson is paraded six blocks to the Walnut Street Bridge. His last words before he is swung by rope over the Tennessee River are "God bless you all. I am innocent." | Ref: 87 |
1907 | * | 18.8 cm precipitation at Lewer's Ranch NV (state record). | Ref: 5 |
1914 | * | The cornerstone of the Xenia (Ohio) post office building is laid. (from a postcard discovered in the Greene County Room in the Xenia branch of the Greene County Library) | |
1916 | * | The First Aerosquadron takes off from Columbus, NM to join Gen. John J. Pershing and his Punitive Expedition against Pancho Villa in Mexico. | Ref: 2 |
1917 | * | The Adamson Act, eight hour day for railroad workers, is ruled constitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court. | Ref: 2 |
1918 | * | Standard time in time zones is established in U.S. law by the Standard Time Act of 1918 Ref. | |
1919 | * | Congress authorizes Daylight Savings Time. | Ref: 2 |
1920 | * | The U.S. Senate rejects the Treaty of Versailles for the second time, 49-35, failing the necessary two-thirds majority for passage. (Columbus Dispatch, 03/19/2000, p. 9D) | Ref: 25 |
1925 | * | Angelo G Roncalli (Pope John XXIII) becomes a bishop. | Ref: 5 |
1927 | * | Bloody battles between communists & Nazis in Berlin. | Ref: 5 |
1931 | * | State of Nevada legalizes gambling to ease hard times of the Great Depression. | Ref: 5 |
1932 | | Sydney (Australia) Harbour Bridge opens. | Ref: 10 |
1936 | * | The Soviet Union signs a pact of assistance with Mongolia against Japan. | Ref: 2 |
1937 | * | Pius XI declared in the encyclical "Divini redemptoris": 'There would be neither Socialism nor Communism today if the rulers of the nations had not scorned the teachings and material warnings of the Church.'. | Ref: 5 |
1940 | * | French government of Daladier, falls. | Ref: 5 |
1946 | * | French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique & Reunion become overseas departments. | Ref: 5 |
1946 | * | Nicolai Schwernik succeeds Kalinin as President of USSR. | Ref: 5 |
1947 | * | Belgian government of Spaak, forms. | Ref: 5 |
1949 | | The Soviet People's Council signs the constitution of the German Democratic Republic, and declares that the North Atlantic Treaty is merely a war weapon. | Ref: 2 |
1949 | * | The American Museum of Atomic Energy opens in Oak Ridge, TN. | Ref: 4 |
1962 | * | Archbishop Suenens of Mechelen-Brussels appointed cardinal. | Ref: 5 |
1963 | * | In Costa Rica, President John F. Kennedy and six Latin American presidents pledge to fight Communism. | Ref: 2 |
1965 | * | Chivu Stoica becomes President of the Council of Romanian People's Republic & Nicolae Ceausescu appointed first Secretary of Romanian communist party. | Ref: 5 |
1965 | | Indonesia nationalizes all foreign oil companies. | Ref: 5 |
1966 | | Belgium government of Vanden Boeynants begins. | Ref: 5 |
1967 | * | French Somaliland (Djibouti) votes to continue association with France. | Ref: 5 |
1968 | * | Howard University students seize administration building. | Ref: 5 |
1969 | * | (Chicago 7) Chicago 8 indicted in aftermath of Chicago Democratic convention. | Ref: 5 |
1970 | * | (Mississippi Burning) After exhausting their appeals, the seven convicted men enter federal prisons. | Ref: 87 |
1970 | | West German Chancellor Willy Brandt & East German Premier Willi Stoph meet. | Ref: 5 |
1972 | | India & Bangladesh sign friendship treaty. | Ref: 5 |
1973 | * | Dean tells Nixon, "There is a cancer growing on the Presidency". | Ref: 5 |
1976 | * | Buckingham Palace announced the separation of Princess Margaret and her husband, the Earl of Snowdon, after 16 years of marriage. | Ref: 5 |
1977 | * | France performs nuclear test at Muruora Island. | Ref: 5 |
1978 | * | 50,000 demonstrate in Amsterdam against neutron bomb. | Ref: 5 |
1984 | * | John J O'Connor named 8th archbishop of New York. | Ref: 5 |
1984 | | Mobil oil tanker spills 200,000 gallons into Columbia River. | Ref: 5 |
1985 | * | Senate votes 55-45, to authorize production of the MX missile. | Ref: 5 |
1985 | * | The American Broadcasting Company (ABC) announced plans to merge with Capital Cities Communications to form Cap Cities/ABC. The $3.5 billion merger was the 11th largest corporate merger in U.S. history. | Ref: 4 |
1987 | * | Fred Currey acquires Greyhound Bus Company. | Ref: 5 |
1987 | * | Hassanali inaugurated as President of Trinidad & Tobago. | Ref: 5 |
1987 | * | Jim Bakker, 48, stepped down as head of the PTL ministry amid disclosures of a 1980 sexual liaison with church secretary Jessica Hahn. | Ref: 5 |
1989 | * | The B-2 stealth bomber makes its inaugural flight. | |
1989 | * | Boeing V-22 Osprey VTOL aircraft makes maiden flight. | Ref: 5 |
1990 | | Latvia's political opposition claimed victory in the republic's first free elections in 50 years. | Ref: 70 |
1992 | * | British Prince Andrew & Princess Sarah Ferguson announce separation. | Ref: 5 |
1993 | * | Supreme Court Justice Byron R White announced plans to retire. | Ref: 5 |
1994 | * | 2500 kilograms of cocaine intercepted in Zeewolde Netherlands. | Ref: 5 |
1994 | * | Largest omelet (1,383² ft) made with 160,000 eggs in Yokohama Japan. | Ref: 5 |
1995 | * | Arizona begins using new area code 520 outside of Phoenix. | Ref: 5 |
1995 | | Finland Social-Democratic Party wins parliamentary election. | Ref: 5 |
1996 | * | Winnie Mandela divorces Nelson after 38 years of marrage. | Ref: 5 |
1997 | * | Supreme Court hears Internet indecency arguments. | Ref: 5 |
1997 | * | Artist Willem de Kooning died in East Hampton, N.Y., at age 92. | Ref: 70 |
1999 | * | During a White House news conference, President Clinton prepares the nation for airstrikes against Serbian targets following the collapse of Kosovo peace talks in Paris. (XDG, p 4A, 3/19/2004) | Ref: 83 |
2001 | * | California officials declared a power alert, ordering the first of two days of rolling blackouts. | Ref: 70 |
2003 | * | Tobacco farmer Dwight Ware Watson, who'd claimed to be carrying bombs in a tractor and trailer that he'd driven into a pond on Washington's National Mall, surrenders after disrupting traffic for two days; there were no explosives. (XDG, p 4A, 3/19/2004) | Ref: 83 |
2003 | * | Six men hijacked a Cuban airliner at knife-point to the Florida Keys to seek asylum in the US. The six were later convicted on federal hijacking charges. (XDG, p 4A, 3/19/2004) | Ref: 83 |
2003 | * | Mahmoud Abbas accepted the new position of Palestinian prime minister. | Ref: 70 |
