625 | * | Prophet Muhammad wounded by a stone in the Islamic Battle of Uhud. | Ref: 34 |
1026 | * | Koenraad II crowns himself king of Italy. | Ref: 5 |
1066 | * | 18th recorded perihelion passage of Halley's Comet. | Ref: 5 |
1153 | | Treaty of Konstanz between Frederik I "Barbarossa" & Pope Eugene III. | Ref: 5 |
1540 | * | In a show of growing support for Henry VIII, Waltham Abbey in Essex became the last monastery in England to transfer its allegiance from the Catholic Church to the newly_established Church of England. | Ref: 5 |
1568 | * | Treaty of Longjumeau: French huguenots go on strike. | Ref: 5 |
1579 | | Friesland joins Union of Utrecht. | Ref: 5 |
1593 | * | English Congressionalist Henry Barrow accused of slander. | Ref: 5 |
1692 | * | (Salem Witch Trials) Salem Marshal Deputy Samuel Brabrook arrests four-year-old Dorcas Good. Edward and Jonathan Putnam file complaints against Rebecca Nurse. | Ref: 87 |
1708 | * | English pretender to the throne James III lands at Firth of Forth. | Ref: 5 |
1775 | * | At a meeting at St. John's Church in Richmond, the second Virginia Convention hear Patrick Henry delivers his "liberty or death" speech supporting a resolution to put Virginia "into a posture of defense." | Ref: 2 |
1791 | * | Etta Palm, a Dutch champion of woman's rights, sets up a group of women's clubs called the Confederation of the Friends of Truth. | Ref: 2 |
1794 | | Lieutenant-General Tadeusz Kosciuszko returns to Poland. | Ref: 5 |
1816 | * | The first Xenia Public Library is organized (4th Saturday in March). | Ref: 54 |
1832 | * | British Parliament passes reform bill. | Ref: 5 |
1839 | * | First recorded use of "OK" [oll korrect] (Boston's Morning Post). | Ref: 5 |
1840 | * | Draper takes first successful photo of the Moon (daguerrotype). | Ref: 5 |
1848 | * | Hungary proclaims its independence of Austria. | Ref: 2 |
1848 | | First settlers land at New Zealand. | Ref: 10 |
1861 | * | John D. Defrees became the first Superintendent of the United States Government Printing Office. | Ref: 4 |
1861 | * | London's first tramcars, designed by Mr Train of New York, begins operating. | Ref: 5 |
1867 | * | Congress passes 2nd Reconstruction Act over President Johnson's veto. | Ref: 5 |
1868 | * | University of California founded (Oakland CA). | Ref: 5 |
1889 | * | President Harrison opens Oklahoma for white colonization. | Ref: 5 |
1901 | * | Dame Nellie Melba, reveals secret of her now famous toast. | Ref: 5 |
1909 | * | Theodore Roosevelt begins an African safari sponsored by the Smithsonian Institution and National Geographic Society. | Ref: 2 |
1913 | * | (Easter Sunday) Rain begins falling. Between today and the 27th rainfall totals of between 7 and 8 inches were common throughout the Buckeye State. Among the greatest rainfall amounts officially reported were: 11.16 inches at Bellefontaine (Logan County); 10.61 inches at Marion (Marion County); 10:56 inches at Bangorville (Richland County) and 10.15 inches at Wooster (Wayne County). The unrelenting heavy rains resulted in widespread and extreme flooding across much of Ohio. The Miami, Muskingum and Scioto rivers will go to record stages. Ref | |
1915 | * | Founding of Fascist Party in Italy by Benito Mussolini. | Ref: 10 |
1915 | | Zion Mule Corp forms. | Ref: 5 |
1918 | * | Lithuania proclaims independence. | Ref: 5 |
1919 | * | Benito Mussolini founded his Fascist political movement in Milan, Italy. | Ref: 5 |
1919 | | Bashkir ASSR, in RSFSR, constituted. | Ref: 5 |
1919 | * | Moscow's Politburo/Central Committee forms. | Ref: 5 |
1920 | * | Great Britain denounces the United States because of its delay in joining the League of Nations. | Ref: 2 |
1920 | | Perserikatan Communist of India (PKI) political party forms. | Ref: 5 |
1922 | * | First airplane lands at the US Capitol in Washington DC. | Ref: 5 |
1925 | * | Tennessee becomes first state to outlaw teaching theory of evolution. | Ref: 5 |
1929 | * | First telephone installed in White House. | Ref: 5 |
1933 | * | The German Reichstag adopts the Enabling Act, which effectively granted Adolf Hitler dictatorial legislative powers. | Ref: 5 |
1934 | * | US Congress accepts Philippines independence in 1945. | Ref: 5 |
1936 | | Italy, Austria & Hungary sign Pact of Rome. | Ref: 5 |
1937 | * | Los Angeles Railway Co starts using PCC streetcars. | Ref: 5 |
1940 | * | All-India-Muslim League calls for a Muslim homeland. | Ref: 5 |
1942 | * | S-1 program leaders discuss priorities. Conant urges proceeding with *all* options for producing fissionable material simultaneously: gaseous diffusion, centrifuges, electromagnetic separation, and plutonium breeding using both graphite and heavy water reactors. He argues that redundant development will reduce the time to successful production to the shortest possible time, regardless of cost. | Ref: 91 |
1944 | | Nicholas Alkemade falls 5,500 meters without a parachute & lives. | Ref: 5 |
1948 | * | John Cunningham sets world altitude record (54,492' (18,133 meter)). | Ref: 5 |
1950 | | Sophocles Venizelos forms liberal Greeks government. | Ref: 5 |
1950 | * | UN World Meteorological Organization established. | Ref: 5 |
1951 | * | Wages in France increase 11%. | Ref: 5 |