2004 | * | (I-270 Sniper) Columbus [OH] resident Charles A McCoy, the prime suspect in the I-270 sniper shootings, waives extradition from Las Vegas NV to Columbus OH in a brief appearance before a Nevada judge. (XDG, p 2A, 3/20/2004) | Ref: 83 |
1524 | * | Giovanni de Varrazano of France sights land around area of the Carolinas. | Ref: 5 |
1813 | * | David Melville of Newport, Rhode Island patents the gas streetlight. | Ref: 4 |
1883 | * | Jan Matzeliger invents first machine to manufacture entire shoes. | Ref: 5 |
1915 | * | Pluto photographed for first time (although unknown at the time). | Ref: 5 |
1954 | | The first rocket-driven sled that ran at incredible speeds on rails was tested in Alamogordo, NM. | Ref: 4 |
1958 | * | Britain's first planetarium opens at Madame Tussaud's in London. | Ref: 5 |
1984 | * | STS 41-C vehicle moves to launch pad. | Ref: 5 |
1563 | * | The Edict of Amboise granted a limited amount of freedom to French Protestants, thereby ending the First Huguenot War. | Ref: 5 |
1571 | | Spanish troops occupy Manila. | Ref: 5 |
1853 | | Taiping rebels under Hong Xiu Quan take Nanking defeating Manchu Qing dynasty. | Ref: 10 |
1861 | | The Second Maori War ends in New Zealand. | Ref: 62 |
1865 | * | Battle of Bentonville-Confederates retreat from Greenville NC. | Ref: 5 |
1917 | * | Alexander Ribot becomes French premier, succeeding Briand. | Ref: 38 |
1918 | * | S Potter becomes first US pilot to shoot down a German seaplane. | Ref: 5 |
1924 | * | U.S. troops are rushed to Tegucigalpa as rebel forces take the Honduran capital. | Ref: 2 |
1939 | * | British Foreign Secretary Lord Halifax replies to Soviet Commisar Litinov, saying they were examining an alternative scheme to a five-country pact in the event of war with Germany. | |
1940 | * | Failed British air raid on German base at Sylt. | Ref: 5 |
1942 | * | Both house of Congress pass Public Law 503 which authorized the evacuation of the Japanese. | Ref: 37 |
1942 | * | FDR orders men between 45 & 64 to register for non military duty. | Ref: 5 |
1943 | * | Airship Canadian Star torpedoed & sinks. | Ref: 5 |
1944 | * | The German 352nd Infantry Division deploys along the coast of France. | Ref: 2 |
1944 | * | Nazis occupy Hungary (Jewish pop. 725,000). Eichmann arrives with Gestapo "Special Section Commandos." | Ref: 35 |
1944 | * | The U.S. awoke to a sound it hadn’t heard much for years on this day -- the sound of alarm clocks. Since the beginning of World War II, alarm clocks had become precious commodities. They went on sale once again on this day in Chicago, IL. | Ref: 4 |
1945 | * | About 800 men are killed in a kamikaze attak against the carrier Franklin. The Franklin was saved. | Ref: 5 |
1945 | * | In the Brandenburg Prison in Germany, General Fromm is shot. He was convicted of "cowardice" for his part in the bomb plot against Hitler in July 1944. | Ref: 5 |
1945 | * | Hitler issues his "Nero Decree"ordering the destruction of German facilities that could fall into Allied hands. | Ref: 5 |
1945 | * | British 36th division conquers Mogok (ruby mine). | Ref: 5 |
1945 | * | US Task Force 58 attacks ships near Kobe/Kure. | Ref: 5 |
1947 | | Chiang Kai-Shek's government forces take control of Yenan, the former headquarters of the Chinese Communist Party. | Ref: 2 |
1969 | * | British invade Anguilla. | Ref: 5 |
2003 | * | "Time's Up - US First Wave Hits Targets" [in Baghdad]. (XDG, Headline, 3/20/2003) | Ref: 83 |
1914 | * | Stanley Cup: Toronto Blueshirts (NHA) sweep Victoria Capitals (PCHA) in 3 game. | Ref: 5 |
1938 | * | Toronto Maple Leafs score 8 goals in 5 minutes. | Ref: 5 |
1941 | * | Recently released Cardinal Paul Dean signs with the Giants and goes 4-for-4, but the Giants also release him. | Ref: 1 |
1942 | * | Thoroughbred Racing Association of US formed in Chicago. | Ref: 5 |
1948 | * | Lee Savold knocks out Gino Buonvino in 54 seconds of the first round of their prize fight in Madison Square Garden. | Ref: 4 |
1950 | * | 5th US Women's Open Golf Championship won by Babe Didrikson-Zaharias. | Ref: 5 |
1950 | * | City College of New York defeats Bradley to win the NIT. | Ref: 5 |
1951 | * | Tiger player representative Fred Hutchinson asks for the players to have input in the selection of the new commissioner. | Ref: 1 |
1953 | * | Major-league baseball announced the first team relocation since 1903. The Boston Braves told of their plans to move west to Milwaukee, WI. The Red Sox stayed in Beantown. After almost two more decades, the Braves moved again, this time they went south to Atlanta. The Brewers then took over Milwaukee County Stadium. | Ref: 4 |
1954 | * | Viewers see the first televised prize fight shown in living color as Joey Giardello knocked out Willie Tory in round seven of a scheduled 10-round bout at Madison Square Garden in New York City. | Ref: 4 |
1954 | | US Ladies Figure Skating Championship won by Tenley Albright. | Ref: 5 |
1954 | | US Men's Figure Skating Championship won by Hayes A Jenkins. | Ref: 5 |
1955 | * | 17th NCAA Men's Basketball Championship: San Francisco beats La Salle 77-63. | Ref: 5 |
1956 | * | Biggest NBA margin of victory: Minnesota Lakers-133, St Louis Hawks-75. | Ref: 5 |
1957 | * | Indians reject Boston's offer of $1 million for Herb Score. | Ref: 5 |
1959 | * | Bill Sharman of the Boston Celtics began what was to be the longest string of successful consecutive free throws (56 in a row) to set a new National Basketball Association record. | Ref: 4 |
1960 | * | 22nd NCAA Men's Basketball Championship: Ohio State beats California 75-55. | Ref: 5 |
1966 | * | 28th NCAA Men's Basketball Championship: Texas Western beats Kentucky 72-65. | Ref: 5 |
1967 | * | Marilynn Smith wins LPGA St Petersburg Orange Golf Classic. | Ref: 5 |
1970 | * | Indian Ken Harrelson fractures his leg and will miss most of the season. | Ref: 1 |
1971 | * | Philadelphia 76ers outscore Cincinnati Royals 90-8 in 1 half. | Ref: 5 |
1972 | * | Carol Mann wins LPGA Orange Blossom Golf Classic. | Ref: 5 |
1972 | * | Los Angeles Lakers beat Golden State Warriors, 162-99, by then record 63 points. | Ref: 5 |
1975 | | Pennsylvania is first state to allow girls to compete with boys in High School sports. | Ref: 5 |
1977 | * | A's pitcher Paul Lindblad is sold to the Rangers for $400,000 Commissioner Bowie Kuhn, unlike his previous Oakland A's decision, does not void the deal as not being in the best interest of baseball. | Ref: 1 |
1977 | | Jevgeni Kulikov skates world record 1000 meter (1:15.33). | Ref: 5 |