1956 | * | Pakistan becomes the first Islamic republic, although it is still within the British Commonwealth. | Ref: 2 |
1956 | * | Sudan becomes independent. | Ref: 5 |
1957 | * | Last US Army homing pigeons sold off. | Ref: 5 |
1962 | * | President John F. Kennedy visits San Francisco | Ref: 5 |
1964 | * | UNCTAD 1 world conference opens in Geneva. | Ref: 5 |
1966 | * | Archbishop of Canterbury Arthur Michael Ramsey meets and exchanges public greetings with Pope Paul VI in Rome. It was the first official meeting between heads of the Anglican and Roman Catholic churches in over 400 years, in the Sistine Chapel. | Ref: 5 |
1968 | * | (Chicago 7) A meeting sponsored by MOBE is held near Chicago to debate whether to hold demonstrations at the Convention. In attendence are Dellinger, Rennie Davis, Tom Hayden, Abbie Hoffman, and Jerry Rubin. | Ref: 87 |
1968 | * | Reverend Walter Fauntroy, is first non-voting congressional delegate from Washington DC. | Ref: 5 |
1969 | * | (Manson) Charles Manson visits 10050 Cielo Drive (the Tate residence) looking for Tony Melcher, who he hoped might publish his music. Tate's photographer curtly tells Manson to leave by "the back alley," possibly supplying a motive for the later attack at the Tate home. | Ref: 87 |
1969 | * | Rally for Decency (Miami). | Ref: 5 |
1970 | * | Mafia "Boss" Carlo Gambino is arrested for plotting to steal $3 million. | Ref: 2 |
1970 | * | US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site. | Ref: 5 |
1971 | | Dutch 2nd Chamber accept simplified divorce. | Ref: 5 |
1971 | * | USSR performs underground nuclear test. | Ref: 5 |
1973 | * | US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site. | Ref: 5 |
1976 | | International Bill of Rights goes into effect (35 nations ratify). | Ref: 5 |
1978 | * | US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site. | Ref: 5 |
1980 | * | France performs nuclear test. | Ref: 5 |
1980 | * | Shah of Iran arrives in Egypt. | Ref: 5 |
1981 | * | The US Supreme Court upholds a law making statutory rape a crime for men but not women. | Ref: 2 |
1981 | * | The US Supreme Court ruled that states could require, with some exceptions, parental notification when teen-age girls seek abortions. | Ref: 5 |
1983 | * | On national television, U.S. President Ronald Reagan, citing the recent Soviet military buildup, calls for the development of the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). Specifically, President Reagan calls for the creation of a space-based protective shield that would employ high-tech lasers or other weapons to destroy nuclear missiles launched against the United States. | Ref: 3 |
1985 | * | US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site. | Ref: 5 |
1987 | * | US offers military protection to Kuwaiti ships in the Persian Gulf. | Ref: 5 |
1987 | | West Germany SPD chairman Willy Brandt resigns. | Ref: 5 |
1989 | * | Joel Steinberg sentenced to 25 yrs for killing his adopted daughter. | Ref: 5 |
1990 | * | Former Exxon Valdez Captain Joseph Hazelwood ordered to help clean up Prince William Sound & pay $50,000 in restitution for 1989 oil spill. | Ref: 5 |
1991 | * | Iraqi President Saddam Hussein shuffled his Cabinet, but kept in place his hard-line ministers of interior and defense to direct a crackdown on rebellion against his rule. | Ref: 6 |
1993 | * | Speaker of Congress Khasbulatov calls for impeachment of Yeltsin | Ref: 89 |
1993 | | Belgian government of Dehaene, resigns. | Ref: 5 |
1994 | * | Amy Fisher's lover, Joey Buttafuoco, released from jail after 4 months & 9 days. | Ref: 5 |
1995 | * | Dollar equals ¥88.41 yen (record). | Ref: 5 |
1996 | | Taiwan held its first direct presidential elections; incumbent Lee Teng-hui was the landslide victor. | Ref: 6 |
1998 | * | Yeltsin fires Chernomyrdin, reorganizes cabinet | Ref: 89 |
1998 | * | The Supreme Court ruled that term limits for state lawmakers are constitutional. | Ref: 70 |
2000 | * | Pope John Paul II paid his respects at Yad Vashem, Israel's Holocaust memorial. | Ref: 6 |
2000 | * | In a first, Speaker Dennis Hastert named a Catholic priest, the Reverend Daniel Coughlin, as the new House chaplain. | Ref: 6 |
2003 | * | (Grasso) The New York Stock Exchange Big Board nominates Citigroup Chairman Sanford I Weill to be a "public" representative on its board. The nomination is withdrawn after objections from regulators. (WSJ, p 1, 9/18/2003) | Ref: 33 |
1794 | * | Josiah Pierson patents a "cold-header" (rivet) machine. | Ref: 5 |
1806 | * | Lewis & Clark: Fort Clatsop is presented to the Clatsops, and the expedition sets off for home. | Ref: 65 |
1836 | * | Coin Press invented by Franklin Beale. | Ref: 5 |
1857 | * | Elisha Otis installs the first modern passenger elevator in a public building, at the corner of Broome Street and Broadway in New York City. | Ref: 2 |
1858 | * | Eleazer A. Gardner of Philadelphia patents the cable street car, which runs on overhead cables. | Ref: 2 |
1880 | * | John Stevens of Neenah, WI patents a grain crushing mill. The machine allowed flour production to increase by 70 percent and to sell for $2 more per barrel. | Ref: 4 |
1903 | * | The Wright brothers obtain an airplane patent.
The Wright brothers obtain an airplane patent. | Ref: 2 |
1909 | * | British Lt. Ernest Shackleton finds the magnetic South Pole. | Ref: 2 |
1912 | * | Dixie Cup invented. | Ref: 5 |
1921 | * | Arthur G. Hamilton sets a new parachute record, safely jumping 24,400 feet. | Ref: 2 |
1927 | * | Captain Hawthorne Gray sets a new balloon record soaring to 28,510 feet. | Ref: 2 |
1960 | * | Explorer (8) fails to reach Earth orbit. | Ref: 5 |
1965 | * | Astronaut John Young becomes the first man to eat a corned beef sandwich in outer space. | Ref: 4 |
1965 | * | America's first two-person space flight began as Gemini 3 blasted off from Cape Kennedy with astronauts Virgil I. Grissom and John W. Young aboard. (Go to article.) | Ref: 70 |
1985 | * | Discovery moves to Vandenberg AFB for mating of STS 51-D mission. | Ref: 5 |
1989 | * | British scientist Martin Fleischman and University of Utah Chemist Stanley Pons claim they have discovered a way of causing fusion at room temperature | Ref: 5 |
2001 | * | Russia's orbiting Mir space station ended its 15-year odyssey with a fiery plunge into the South Pacific. | Ref: 70 |
1630 | * | French troops occupy Pinerolo Piedmont. | Ref: 5 |
1657 | | France & England form alliance against Spain; England gets Dunkirk. | Ref: 5 |
1713 | * | Tuscarora Indians vanquished in War at Fort Nohucke, SC; Indians flee north to join Iroquois. | Ref: 10 |
1808 | * | Napoleon's brother Joseph takes the throne of Spain. | Ref: 5 |
1808 | * | Napolean enters Madrid. | Ref: 3 |
1849 | | Battle of Novara (King Charles Albert vs Italian republic). | Ref: 5 |
1862 | * | Confederate General Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson faces his only defeat at the Battle of Kernstown, Va. | Ref: 2 |
1864 | * | Encounter at Camden AR. | Ref: 5 |
1865 | * | General Sherman/Cox's troops reach Goldsboro NC. | Ref: 5 |
1881 | * | Boers & Britain sign peace accord; end first Boer war. | Ref: 5 |
1901 | * | A group of U.S. Army soldier led by Brig. Gen. Frederick Funston capture Emilio Aguinaldo, the leader of the Philippine Insurrection of 1899. | Ref: 2 |
1917 | * | Austrian Emperor Charles I makes a peace proposal to French President Poincare. | Ref: 2 |
1918 | * | German offensive redirects towards Amiens and Paris. | Ref: 38 |
1918 | * | Crépy-en-Laonnoise: German artillery shells Paris France, 256 killed. | Ref: 5 |
1918 | * | Paris bombs "Thick Bertha's Dike" (nickname for the widow Krupp). | Ref: 5 |
1939 | * | Poland partially mobilizes its armed forces. | |
1942 | * | The US government begins evacuating Japanese-Americans from their West Coast homes to detention centers. | Ref: 5 |
1942 | * | The Japanese invade the Andaman Islands in the Bay of Bengal. | Ref: 2 |
1943 | * | German counter attack on US lines in Tunisia. | Ref: 5 |
1945 | * | British 7th Black Watch crosses the Rhine. | Ref: 5 |
1945 | * | Largest operation in Pacific war, 1,500 US Navy ships bomb Okinawa. | Ref: 5 |
1945 | * | Premier Winston Churchill visits Montgomery's headquarter in Straelen. | Ref: 5 |
1951 | * | U.S. paratroopers descend from flying boxcars in a surprise attack in Korea. | Ref: 2 |
1967 | * | Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. calls the Vietnam War the biggest obstacle to the civil rights movement. | Ref: 2 |
1972 | * | The United States calls a halt to the peace talks on Vietnam being held in Paris. | Ref: 2 |
1982 | | Guatemala military coup under General Rios Montt, President Romeo Lucas flees. | Ref: 5 |
2003 | * | A dozen US soldiers are captured in a fake surrender near the Iraqi city of Nasiriyah. (XDG, p 5A, 4/21/2003) | Ref: 83 |
1910 | * | First race at Los Angeles Motordrome (1st US auto speedway). | Ref: 5 |
1918 | | Alick Wickham dives 200' into Australia's Yarra River. | Ref: 5 |
1926 | * | NHL Championship: Montréal Canadiens outscore Pittsburgh Pirates, 6-4 in 2 games. | Ref: 5 |
1930 | | US Ladies Figure Skating Championship won by Maribel Vinson. | Ref: 5 |
1930 | | US Men's Figure Skating Championship won by Roger Turner. | Ref: 5 |
1938 | * | Commissioner Landis frees seventy-four Cardinal minor leaguers to halt the cover up he perceives taking place in the St. Louis farm system. | Ref: 1 |
1946 | * | 8th NCAA Men's Basketball Championship: Oklahoma State beats North Carolina 43-40. | Ref: 5 |
1951 | * | The Dodgers sign a 21-year lease with the City of Vero Beach for use of their spring training site. | Ref: 1 |
1952 | * | Rangers with less than 14 minutes to go blow a 6-2 lead, losing 7-6 to Chicago Black Hawks; Mosienko scores 3 times in 21 seconds. | Ref: 5 |
1956 | * | 18th NCAA Men's Basketball Championship: San Francisco beats Iowa 83-71; this is San Francisco's 2nd consecutive national basketball championship. | Ref: 5 |
1957 | * | 19th NCAA Men's Basketball Championship: North Carolina beats Kansas 54-53 (3 overtimes). | Ref: 5 |
1959 | * | The Cardinals trade Sam Jones to the Giants for first baseman/outfielder Bill White and third baseman Ray Jablonski | Ref: 1 |
1962 | * | The Phillies trade third baseman Andy Carey and second baseman Lou Vassie to the White Sox for pitcher Cal McLish. Chicago then trades Carey to the Dodgers for Ramon Conde and Jim Koranda. | Ref: 1 |
1962 | * | William DeWitt buys Cincinnati Reds for $4,625,000. | Ref: 5 |
1962 | | Wake Forest coach "Bones" McKinney becomes 2nd person to play & coach. | Ref: 5 |
1963 | * | An indoor, pole vault record is set by John Pennel in Memphis, TN. He cleared 16 feet, 3 inches. | Ref: 4 |
1963 | * | 25th NCAA Men's Basketball Championship: Loyola beats Cincinnati 60-58 (OT). | Ref: 5 |
1968 | * | 30th NCAA Men's Basketball Championship: UCLA beats North Carolina 78-55. | Ref: 5 |
1969 | * | Kathy Whitworth wins LPGA Port Charlotte Golf Invitational. | Ref: 5 |
1972 | * | New York Yankees baseball officials announced plans to keep the Yankees in the nation’s largest city. Plans were also revealed concerning a major renovation of Yankee Stadium. While work was underway at ‘The House that Ruth Built’, the Bronx Bombers shared tenancy with the cross-town New York Mets in Flushing, New York at Shea Stadium. | Ref: 4 |
1972 | | Evil Knievel breaks 93 bones after successfully clearing 35 cars. | Ref: 5 |
1975 | * | Sue Roberts wins LPGA Bing Crosby International Golf Classic. | Ref: 5 |
1978 | * | The Mets trade popular shortstop Bud Harrelson to Philadelphia for minor league infielder Freddie Andrews. | Ref: 1 |
1979 | * | Larry Holmes TKOs Osvaldo Ocasio in 7 for heavyweight boxing title. | Ref: 5 |
1980 | * | Donna Caponi Young Pro-Am wins LPGA National Golf Tournament. | Ref: 5 |
1984 | | Andrea Schöne skates ladies world record 3 km (4 :0.91). | Ref: 5 |
1984 | | World Ice Dance Championship in Ottawa won by J Torvill & Chris Dean (Great Britain). | Ref: 5 |
1984 | | World Ice Pairs Figure Skating Championship in Ottawa won by Underhill & Paul Martini (Canada). | Ref: 5 |
1984 | | World Ladies Figure Skating Championship in Ottawa won by Katarina Witt (German Democratic Republic). | Ref: 5 |
1984 | | World Men's Figure Skating Championship in Ottawa won by Scott Hamilton (USA). | Ref: 5 |