1978 | * | Sally Little wins LPGA Kathryn Crosby/Honda Civic Golf Classic. | Ref: 5 |
1981 | * | Buffalo Sabres beat Toronto Maple Leafs 14-4. | Ref: 5 |
1984 | * | Pitcher Denny McLain, indicted on various charges of racketeering. | Ref: 5 |
1985 | * | History was made in the short-lived United States Football League this day. A pro football record was set by Denver and Houston of the USFL with a total of 112 passes thrown in the game. Houston went airborne 69 times, Denver took to the air 43 times. | Ref: 4 |
1987 | | Bonnie Blair skates ladies world record 500 meter (39.43 seconds). | Ref: 5 |
1987 | | Yvonne van Gennip skates ladies world record 3 km (4:16.85). | Ref: 5 |
1988 | | Yvonne van Gennip skates un-official world record 10 km (15 :5.25). | Ref: 5 |
1989 | * | Hoping to replace the injured Dave Winfield, the Yankees trade catcher Joel Skinner and a minor leaguer to the Indians for outfielder Mel Hall. The future Hall of Fame outfielder will miss the entire season due to back surgery. | Ref: 1 |
1989 | * | Lori Garbacz wins Circle K LPGA Golf Open Tucson. | Ref: 5 |
1989 | | World Ice Dance Championship in Paris France won by M Klimova & S Ponomarenko (USR). | Ref: 5 |
1989 | | World Ice Pairs Figure Skating Championship in Paris France won by E Gordeeva & S Grinkov (USSR). | Ref: 5 |
1989 | | World Ladies Figure Skating Championship in Paris France won by Midori Ito (Japan). | Ref: 5 |
1989 | | World Men's Figure Skating Championship in Paris France won by Kurt Browning (Canada). | Ref: 5 |
1990 | * | First world ice hockey tournament for women held (Ottawa). | Ref: 5 |
1991 | * | Kansas City Royals announce they are putting Bo Jackson on waivers. | Ref: 5 |
1991 | * | NFL owners strip Phoenix of 1993 Super Bowl game due to Arizona not recognizing Martin Luther King Day. | Ref: 5 |
1991 | * | Sacramento Kings set NBA record of 29 consecutive road loses. | Ref: 5 |
1991 | * | St Louis Blue Brett Hull is 3rd NHLer to score 80 goals in a season. | Ref: 5 |
1992 | * | The Colorado Rockies announce its 1993 ticket prices, seating locations, and season-ticket packages. The Colorado Rockies Foundation commits to providing at least 150,000 tickets in '93 to the less fortunate. | Ref: 86 |
1993 | | World Ice Dance Championship in Prague won by M Usova & A Zhulin (Russia). | Ref: 5 |
1993 | | World Ice Pairs Figure Skating Championship in Prague won by I Brasseur & L Eisler (Canada). | Ref: 5 |
1993 | | World Ladies Figure Skating Championship in Prague won by Oksana Baiul (Ukraine). | Ref: 5 |
1993 | | World Men's Figure Skating Championship in Prague won by Kurt Browning (Canada). | Ref: 5 |
1994 | * | New Jersey Devils club record 41st win of the season. | Ref: 5 |
1995 | * | Michael Jordan returns to the Chicago Bulls after a 21-month hiatus. (Columbus Dispatch, 03/19/2000, p. 9D) | |
1995 | | Bonnie Blair skates female world record point total (156.450). | Ref: 5 |
1995 | * | Laura Davis wins LPGA Standard Register PING Golf Tournament. | Ref: 5 |
1995 | * | NBA New York Knicks beat New York Nets in 100th meeting (Knicks 53 Nets 47). | Ref: 5 |
1995 | | Neil Marshall skates world record 3 km (3 :4.08). | Ref: 5 |
1997 | * | Major League Baseball announces 5 year/$50M deal with Pepsi. | Ref: 5 |
1998 | * | The FOX Group officially takes over the Los Angeles Dodgers from the O'Malley family. | Ref: 86 |
1799 | * | Joseph Haydn's "Die Schöpfung" premieres in Vienna. | Ref: 5 |
1803 | | Johann von Schillers "Die Braut von Messina" premieres in Weimar. | Ref: 5 |
1859 | * | The opera "Faust" by Charles Gounod premiered in Paris. | Ref: 5 |
1864 | * | Charles Francois Gounod's opera "Mireille" is produced (Paris France). | Ref: 5 |
1870 | * | Antonio Carlos Gomes's opera "Il Guarany" premieres in Milan Italy. | Ref: 5 |
1906 | | Ermanno Wolf-Ferrari's "Quattro Rusteghi" premieres in Munich. | Ref: 5 |
1913 | * | Mussorgsky's "Boris Gudunov"opens at Metropolitan Opera, NY-39 years after Russian premiere. | Ref: 10 |
1914 | | A fire in a New Jersey film negative vault destroyed all the American work of Frenchman Emile Cohl, the first true animator. | Ref: 73 |
1940 | | Light of the World was first heard on NBC radio. The soap opera was unique in that it featured the Bible as the center of the story line. | Ref: 4 |
1940 | * | Glen Gray and his orchestra recorded No Name Jive on Decca Records. | Ref: 4 |
1941 | * | Jimmy Dorsey & his Orchestraestra record "Green Eyes" & "Maria Elena". | Ref: 5 |
1944 | | Tippett's oratorium "Child of Our Time" premieres in London. | Ref: 5 |
1953 | * | 25th Academy Awards: "Greatest Show on Earth", Gary Cooper & Shirley Booth win (1st time televised). | Ref: 5 |
1953 | * | Tennessee Williams' "Camino Real" premieres in New York NY. | Ref: 5 |
1954 | | RKO Pictures was sold to become the first motion picture studio to be owned by an individual. That person was none other than Howard Hughes. The selling price? $23,489,478. | Ref: 4 |
1959 | * | "1st Impressions" opens at Alvin Theater NYC for 84 performances. | Ref: 5 |
1960 | * | "Redhead" closes at 46th St Theater NYC after 455 performances. | Ref: 5 |
1962 | * | "All American" opens at Winter Garden Theater NYC for 80 performances. | Ref: 5 |
1962 | * | Bob Dylan's self-titled debut album was released. | Ref: 70 |
1964 | | Sean Connery's first day of shooting on "Goldfinger". | Ref: 5 |
1965 | * | Rembrandt's "Titus" sells for then record ƒ7,770,000. | Ref: 5 |
1966 | * | "Pousse Cafe" closes at 46th St Theater NYC after 3 performances. | Ref: 5 |
1970 | * | Brook Benton received a gold record for the hit single, Rainy Night in Georgia. It was Benton’s first hit since 1963’s Hotel Happiness. | Ref: 4 |
1972 | * | "To Live Another Summer" closes at Helen Hayes NYC after 173 performances. | Ref: 5 |
1974 | * | Jefferson Starship begins their first tour. | Ref: 5 |
1975 | * | "Dr Jazz" opens at Winter Garden Theater NYC for 5 performances. | Ref: 5 |
1977 | * | The last episode of The Mary Tyler Moore Show is broadcast. | Ref: 4 |
1977 | * | "Side by Side by Sondheim" closes at Music Box NYC after 390 performances. | Ref: 5 |
1979 | * | The U.S. House of Representatives begins live TV broadcasts via C-SPAN. | Ref: 5 |
1981 | * | Emmy 8th Daytime Awards: Susan Lucci loses for 2nd time. | Ref: 5 |
1984 | * | "Kate & Allie" premieres. | Ref: 5 |
1985 | | "Spin Magazine" begins publishing. | Ref: 5 |
1992 | * | "Master Builder" opens at Belasco Theater NYC for 45 performances. | Ref: 5 |