1985 | * | Betsy King wins LPGA Standard Register PING. | Ref: 5 |
1986 | * | Martina Navratilova defeats Hana Mandlikova to win the Virginia Slims Championship. It was the first women’s tournament to go four sets since 1901. | Ref: 4 |
1986 | * | Heavyweight Trevor Berbick KOs Pinklon Thomas. | Ref: 5 |
1986 | * | Penny Pulz wins LPGA Circle K Tucson Golf Open. | Ref: 5 |
1987 | * | Baltimore Orioles’ manager, Cal Ripken, Sr., cut one of the birds from the nest. His own son, Cal Ripken, Jr., was sent down to the minors for a short stay before returning to capture the ‘Most Consecutive Games Played’ honor in 1995. | Ref: 4 |
1990 | * | Howard Spira is arrested for extorting money from George Steinbrenner The Yankee owner paid Spira $40,000 in January. | Ref: 1 |
1991 | * | First World League of American Football games, London beats Frankfurt 24-11, Sacramento beats Raleigh-Durham 9-3 & Montréal beats Birmingham 20-5. | Ref: 5 |
1991 | * | Sergei Bubka pole vaults world record indoor (6.12 meter). | Ref: 5 |
1992 | * | Florida Marlins begin selling tickets. | Ref: 5 |
1993 | * | New York Knicks & Phoenix Suns get into a major brawl. | Ref: 5 |
1994 | * | Wayne Gretzky breaks Gordie Howe's National Hockey League career record with his 802nd goal. | Ref: 70 |
1994 | | Graeme Obree bicycles world record 10 km (11 :8). | Ref: 5 |
1994 | * | Richard Jacobs buys naming rights to Indians new ball park at Gateway for $13.8 million (renamed Jacobs Field). | Ref: 5 |
1997 | * | Laura Davies wins Standard Register PING Golf Tournament. | Ref: 5 |
1997 | * | Phil Mickelson wins Bay Hill Golf Invitiational. | Ref: 5 |
1997 | | Wrestlemania XIII in Chicago, Undertaker beats Psycho Sid for title. | Ref: 5 |
1997 | * | Liberty Legends of Senior Golf. | Ref: 5 |
1490 | * | First dated edition of Maimonides "Mishna Torah" published. | Ref: 5 |
1743 | * | It was the first London performance of Handel’s Messiah, and King King George II was in the audience. In the middle of the Hallelujah Chorus, the King rose to his feet in appreciation of the great piece! The entire audience followed suit out of respect for the King. And so began the custom of standing during the singing of the Hallelujah Chorus. | Ref: 4 |
1792 | * | Joseph Haydn's Symphony No. 94 in G Major, also known as the "Surprise Symphony," was performed publicly for the first time, in London. | Ref: 70 |
1891 | * | First jazz concert was held at Carnegie Hall. | Ref: 5 |
1896 | * | Umberto Giordano's opera "Andrea Chénier" premieres in Milan. | Ref: 5 |
1923 | | Frank Silver & Irving Conn release "Yes, We Have No Bananas". | Ref: 5 |
1933 | * | Kroll Opera in Berlin opens. | Ref: 5 |
1940 | | Truth or Consequences was first heard on CBS radio. | Ref: 4 |
1949 | * | Sidney Kingsley's "Detective Story" opens on Broadway at the Hudson Theatre. | Ref: 5 |
1950 | * | "Great to Be Alive" opens at Winter Garden Theater NYC for 52 performances. | Ref: 5 |
1950 | * | 22nd Academy Awards: "All King's Men", Broderick Crawford & Olivia de Havilland win. | Ref: 5 |
1950 | * | Beat the Clock, starring radio’s original Superman, Bud Collyer, premiered on CBS-TV. A lady named Roxanne was Collyer’s assistant from 1950 to 1955. Beverly Bentley was the clock-beater’s assistant from 1955 through the last show on February 16, 1958. It was another one of those Mark Goodsen and Bill Todman productions. | Ref: 4 |
1963 | | Rolf Hochhuth's "Der Stellvertreter" premieres in Berlin. | Ref: 5 |
1973 | * | Yoko Ono is granted permanent residence in US. | Ref: 5 |
1973 | * | Concentration, the longest-running game show in television history, starring Hugh Downs, left the air after 15 years on NBC. | Ref: 4 |
1973 | * | After a 5½ year run, soap "Love is a Many Splendored Thing" ends. | Ref: 5 |
1973 | * | First TV soap opera to focus on youth premieres on CBS "The Young and the Restless.” | Ref: 10 |
1974 | * | Cher reached the top of the music charts as Dark Lady reached the #1 spot for a one-week stay. Other artists who shared the pop music spotlight during that time included: Terry Jacks, John Denver, Blue Swede, Elton John and MFSB. | Ref: 4 |
1979 | * | Wings release "Goodnight Tonight". | Ref: 5 |
1981 | * | CBS Television announced plans to reduce Captain Kangaroo to a 30-minute show each weekday morning. | Ref: 4 |
1985 | * | Julian Lennon's 1st concert (San Antonio Texas). | Ref: 5 |
1985 | * | We Are the World, by USA for Africa, a group of 46 pop stars, entered the music charts for the first time at number 21. | Ref: 4 |
1985 | * | Singer Billy Joel married supermodel Christie Brinkley in private ceremonies held in New York City. (They were divorced Aug 25, 1994.) | Ref: 4 |
1986 | * | 6th Golden Raspberry Awards: Rambo; First Blood Part II wins. | Ref: 5 |
1987 | * | Soap opera "Bold & Beautiful" premieres on CBS-TV. | Ref: 5 |
1994 | * | Howard Stern formally announces his Libertarian run for New York Governor. | Ref: 5 |
1995 | * | "How To Succeed in Business Without Really Trying" opens at R Rodgers NYC for 548 performances. | Ref: 5 |
1997 | * | "Mandy Patinkin in Concert" closes at Lyceum Theater NYC. | Ref: 5 |
1997 | * | 17th Golden Raspberry Awards: Striptease wins. | Ref: 5 |
1998 | * | 70th Academy Awards: Titanic, Jack Nicholson, Helen Hunt win | Ref: 5 |
1430 | * | Margaret of Anjou, French queen consort of England's King Henry VI, is born. | Ref: 70 |
1599 | * | Thomas Selle composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1638 | * | Frederik Ruysch Dutch anatomist, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1699 | * | John Bartram naturalist/explorer, father of American botany, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1736 | | Iman Willem Falck Dutch Governor of Ceylon (1765-83), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1749 | * | Hugo Franz Karl Alexander von Kerpen composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1749 | * | Pierre-Simon Laplace, French mathematician/astronomer/physicist, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1750 | * | Johannes Matthias Sperger composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1761 | * | John W de Winter Dutch Vice-Admiral (Battle at Kamperduin), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1769 | * | William Smith geologist (Strata Identified by Organized Fossils), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1795 | * | Leopold Jansa composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1801 | | Peterus D Regout Dutch industrialist (Sphinx, Maastricht), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1808 | * | Jeronimo de Bosch Kemper sociologist/historian (Statistic yearbook), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1811 | * | Camille Marie Stamaty composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1811 | * | Carl Gottfried Wilhelm Taubert composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1818 | * | Don Carlos Buell Major General (Union volunteers), died in 1898, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1821 | * | Aleksej F Pisemski Russian writer (Clodhopper), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1823 | * | Schuyler Colfax, 17th U.S. Vice President [1869-1873) under Ulysses S. Grant, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1825 | * | Edward Lloyd Thomas Brigadier General (Confederate Army) died in 1898, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1826 | * | Leon Minkus composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1834 | * | Julius Reubke composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1837 | * | Joseph Wieniawski composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1844 | * | Eugene Gigout composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1847 | * | Alexandru D Xenopol Romania, historian, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1854 | * | Alfred Milner Giessen Germany, British Governor (Cape colony), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1857 | * | Fannie Farmer actress (namesake of a candy company), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1858 | * | Ludwig Quidde German historian/politician (Nobel prize 1927), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1860 | * | Horatio W Bottomley British journalist/swindler, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1863 | * | Godfried CE van Daalen Dutch General/Governor of Atjeh, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1864 | * | Hjalmar Borgstrom composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1876 | * | Sir Muirhead Bone Glasgow Scotland, etcher/engraver of architecture, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1878 | * | Franz Schrecker composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1881 | * | Hermann Staudinger Germany, chemist/plastics researcher (Nobel '53), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1881 | * | Roger Martin du Guard France, novelist (Les Thibault-Nobel 1937), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1882 | * | C Montague Shaw Adelaide Australia, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1883 | * | Faisal I ibn Hussein ibn Ali first king of Iraq/Syria, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1884 | * | Glauco Velasquez composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1887 | * | Anthony van Hoboken Dutch musicologist (Haydn-catalog), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1887 | * | Felix Felixovitch Yussupov Russian prince/murderer of Rasputin, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1887 | * | Juan Gris Spain, cubist painter (Still Life Before an Open Window), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1887 | * | Sidney Hillman, American labor leader and one of the founders of the C.I.O. (Sidney Hillman Foundation), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1891 | * | Catherine Murphy Urner composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1892 | * | Birth of George Arthur Buttrick, English Presbyterian pastor and educator. A teacher at both Union Theological Seminary and Harvard University, Buttrick is best remembered as chief editor of "The Interpreter's Bible" (1952_57). | Ref: 5 |
1893 | * | Cedric Gibbons, Irish-born American art director for M.G.M. studios, is born. | Ref: 70 |
1895 | * | Dane Rudhyar composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1898 | | Georgios Grivas Greek General/opposition leader on Cyprus, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1898 | * | Hazel Dawn [LaTout] Ogden UT, actress (Niobe, Under Cover, Feud Girl) | Ref: 5 |
1900 | * | Jose Antonio Calcano composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1900 | * | Erich Fromm, psychoanalyst: The Method and Function of an Analytic Social Psychology, Psychoanalytic Characterology and Its Relevance for Social Psychology; is born in Frankfurt, Germany. | Ref: 4 |
1901 | * | Jan H de Groot Dutch resistance fighter/co-founder (Free Netherlands), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1902 | * | Philip Ober Fort Payne AL, actor (General Stone-I Dream of Jeannie), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1905 | * | Paul Grimault animator, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1905 | * | Ralph Perring Lord Mayor (London), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1906 | * | George Posford composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1907 | * | Daniele Bovet, Swiss-born Italian pharmacologist, is born. | Ref: 2 |
1907 | * | Daniel Bovet Switzerland, pharmacologist (Nobel 1957), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1907 | | Douglas Patrick Thomas Jay politician, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1908 | * | Dominique de Menil arts patron/human rights advocate, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1910 | * | Lale [Liselotte H] Anderson Bremerhaven Germany, singer/actress (Der Pott), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1910 | * | Akira Kurosawa film director: Rashomon, The Seven Samurai, Ran, Rhapsody in August, The Idiot, The Bad Sleep Well; is born in Tokyo, Japan. | Ref: 4 |
1911 | | Charles Joseph A Russhon USAF Lieutenant Colonel/liaison (James Bond films), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1911 | | Denis Wright diplomat, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1911 | | Edward Warner diplomat, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1911 | * | Richard Chapman golfer (1940 US amateur, 1951 British amateur), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1911 | * | Augustus John "Gus" Risman rugby league player, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1912 | * | Alfred Schwarzmann Germany, gymnast (Olympics-2 golds-1936), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1912 | * | John Payne Roanoke VA, actor (Dodsworth, Razor's Edge), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1912 | * | Wernher von Braun scientist: developer of WWII German V-2 rocket, head of U.S. Army missile team; technological leader of American space program; is born in Wirsitz Germany. | Ref: 68 |
1914 | * | Robert Gross composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1915 | * | Francis Berry poet/Shakespearean scholar, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1917 | * | H C Allen American historian, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1917 | * | Johnny Guarnieri New York NY, jazz pianist (Morey Amsterdam Show), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1917 | * | Kenneth Tobey actor (The Thing, Strange Invaders), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1917 | * | Patricia Burke Milan Italy, actress (Forbidden), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1919 | * | Michael Lyne British air Vice-marshal, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1920 | * | Alexander Grigori Harut'unyan composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1920 | * | Geoffrey Bush composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1920 | * | James Brown Desdemona TX, actor (Lieutenant Rip Masters-Rin Tin Tin), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1920 | * | Jimmy Edwards comedy actor (Barnes), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1920 | * | Neal Smith (Representative-Democrat-IA, 1959- ), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1921 | * | Donald Malcome Campbell Surrey UK, boat racer (1955 speed records), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1921 | * | Ian Todd President (Royal College of Surgeons), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1921 | * | Wolfgang Altendorfer writer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1922 | * | Marty Allen Pittsburgh PA, comedian (Allen & Rossi), "Hello Dere", is born. | Ref: 5 |