1995 | * | "Translations" opens at Plymouth Theater NYC for 25 performances. | Ref: 5 |
1995 | * | "Uncle Vanya" closes at Circle in Square Theater NYC after 29 performances. | Ref: 5 |
1998 | | "Ah Wilderness!" opens at Vivian Beaumont theater | Ref: 5 |
2001 | * | Michael Jackson is inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. | Ref: 4 |
2002 | * | "Best of Both Worlds" a joint album with R&B singer R Kelly and rapper Jay-Z is released, but sell far less than expected. (USA Today, p 11D, 1/24/2003) | Ref: 13 |
1488 | * | Johannes Magnus, Swedish Roman Catholic archbishop and historian, is born. | Ref: 70 |
1503 | * | Benedetto Varchi Italy, humanist/historian (Storia Fiorentina), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1589 | * | William Bradford, governor of Plymouth Colony for 30 years, sailed on the Mayflower, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1593 | * | Georges de la Tour French painter, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1601 | * | Alonzo Cano Spanish painter/sculptor (Cathedral Granada), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1604 | * | Johan IV composer/king of Portugal (1640-56), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1610 | * | Hasegawa Tohaku Japanese painter, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1629 | * | Aleksei M Romanov, first Romanov tsar of Russia, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1673 | * | Pedro Vaz Rego composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1715 | * | Charles-Joseph van Helmont composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1716 | * | Guillaume Coustou Jr French sculptor (Mausole du Dauphin), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1721 | * | Tobias George Smollett, satirical author and physician (Roderick Random, Humphrey Clinker), is born. | Ref: 2 |
1728 | * | Pieter-Jozef Verhaghen Flemish (court)painter, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1734 | * | (Declaration of Independence) Thomas McKean, American lawyer and signer of the Declaration of Independece, is born in New London, PA. | Ref: 5 |
1740 | * | Johann Georg Roser composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1740 | * | Joseph F Weigl Germany, violin cellist, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1742 | * | Zacharias H Alewijn Dutch literary/poet, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1745 | * | Nicolas Sejan composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1748 | * | Elias Hicks, American Quaker minister; advocated the abolition of slavery, is born. | Ref: 70 |
1752 | * | Jose Mauricio composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1767 | * | Leonhard von Call composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1777 | * | Anton R Falck Dutch minister of Education/diplomat, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1782 | * | John Calhoun U.S. Vice President under John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson [1825-1832]; the first VP to resign office: became a U.S. Senator; died Mar 31, 1850 | Ref: 4 |
1785 | * | Pierre-Joseph-Guillaume Zimmermann composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1809 | * | Fredrik Pacius composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1809 | * | Nikolay Gogol, Ukrainian-born Russian humorist, dramatist and novelist, is born. | Ref: 70 |
1813 | * | David Livingstone, missionary, explorer, the Livingstone of “Dr. Livingstone, I presume,” is born. | Ref: 4 |
1816 | * | Johannes Josephus Hermanus Verhulst composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1817 | * | Lewis Henry Little Brigadier General (Confederate Army), died in 1862, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1819 | * | David Henry Williams Brigadier General (Union volunteers), died in 1891, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1821 | * | Sir Richard Burton, explorer, writer, discoverer of Lake Tanganyika is born in Devon, England. | Ref: 5 |
1821 | * | Francis Barretto Spinola Brigadier General (Union volunteers), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1821 | * | William Allingham Irish poet (Laurence Bloomfield in Ireland), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1823 | | Cornelis A van Sypesteyn Dutch Governor of Surinam (1873-82), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1827 | * | Alexander Shaler Brevet Major General (Union volunteers), died in 1911, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1837 | * | Robert Daniel Johnston Brigadier General (Confederate Army), died in 1919, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1844 | * | Ulrika "Minna" Cant-Johnstown Finnish playwright (Kovan onnen lapsia), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1845 | * | Willem H de Beaufort Dutch historian/politician, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1847 | * | Albert Pinkham Ryder artist: The Race Track, Toilers of the Sea, Siefried and the Rhine Maidens; known for his layered paintings of the sea; is born. | Ref: 4 |
1847 | * | Constantin Dimitrescu composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1848 | * | Wyatt Earp, frontiersman, lawman, gunfighter: gunfight at O.K. Corral; is born in Monmouth, IL | Ref: 68 |
1849 | * | Alfred von Tirpitz, Prussian admiral who commanded the German fleet in early World War I, is born. | Ref: 2 |
1851 | * | Roque Sáenz Peña, President of Argentina (1910-14), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1860 | * | William Jennings Bryan, politician: member of U.S. Congress, Democratic U.S. presidential nominee in 1896, the ‘silver-tongued orator’at the Scopes trial, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1864 | * | Artist Charles Marion Russell, known for his paintings of the American cowboy, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1871 | * | Joseph McGinnity Rock Island IL, baseball pitcher (New York Giants), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1871 | * | Joseph McGinnity, Rock Island IL, baseball pitcher (New York Giants), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1872 | * | Sergei Diaghilev Gruzino Novgorod Russia, ballet director, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1873 | * | Max Reger Brand Bavaria, composer/pianist/professor (Leipzig University), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1874 | * | Arthur Hoyt Georgetown CO, actor (Gold Dust Gertie, Goldie Get Along), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1879 | * | Joseph Haas German (opera) composer (Tobias Wunderlich), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1881 | * | Edith Nourse Rogers created Women's Army Auxiliary Corps [1942]; member of U.S. House of Representatives [reelected 17 times: served from June 25, 1925 until her death on Sep 10, 1960], is born. | Ref: 4 |