1922 | * | Ugo Tognazzi Cremona Italy, actor/director (La Cage Aux Folles), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1923 | * | Arnie Weinmeister AAFC, NFL defensive tackle (New York Yankees, Giants), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1924 | | Peter Godfrey chartered accountant, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1925 | | Cees de Ruyter European champion billiards player, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1925 | | David McNee commissioner (Metropolitan Police), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1926 | * | Martha Wright Seattle WA, singer (Let's Dance, The Martha Wright Show), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1927 | * | Osvaldo Lacerda composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1928 | * | Jim (James Robert) Lemon baseball: Cleveland Indians, Washington Nationals, Washington Senators [all-star: 1960], Minnesota Twins, Chicago White Sox, Philadelphia Phillies, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1928 | * | 11th duke of Beaufort English large landowner/multi-millionaire, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1928 | * | Alfred Morris British MP, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1929 | * | Roger Bannister, British track star: broke the 4-minute mile [3:59.4 on May 6, 1954], is born. | Ref: 4 |
1929 | * | Albert H Crews astronaut, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1929 | * | Gerrit den Braber Dutch composer/producer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1929 | * | James Ackley Maxwell actor/director (Traitors, Pyt Potter, Otley), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1929 | * | Michael Manser architect, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1931 | * | ‘Rocky’ Warren Godfrey hockey: NHL: Boston Bruins, Detroit Red Wings | Ref: 4 |
1931 | * | Norman F Lent (Representative-Republican-NY, 1971- ), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1933 | | Geoffrey Leigh CEO (Allied London Properties), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1933 | * | Norman Bailey British bass-baritone (Flying Dutchman), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1933 | * | Monique Van Vooren, Brussels Belgium, actress (Warhol's Frankenstein), is born. | Ref: 68 |
1934 | * | Bryan Bass headmaster (City of London School), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1934 | * | Mark Rydell New York NY, actor (Havana, Punchline, Long Goodbye), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1935 | * | Barry Cryer comedian/writer (Goodies Rule-OK, All You Need is Cash), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1935 | | Desmond Pitcher CEO (Merseyside Development Corporation), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1935 | * | Szilárd Kun Hungary, rapid fire pistol (Olympics-silver-1952), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1937 | * | Rocket car speedster Craig Breedlove is born in Los Angeles CA. He is the first person to travel more than 400mph, more than 500mph and more than 600 mph on land. | Ref: 4 |
1937 | * | Heinz Martin Lonquich composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1938 | * | Christopher Glenn New York NY, news anchor (CBS Nightwatch), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1938 | * | Kenneth J Gregory warden (Goldsmiths' College), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1939 | * | Bert Berdis Pittsburgh PA, comedian (Tim Conway Show), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1939 | * | Boris Ivanovich Tischenko composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1940 | * | Ted Green hockey: NHL: Boston Bruins, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1940 | * | Luis Gasca rocker, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1940 | * | Tariq Yunus actor (Bollywood, Ashanti, Deceivers), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1942 | * | Jimmy Miller US pop drummer (Rolling Stones, Motörhead), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1943 | * | Lee (Andrew) May baseball: Cincinnati Reds [all-star: 1969, 1971/World Series: 1970], Houston Astros [all-star: 1972], Baltimore Orioles [World Series: 1979], KC Royals, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1943 | * | Gail Goodrich NBA star (Lakers, Suns), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1943 | | Peter Graves supt minister (Westminster Central Hall), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1943 | * | Peter Graves supt minister (Westminster Central Hall), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1944 | * | George (Charles) ‘Boomer’ Scott baseball: Boston Red Sox [all-star: 1966, 1977/World Series: 1967], Milwaukee Brewers [all-star: 1975], KC Royals, NY Yankees, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1944 | * | Michael Nyman composer (Mesmer, Carrington), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1946 | * | Vic Washington football: SF 49ers, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1947 | * | Barbara Rhodes Poughkeepsie NY, actress (Don't Just Stand There), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1948 | * | Michael Gleeson otolaryngologist, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1948 | * | R J Bennett FBA/geographer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1949 | * | Karen English (Representative-Democrat-AZ), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1949 | * | Ric Ocasek (Richard Otcasek) musician: guitar, singer: group: The Cars: My Best Friend’s Girl, Just What I Needed, Let’s Go, You Might Think, Magic, Drive, Tonight She Comes; solo: LP: Beatitude, is born in Baltimore MD. | Ref: 4 |
1950 | * | Corrine Clery Paris France, actress (Moonraker, Yor), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1950 | * | P R Scott Headmaster (Bancroft's School, Woodford Green), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1951 | * | Ron Jaworski football: Philadelphia Eagles quarterback: Super Bowl XV, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1951 | * | Dick Mast Bluffton OH, Nike golfer (1990 Mississippi Gulf Coast), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1951 | * | Lis Howell director of programs (GMTV), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1953 | * | Chaka Khan [Yvette Marie Stevens] Great Lakes IL, rocker (Rufus-I'm Every Woman), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1953 | * | Geoffrey Clifton-Brown British MP, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1953 | * | Louie Anderson Minneapolis MN, comedian (Ratboy, Wrong Guys), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1955 | * | Moses Malone, Basketball Hall of Famer: Buffalo Braves, Houston Rockets [single-game playoff record for most offensive rebounds [15: April 21, 1977 vs. Washington], Philadelphia 76ers, Washington Bullets, Atlanta Hawks, Milwaukee Bucks, Washington Bullets, Atlanta Hawks, San Antonio Spurs; NBA MVP: 1979, 1982, 1983; records: most consecutive games without a disqualification [1,212], most free throws made [8,531], most offensive rebounds [6,731], is born. | Ref: 68 |
1955 | * | Cindy Olavarri Pleasant Hills CA, cyclist (7-Eleven team), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1956 | * | Andrew Mitchell British MP, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1956 | * | Laura Thorne chef (named one of 10 best American chefs), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1957 | * | Amanda Plummer New York NY, actress (Hotel New Hampshire, Dollmaker), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1957 | * | Sheila Rena Ingram Washington DC, 4X400 meter relayer (Olympics-silver-1976), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1957 | * | Teresa Ganzel Toledo OH, actress (Teachers Only, Duck Factory), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1958 | * | Serena Grandi [Fagioli], Bologna Italy, actress (Miranda), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1960 | * | Oscar Michael Moore journalist, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1960 | * | Terry Sweeney St Albans NY, writer/comedian (Saturday Night Live), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1962 | * | Johan Steur soccer player (FC Volendam), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1962 | | Steve Redgrave is born. | Ref: 10 |
1963 | * | Ana Quirot Cuba, 800 meter runner (Olympics-bronze/silver-92, 96), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1963 | * | Kim Williams Bethesda MD, LPGA golfer (1995 GHP Heartland-26th), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1965 | * | Dante Jones NFL linebacker (Denver Broncos), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1965 | * | Daren Puppa Kirkland Lake, NHL goalie (Tampa Bay Lightning), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1965 | * | Richard Grieco Waterton NY, actor (21 Jump Street, Booker), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1965 | * | Wayne Presley Detroit MI, NHL right wing (Toronto Maple Leafs), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1966 | * | James Saxon NFL fullback (Philadelphia Eagles), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1966 | * | Marti Pellow rocker (Wet, Wet, Wet-Wishing I Was), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1966 | * | Mike Remlinger Middletown NY, pitcher (Cincinnati Reds), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1967 | * | David Ford Edmonton Alberta, kayaker (Olympics-15-92, 96), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1967 | * | Duncan Macrae actor (Casino Royale, Kidnapped), dies at 61, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1967 | * | Sandra Ferguson [Reinhardt] Pittsburgh PA, actress (Amanda-Another World, Illegal in Blue), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1968 | * | Curtis Mayfield CFL receiver (Saskatchewan Roughriders), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1968 | * | David Maeva CFL linebacker (British Columbia Lions), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1968 | * | Mark Maddox linebacker (Buffalo Bills), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1970 | * | Carl Pickens NFL wide receiver (Cincinnati Bengals), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1970 | * | Turhon O'Bannon CFL receiver (Winnipeg Blue Bombers), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1971 | * | Alexander Selivanov Moscow Russia, NHL right wing (Tampa Bay Lightning), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1971 | * | Chris Lipuma Oak Lawn, NHL defenseman (Tampa Bay Lightning), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1971 | * | Demetrius DuBose NFL linebacker (Tampa Bay Buccaneers), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1971 | * | Hiroyoshi Yamamoto wrestler (NJPW), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1971 | * | Karen McDougal Gary IN, playmate (December 1997), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1971 | * | Renette Cruz Miss Canada-Universe (1996), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1971 | * | Yasmeen Ghauri Montréal Canada, model (Valentino Perfume), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1971 | * | Demetrius DuBose NFL linebacker (Tampa Bay Buccaneers), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1972 | * | Jennifer K Chapman Miss Massachusetts-USA (1997), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1972 | * | Jonas Bjorkman Vaxjo Sweden, tennis star (Davis Cup 1994), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1972 | * | Ryan Kuwabara hockey forward (Team Japan 1998), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1973 | * | David Vaughn NBA forward (Orlando Magic, San Francisco Warriors), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1973 | * | Igor Nikitin hockey defenseman (Team Kazakhstan Olympics-1998), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1973 | * | Jason Kidd NBA guard (Phoenix Suns, Dallas Mavericks), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1973 | * | Kathy Carboy Cincinnati OH, diver (Olympics-96), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1973 | * | Naoko Sawamatsu Nishinomiya Japan, tennis star (1994 Singapore), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1973 | * | Ninya Perna Miss Nevada-USA (1997), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1973 | * | Rob Lazeo CFL offensive tackle (Saskatchewan Roughriders), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1974 | * | Eric Washington NBA guard (Denver Nuggets), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1974 | * | Scott Galyon linebacker (New York Giants), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1974 | * | Tony Alberda Dutch soccer player (SC Heerenveen, Emmen), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1975 | * | Rita Grande Napoli Italy, tennis star (3rd round 1996 Australian Open), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1976 | * | Keri Russell actress (Mickey Mouse Club, Lottery, Daddy Girls), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1976 | * | Nolan Baumgartner Calgary, NHL defenseman (Washington Capitals), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1977 | * | Josh Ackerman actor (Mickey Mouse Club), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1978 | * | Nicholle Tom Hinsdale IL, actress (Beethoven, Maggie-Nanny, Beverly Hills 90210), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1990 | * | Princess Eugenie (Eugenie Victoria Helena Windsor) British royalty: daughter of Prince Andrew and the Duchess of York [Sarah Ferguson], is born. | Ref: 4 |