1882 | * | Gaston Lachaise US sculptor (Standing Woman), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1883 | * | Joseph W Stilwell, US General in China during World War II, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1883 | * | Josef Matthais Hauer composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1886 | * | Edward Everett Horton, narrator: Fractured Fairy Tales on The Bullwinkle Show; actor: It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World, Lost Horizon, Sex and the Single Girl, Arsenic and Old Lace; is born in Brooklyn NY. | Ref: 4 |
1888 | * | Josef Albers German/US graphic artist/painter/writer (Bauhaus), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1889 | * | Sarah Gertrude Millina, South African writer (The Dark River, God's Stepchildren), is born. | Ref: 2 |
1889 | * | Manoel II last king of Portugal (1908-10), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1891 | * | (US Supreme Court Justice) Earl Warren, governor of California, 14th Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court from 1953-1969, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1892 | * | James (Alward) Van Fleet 4-star U.S. Army General [WWI, WWII, Korean War]; consulted Defense Dept.; received Distinguished Service Cross; is born. | Ref: 4 |
1892 | * | Robert Denzler composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1892 | * | Siegfried T Bok neurobiologist/anatomist (Cybernetica), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1897 | * | Betty Compson, Beaver UT, actress (Millionaire Kid, Mad Youth), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1897 | * | L O'Flaherty writer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1900 | * | [Jean] Frédéric Joliot-Curie French, physicist and 1935 Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1900 | * | Roy Roberts Tampa FL, actor (Petticoat Junction, Lucy Show), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1901 | * | Gerrit Jan van Heuven, Goedhart Dutch Minister of Justice and 1954 Nobel Prize winner, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1901 | | Jo Mielziner Paris France, set designer (Carousel, Death of a Salesman), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1901 | * | William H. (Henry) Johnson artist: expressionist: Minnie, Sun Setting, Denmark; returned to U.S. when Hitler began destroying African and primitive themes; known later for historical African-American figures & events: Going to Church, Mom and Dad; is born. | Ref: 4 |
1901 | * | Jo Mielziner, American stage designer, is born. | Ref: 70 |
1903 | | Benjamin M Telders President of Dutch Liberal States Party, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1903 | | James Bullock colliery manager, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1904 | * | John Sirica, U.S. federal judge that presided over Watergate trials and hearings, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1904 | * | Tadeusz Zygfryd Kassern composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1905 | * | Albert Speer, German architect/minister of Armament, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1906 | * | Adolf Eichmann, Ruhr Germany, Nazi Gestapo officer, is born. Ref | |
1906 | * | Normand Lockwood composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1907 | * | Cor Treslem [Cornelis L Melsert], actor/director (Willem van Oranje), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1907 | * | Elizabeh LeFanu Maconochy composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1907 | * | Kent Smith New York NY, actor (Peyton Place, Invaders), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1907 | * | Marc Vaubourgoin composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1907 | * | Nakagawa Soen Formosa, Zen teacher (Rinzai line), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1909 | * | Louis Hayward Johannesburg South Africa, actor (Lone Wolf, Survivors), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1910 | * | Sergei Nikolayevich Anokhin cosmonaut, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1911 | | Kenneth Robinson politician/businessman, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1911 | * | Smiley (Lester Alvin) Burnette actor: Western Double Features, Gene Autry Matinee Double Features, Dick Tracy: The Original Serial, King of the Cowboys, Springtime in the Rockies, Silver Spurs; died Feb 16, 1967 | Ref: 4 |
1912 | * | Adolf Galland, German Luftwaffe pilot and youngest general on either side during World War II, is born. | Ref: 2 |
1912 | * | Russ Case Hamburg IA, orchestra leader (Julius La Rosa Show), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1914 | * | (Heisman Trophy 1935) J Jay Berwanger, 1st Heisman Trophy winner (1935), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1914 | * | Patricia Morison actress (Peyton Place, Dressed to Kill), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1915 | * | Patricia Morison (Eileen Patricia Augusta Fraser Morison) musician: bass; singer; actress: The Magnificent Fraud, The Roundup, One Night in Lisbon, The Song of Bernadette, Lady on a Train, Song of the Thin Man, Tarzan and the Huntress, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1916 | * | Irving Wallace novelist and biographer: The Fan Club, The Word, The Man; co-author with David Wallechinsky: The People?s Almanac; is born. | Ref: 68 |
1917 | * | Dino Lipatti composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1919 | | Cornelis Berkhouwer Member of 2nd chamber (Dutch Liberal Party), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1920 | * | (date questionable) Tige Andrews (Tiger Androwaous) actor: The Detectives, The Mod Squad, is born in Brooklyn NY. | Ref: 68 |
1923 | * | Janine Dacosta French pianist, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1925 | * | Brent Scowcroft, Ogden UT, Lt. Gen. (USAF)/National Security Advisor to President George H.W. Bush, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1927 | * | Richie Ashburn, baseball infielder (Philadelphia Phillies)/sportscaster, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1927 | * | George Plimpton author: Paper Lion, Shadow Box actor: Rio Lobo, Reds, Little Man Tate, Just Cause | Ref: 4 |
1928 | * | Hans Kung theologian, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1928 | * | Patrick McGoohan Astoria NY, actor (#6-Prisoner, Secret Agent), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1929 | * | Gene Taylor jazz bassist, pianist | Ref: 4 |
1929 | * | Herman van San composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1929 | * | Michael Ryan actor (John Randolph-Another World), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1929 | * | Robert Muczynski composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1930 | * | Bill Henderson Chicago IL, jazz singer (Torpedo-Dreams), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1930 | * | Ornette Coleman jazz composer (Downbeat Musician of Year 1966), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1931 | * | Bill Hoskyns England, epee fencer (Olympics-silver-1964), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1932 | * | Gay Robert Brewer Middletwon OH, PGA golfer (1972 Canadian), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1933 | * | Author Phillip Roth ("Goodbye, Columbus", "Portnoy’s Complaint") is born in Newark NJ. | Ref: 4 |
1933 | * | Phyllis Newman actress: Coming of Age, That was the Week That Was, Picnic, A Secret Space, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1933 | * | Renee Taylor Emmy Award-winning writer: Acts of Love and Other Comedies [1973]; entertainer: The Jack Paar Show; actress: The Nanny, Daddy Dearest, Mary Hartman Mary Hartman, The Producers, A New Leaf, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1934 | * | Borge Andersen Denmark, Danish Chess Champion (1967, 68), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1935 | * | Nancy Malone actress: The Long Hot Summer, Naked City, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1935 | * | Burt Metcalfe Saskatchewan Canada, actor/director (Father of the Bride), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1935 | * | Phyllis Newman Jersey City NJ, actress (Coming of Age, TW3), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1935 | * | Renee Taylor New York NY, actress (Jack Paar Show, Mary Hartman, Nanny), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1936 | * | Amancio D'Silva musician, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1936 | * | Ursula Andress Berne Switzerland, actress (Dr No, She, Sensuous Nurse), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1937 | * | Clarence "Frogman" Henry musician (You Always Hurt the One You Love), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1937 | * | Mark Donohue auto racer: Indpls 500 winner [1972]; is born. | Ref: 4 |
1938 | * | Shashi Kapoor actor: Gulliver’s Travels, Sammy and Rosie Get Laid, Heat and Dust, The Householder, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1939 | * | Joe Kapp NFL QB (Minnesota Vikings, Boston Patriots, Houston Oilers), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1941 | * | Lord Vestey British food magnate/billionaire (Union International), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1941 | * | Margie Bowes country entertainer: Grand Ole Opry; married to Doyle Wilburn of the Wilburn Brothers, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1941 | * | Pat (Robert Patrick) Jarvis baseball: pitcher: Atlanta Braves, Montreal Expos, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1941 | * | Wilson Pickett singer: In the Midnight Hour, Land of 1000 Dances, Funky Broadway, Mustang Sally, It’s Too Late, Don’t Knock My Love; Rock and Roll Hall of Famer [1991] | Ref: 4 |
1942 | * | David Minge (Representative-Democrat-MN), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1942 | * | Jeff Neighbour US bassist (Joy of Cooking), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1942 | * | Robin Luke rocker (Susie Darlin'), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1942 | * | Ross Valory rocker (Journey), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1942 | * | Jeff Mullins basketball: Duke Univ. All-American, 1964 Olympics, Atlanta Hawks, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1943 | * | Kevin Dobson actor: Kojak, Knots Landing, Shannon, Dirty Work, Code of Honor, Midway, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1944 | * | Lynda Bird Johnson, daughter of 36th U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson and Lady Bird Johnson, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1944 | * | Joseph Celli composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1944 | * | Myung-Wha Chung Seoul Korea, cellist (Chung Sisters), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1944 | | Sirhan Sirhan is born. | Ref: 10 |
1945 | * | Lisa Nicole Baker Detroit TX, playmate of the year (Nov 1966), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1946 | * | Bigas Luna director/writer (Anguish), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1947 | * | Earlie Fires jockey (Hialeah Park), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1947 | * | Glenn Close Greenwich CT, actress (The Big Chill, Fatal Attraction), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1947 | * | John Beckwith English real estate developer/multi-millionaire, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1947 | * | Vince Martino Schenectady NY, WLAF offensive assistant (Barcelona Dragons), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1947 | * | B.J. (Barrie James) Wilson musician: drummer: group: Procol Harum: Whiter Shade of Pale; is born. | Ref: 4 |
1948 | * | Guy Lapointe hockey: NHL: Montreal Canadiens, SL Blues, Boston Bruins, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1949 | * | Denny Albee Oklahoma City OK, actor (Dr Janssen-One Life to Live), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1950 | * | Brad Dourif actor: Phoenix, Color of Night, Wild Palms, Final Judgement, Jungle Fever, Body Parts, Mississippi Burning, Blue Velvet, Dune, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Studs Lonigan, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1950 | * | John Hartman musician: drums: group: The Doobie Brothers: Listen to the Music, Long Train Runnin’, China Grove, Black Water, What a Fool Believes; veterinarian, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1952 | * | Chris Brubeck composer, musician: trombone; Dave Brubeck's son | Ref: 4 |
1952 | * | Derek Longmuir Edinburgh Scotland, rock drummer (Bay City Rollers-Saturday Night), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1952 | * | Glenn McDonald basketball: Long Beach State Univ., Boston Celtics, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1952 | * | Mike Webster ‘Iron Mike’: Pro Football Hall of Famer: Pittsburgh Steelers center [1974-1988]: Super Bowl IX, X, XIII, XIV; played more seasons [15] and more games [220] than any player in Steelers’ history; is born. | Ref: 4 |
1953 | * | Billy Sheehan rocker (Mr Big-Lean Into It), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1953 | * | Hans Rinn German Democratic Republic, 2 man lugist (Olympics-gold-1976, 80), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1953 | * | Ricky Wilson Athens GA, rock guitarist (B-52's-Rock Lobster, Love Shack), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1954 | * | Charles Pinnell horse trainer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1955 | * | Derek Longmuir musician: drums: group: The Bay City Rollers: Keep On Dancing, Remember [Sha-La-La], Bye Bye Baby, Give Me a Little Love, Saturday Night, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1955 | * | [Walter] Bruce Willis PennsGrove NJ, actor (Moonlighting, Die Hard), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1956 | * | Alina Castro Havana Cuba, daughter of Fidel, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1956 | * | Ingemar Stenmark Swedish skier: holds individual racing record of 86 wins including 46 giant slalom and 40 slalom out of 287 contests, [1974-1989], is born. | Ref: 4 |
1957 | * | Blake Passey horse trainer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1959 | * | Shelly Burch Tucson AZ, actress (Delila-One Life to Live, Identity Crisis), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1959 | * | Irene Cara singer: Fame, The Dream; actress: Fame, Ain’t Misbehavin’, Caged in Paradiso, City Heat, For Us the Living, Killing ’Em Softly, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1964 | * | Bonnie Blair Olympic Gold medalist [1988] and world record holder: speed skater [1994], is born. | Ref: 4 |
1966 | * | Paul Devenport New Zealand, Canadian Tour golfer (1991 Texas Tour), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1968 | * | Liam Jewell Toronto Ontario, kayaker (Olympics-96), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1968 | * | Tyrone Hill NBA forward (Milwaukee Bucks), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1969 | * | Arjan Vermeulen soccer player (Vitesse), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1969 | * | Michael Bergin model (Coca Cola)/actor, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1969 | * | Scott Alexander Brownlee Hamilton New Zealand, rowing coxless 4 men (Olympics-96), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1970 | * | Errol Refos soccer player (Feyenoord), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1970 | * | Janne Laukenen Lahti Finland, NHL defenseman (Finland Olympics-B-98, Senators), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1970 | * | Rick Mirer NFL quarterback (Seattle Seahawks, Chicago Bears), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1970 | * | Sean Fleming CFL kicker (Edmonton Eskimos), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1971 | * | Cory Fleming NFL wide receiver (Dallas Cowboys), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1971 | * | Dalton James actor (My Father the Hero, Mark-Beverly Hills 90210), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1971 | * | Kirk Botkin NFL tight end (New Orleans Saints, Pittsburgh Steelers), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1971 | * | Louie Debrusk Cambridge, NHL left wing (Edmonton Oilers), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1971 | * | Marty Moore NFL inside linebacker (New England Patriots), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1971 | * | Taase Faumui NFL defensive linebacker (Pittsburgh Steelers), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1971 | * | Whitney Hedgepeth 100 meter/200 meter backstroke (Olympics-2 silver-96), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1972 | * | Maria Maunder St John's Newfoundland, rower (Olympics-96), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1973 | * | John Michels NFL tackle (Green Bay Packers-Superbowl 31), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1974 | * | Jennifer Lynn Drayton Saginaw MI, Miss Michigan-America (1996), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1974 | * | John Coppinger El Paso TX, pitcher (Baltimore Orioles), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1975 | * | Antonio Daniels NBA guard (Vancouver Grizzlies), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1976 | * | Rachel Blanchard Toronto, actress (Cher Horowitz-Clueless), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1982 | * | Che'Vonne Burton Miss Michigan Teen-USA (1997)/Miss Michigan-USA (2000), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1992 | * | Henry & Angus Bernsen twin sons of Corbin Bernsen & Amanda Pays | Ref: 5 |
1263 | * | Hugo of St-Cher/a S Caro French cardinal, dies. | Ref: 5 |
1556 | * | Lieven van der Maude [Ammonius], South Netherlands poet, dies at 70. | Ref: 5 |
1635 | * | Pieter Christiaensz Bor Dutch historian, dies. | Ref: 5 |
1638 | * | Paul Moreelse Dutch painter/master builder, dies at about 66. | Ref: 5 |
1644 | * | Si Sang last Ming-emperor of China, commits suicide. | Ref: 5 |
1644 | * | 200 members of Peking imperial family/court commit suicide. | Ref: 5 |
1687 | * | The French explorer Robert La Salle is murdered in by his own men, at age 43, while searching for the mouth of the Mississippi, along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. | Ref: 2 |
1702 | * | On the death of William III of Orange Henry [Dutch William] at age 51, Anne Stuart (daughter of James II), sister of Mary, succeeds to the throne of England, Scotland and Ireland. | Ref: 2 |
1721 | * | Clement XI [Giovanni F Albani], Italian Pope (1700-21), dies at 71. | Ref: 5 |
1775 | * | 4 people buried by avalanche for 37 days, 3 survive (Italy). | Ref: 5 |
1782 | * | Adrien Trudo Sale composer, dies at 59. | Ref: 5 |
1782 | * | Louis-Henry Paisible composer, dies at 33. | Ref: 5 |
1796 | * | Stephen Storace composer, dies at 33. | Ref: 5 |
1797 | * | Philip Hayes composer, dies at 58. | Ref: 5 |
1811 | * | Frantisek Adam Mica composer, dies at 65. | Ref: 5 |
1845 | * | George Augustus Kollmann composer, dies at 56. | Ref: 5 |
1850 | * | Adalbert Gyrowetz composer, dies at 87. | Ref: 5 |
1862 | * | F Wilhelm von Schadow German painter (Modern Vasari), dies at 73. | Ref: 5 |
1866 | * | Louis Clapisson composer, dies at 57. | Ref: 5 |
1866 | * | Immigrant ship Monarch of the Seas sinks in Liverpool; 738 die. | Ref: 5 |
1869 | * | Guillaume Nerenburger Belgian General (triangulatie), dies at 64. | Ref: 5 |
1876 | * | Jozef Stefani composer, dies at 75. | Ref: 5 |
1879 | * | Jim Currie opens fire on the actors Maurice Barrymore and Ben Porter near Marshall, Texas. His shots wound Barrymore and kill Porter. | Ref: 2 |
1884 | * | Alfonse Charles Renaud de Vilback composer, dies at 54. | Ref: 5 |
1893 | * | Karel Komzak composer, dies at 69. | Ref: 5 |
1897 | * | Antoine T d'Abbadie French explorer (Ethiopia), dies at 87. | Ref: 5 |
1898 | * | Joao da Cruz Brazilian poet, dies at 26. | Ref: 5 |
1905 | * | Makar Grigori Ekmalyan composer, dies at 49. | Ref: 5 |
1907 | * | Thomas Bailey Aldrich, author: The Story of a Bad Boy, Cruise of the Dolphin, The Sisters' Tragedy, The Wyndham Towers, dies at age 70. | Ref: 4 |
1913 | * | John Thomas composer, dies at 87. | Ref: 5 |
1918 | * | Willem H de Beaufort Dutch historian/liberal politician, dies at 73. | Ref: 5 |
1924 | * | Charles Villiers Stanford Irish composer/author, dies at 71. | Ref: 5 |
1930 | * | Arthur J Balfour British theologist/premier (1902-05), dies at 81. | Ref: 5 |
1934 | | Anthony J Block lawyer (Dutch strafproces), dies at 66. | Ref: 5 |
1935 | * | The British fire on 20,000 Muslims in India, killing 23. | Ref: 2 |
1936 | * | John Larkin IV actor/writer (Charlie Chan in Panama), dies at 63. | Ref: 5 |
1937 | * | Horacio Quiroga Uruguayan author/poet, commits suicide at 58. | Ref: 5 |
1940 | | Gustaaf Sap Belgian minister of Economic Affairs, dies at 54. | Ref: 5 |
1943 | * | Al Capone's chief enforcer Frank Nitti commits suicide rather than go to jail. | Ref: 52 |
1943 | * | Vicente Ripolles composer, dies at 75. | Ref: 5 |
1946 | * | Amir Hamzah Indonesian poet (Buah Rindu), dies at 35. | Ref: 5 |
1947 | * | Willem F J Pijper Dutch composer/critic, dies at 52. | Ref: 5 |
1950 | * | Edgar Rice Burroughs, author (Tarzan of the Apes), dies at 74. | Ref: 5 |
1951 | * | H Zur Mühlen writer, dies. | Ref: 5 |
1954 | * | Walter Braunfels composer, dies at 71. | Ref: 5 |
1960 | * | (Sweet) Dr. Ossian Sweet commits suicide. | Ref: 87 |
1961 | * | Edric Cundell composer, dies at 68. | Ref: 5 |
1969 | * | Theodor Schaefer composer, dies at 65. | Ref: 5 |
1971 | * | 200 die in landslide into Lake Yanahuani, Chungar Peru. | Ref: 81 |
1971 | * | Jan Greshoff Dutch poet/author/journalist (Last Things), dies at 82. | Ref: 5 |
1971 | * | Mary Dorna Dutch author, dies at 79. | Ref: 5 |
1974 | * | Edward Platt actor (Chief-Get Smart), dies at 58. | Ref: 5 |
1974 | | Hertha Kuusinen Finnish communist/daughter of Otto K, dies at 70. | Ref: 5 |
1974 | * | Anne Klein, fashion designer, dies at age 51. | Ref: 17 |
1975 | * | John A DeMott dies at 63. | Ref: 5 |
1976 | * | Paul Kossoff musician: guitar: group: Free: All Right Now; dies of heart failure at 25. | Ref: 4 |
1976 | * | George Sklavos composer, dies at 87. | Ref: 5 |
1977 | * | Congo President Marien Ngouabi is killed by a suicide commando. | Ref: 2 |
1979 | * | Al Hodge actor (Captain Video), dies at 65. | Ref: 5 |
1979 | * | Richard Beckinsale actor (Doing Time, Porridge, Lovers), dies at 31. | Ref: 5 |
1981 | * | One technician is killed and two others are injured during a routine test on space shuttle Columbia. | Ref: 2 |
1982 | * | Alan Badel actor, dies of a heart attack at 58. | Ref: 5 |
1982 | * | Randy Rhoads heavy metal guitarist (Ozzy Osbourne), dies in plane crash at 25. | Ref: 5 |
1982 | * | National Guard jet tanker crashes killing 27. | Ref: 5 |
1987 | * | Louis Broglie, French physicist and winner of the 1929 Nobel Prize, dies at 94. | Ref: 5 |
1987 | * | Arch Oboler radio writer (Lights Out), dies at 77. | Ref: 5 |
1987 | * | Emile Meyer actor (Young Jesse James, Lineup), dies. | Ref: 5 |
1987 | * | Tony Stratton-Smith journalist/record co CEO (Charisma), dies at 53. | Ref: 5 |
1988 | * | Bun (Frederick) Cook Hockey Hall of Famer: NHL: dies. | Ref: 4 |
1988 | * | Two British soldiers were shot to death after they were dragged from a car and beaten by mourners attending an Irish Republican Army funeral in Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Ref: 70 |
1991 | * | John Russell Thomas NFL general manager (Detroit Lions), dies. | Ref: 5 |
1991 | * | Sunday Wilshin actor (Murder by Rope), dies at 86. | Ref: 5 |
1992 | * | Cesare Danova actor (Cleopatra, Viva Las Vegas), dies from a heart attack at age 66. | Ref: 5 |
1993 | * | Barend P Tammeling journalist (Trouw, Peek on the North), dies at 58. | Ref: 5 |
1993 | * | Jeff Ward drummer (9 Inch Nails), commits suicide at 30. | Ref: 5 |
1994 | * | Giuseppe Diana Italian anti-mafia priest, murdered. | Ref: 5 |
1994 | * | Jose Coronel Urtecho poet, dies at 87. | Ref: 5 |
1995 | * | Fernand Lodewick literature historian (Literature), dies at 85. | Ref: 5 |
1995 | * | Gerard Tebroke 5/10 km-dasher, dies at 45. | Ref: 5 |
1995 | * | Kenneth Norman Joseph Loveless priest folk musician, dies at 83. | Ref: 5 |
1995 | * | 5 die by poison gas in Japanese subway. | Ref: 5 |
1996 | * | Christopher John Magenis Headington musician, dies at 65. | Ref: 5 |
1996 | * | William Hutchinson Murray mountaineer/author, dies at 83. | Ref: 5 |
1997 | * | Willem De Kooning, Dutch-born American artist (Abstract), dies of Alzheimers at age 92 | Ref: 5 |
1999 | * | A powerful bomb shatters an outdoor food market in Vladikavkaz, Russia, killing at least 53 people. (XDG, p 4A, 3/19/2004) | Ref: 83 |
2000 | * | Uganda doomsday cult commits mass suicide in a church in Kanungu. Over 1,000 dead. | Ref: 95 |
2001 | * | Jacob Kainen artist; dies. | Ref: 4 |
2002 | * | Rev Carl McIntire, a fiery radio preacher whose unswerving right wing views won him a wide following, dies at age 95. (XDG, p 8A, 1/01/2003) | Ref: 83 |
2002 | * | (DC Sniper) A golfer near the home of John Muhammed's sister in Tuscon AZ is killed. Muhammed and Malvo are in the area from March 13-25 and may be involved, according to police. (USA Today, p 3A, 11/25/2003) | Ref: 13 |