839 | * | An earthquate kills 200,000 in Ardabil, Iran. | Ref: 85 |
1169 | | Shirkuh Kurd General/vizier of Cairo/Saladin's uncle, dies. | Ref: 5 |
1237 | * | Jan of Brienne King of Jerusalem/Emperor of Constantinople, dies. | Ref: 5 |
1369 | * | Pedro the Cruel, King/tyrant of Castile & Leon, murdered. | Ref: 5 |
1555 | * | Julius III [Giovanni M del Monte], Pope (1550-55), dies at 67. | Ref: 5 |
1603 | * | Queen Elizabeth I dies which will bring into power James VI of Scotland. | Ref: 62 |
1606 | * | Justus Lipsius [Joost Lips], Dutch classic philologist, dies at 58. | Ref: 5 |
1653 | * | Johan van Galen Dutch Admiral (Dunes Monte Christo), dies at about 48. | Ref: 5 |
1658 | * | Valentin Dretzel composer, dies at 79. | Ref: 5 |
1669 | * | Philipp Buchner composer, dies at 54. | Ref: 5 |
1674 | * | Henry Cromwell, English, brief ruler of Ireland, dies at age 46. | Ref: 70 |
1676 | * | Paulus Wirtz [Würtz], German/Netherlands army commander, dies at 63. | Ref: 5 |
1748 | * | Johann Gottfried Walther German composer/musicologist, dies at 63. | Ref: 5 |
1756 | * | Georg Gottfried Wagner composer, dies at 57. | Ref: 5 |
1783 | * | Gaspard Fritz composer, dies at 67. | Ref: 5 |
1786 | * | Patience Wright first US woman pro artist, dies (birth date unknown). | Ref: 5 |
1801 | * | Paul I tsar of Russia (1796-1801), strangled at 46. | Ref: 5 |
1806 | * | George Frederic Pinto composer, dies at 20. | Ref: 5 |
1809 | * | Ferdinand-Philippe-Joseph Staes composer, dies at 60. | Ref: 5 |
1809 | | -Thomas Holcroft dies. | Ref: 10 |
1816 | * | Ignaz Vitzthumb composer, dies at 95. | Ref: 5 |
1818 | * | Nicolas Isouard composer, dies at 42. | Ref: 5 |
1819 | * | August v Kotzebue writer, dies. | Ref: 5 |
1821 | * | Bernhard Anselm Weber pianist/conductor/composer, dies at 56. | Ref: 5 |
1832 | * | Vaclav Vilem Wurfel composer, dies at 41. | Ref: 5 |
1862 | * | Karl Robert von Nesselrode German chancellor, dies at 81. | Ref: 5 |
1869 | * | Charles Lucas composer, dies at 60. | Ref: 5 |
1877 | * | Mormon fanatic John Doyle Lee was executed by a firing squad for masterminding the Mountain Meadows Massacre. In 1857, a wagon train of 127 Arkansas Methodist emigrants, bound for California, were killed by a party of Mormon settlers and Paiute Indians at Mountain Meadows (near Cedar ity), Utah. | Ref: 5 |
1880 | * | Gustav Adolf Mankell composer, dies at 67. | Ref: 5 |
1881 | * | Nikolay Rubinstein composer, dies at 45. | Ref: 5 |
1881 | * | Gas lamp sets fire to Nice France opera house; 70 die. | Ref: 5 |
1888 | * | (US Supreme Court Justice) Morrison R. Waite attorney: seventh Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court [1874-1888]; dies. | Ref: 4 |
1902 | * | Kálmán Tisza premier of Hungary (1875-90), dies at 71. | Ref: 5 |
1907 | * | Constantine P Pobedonostsev Russian reactionary senator, dies at 79. | Ref: 5 |
1909 | * | John Davidson, Scottish poet and playwright, dies at age 52. | Ref: 70 |
1914 | * | Teunis Stoel actor, dies at 62. | Ref: 5 |
1917 | * | 4 day series of tornadoes kills 211 in Midwest US. | Ref: 5 |
1918 | * | Cesar Cortinas composer, dies at 27. | Ref: 5 |
1919 | * | Jean HL Bossard actor/impresario (2 Orphans), dies at 45. | Ref: 5 |
1925 | * | Aleksei Kuropatkin Russian General/minister of War, dies at 76. | Ref: 5 |
1937 | * | Helge Rode Danish poet/essayist, dies at 66. | Ref: 5 |
1939 | * | Richard Halliburton, American travel writer, dies at age 39. | Ref: 70 |
1942 | * | 2,500 Jews of Lublin massacred or deported. | Ref: 5 |
1943 | * | André Lichtenberger French Sudan writer (Le Petit Roi), dies at 72. | Ref: 5 |
1943 | * | Joseph Moiseyevich Schillinger composer, dies at 47. | Ref: 5 |
1944 | * | O C Wingate British General-Major (Burma), dies in air crash. | Ref: 5 |
1944 | | Bomb assassination against Southern Tirol congregation in Rome, 33 die. | Ref: 5 |
1946 | * | Alexandru Zirra composer, dies at 62. | Ref: 5 |
1952 | * | Klaas Schilder Dutch vicar/theologist/antifascist, dies at 61. | Ref: 5 |
1952 | * | Elizabeth Schumann, German-born American soprano, dies at age 66. | Ref: 70 |
1953 | * | Raoul Dufy, French painter and designer, dies at age 76. | Ref: 70 |
1957 | * | Sir Patrick Abercrombie, English architect and town planner, dies at age 77. | Ref: 2 |
1958 | | Florian Znaniecki Polish/US sociologist/philosopher, dies at 76. | Ref: 5 |
1960 | * | Franklin Pierce Adams, American newspaper columnist, radio commentator and poet, dies at age 78. | Ref: 70 |
1961 | * | James Edward Murray (Senator-Democrat-MT) (1935-61), dies. | Ref: 5 |
1961 | * | Valentin Vasilyevich Bondarenko cosmonaut, dies in accident at 24. | Ref: 5 |
1962 | * | Josephus RH van Schaik lawyer/vice-premier of Netherlands, dies at 80. | Ref: 5 |
1962 | * | Val Paul producer (F-Man), dies at 73. | Ref: 5 |
1963 | * | Davey Moore dies seconds after being KOed in feather-weight championship. | Ref: 5 |
1964 | * | Actor Peter Lorre (László Löwenstein) dies at age 59. | Ref: 24 |
1964 | * | Vassily Vainonen Russian ballet choreographer (Gayaneh), dies at 66. | Ref: 5 |
1965 | * | Mae Murray actress (Bachelor Apartment), dies of heart ailment at 75. | Ref: 5 |
1965 | * | Moroccan army shoots on demonstrators, about 100 killed. | Ref: 5 |
1966 | * | Johannes W Elsensohn Dutch actor/writer (Arie), dies at 82. | Ref: 5 |
1967 | * | Duncan Macrae actor (Casino Royale, Kidnapped), dies at 61. | Ref: 5 |
1968 | * | Edwin O'Connor US writer, dies at 49. | Ref: 5 |
1969 | * | Rudolf Pannwitz German author/philosopher (Urblik), dies at 87. | Ref: 5 |
1971 | * | Armin Loos composer, dies at 67. | Ref: 5 |
1971 | * | Simon Vestdijk Dutch author/poet (Brass Garden), dies at 72. | Ref: 5 |
1972 | * | Cristobal Balenciaga, Spanish dress designer, dies at age 77. | Ref: 70 |
1973 | * | Ken Maynard actor (Phantom Rancher, $50,000 Reward), dies at 77. | Ref: 5 |
1977 | * | Bennie Green trombonist, lyricist: The Diamond and the Goose; journalist; dies. | Ref: 4 |
1979 | * | Philip Bourneuf actor (Big Night, Frankenstein), dies at 71. | Ref: 5 |
1981 | | Edward Lasker dies. | Ref: 10 |
1982 | * | Mario Praz Italian author (Casa della vita), dies at 85. | Ref: 5 |
1983 | * | Dr. Barney Clark, recipient of a permanent artificial heart, died at the University of Utah Medical Center after 112 days with the device. (TWA, 1984) | Ref: 95 |
1985 | * | Anton Constandse Dutch anarchist/writer, dies at 85. | Ref: 5 |
1985 | * | Singing Nun [Janine Deckers] commits suicide in Belgium at 52. | Ref: 5 |
1985 | * | Zoot (John Haley) Sims musician: tenor/alto sax: groups: Benny Goodman Band, Woody Herman Orchestra, Stan Kenton, Gerry Mulligan, Birdland All-Stars, Jazz at Carnegie Hall; dies. | Ref: 4 |
1985 | * | Patricia Harris, (Rep-D), American public official; first African-American woman to serve in a presidential cabinet, dies at age 60. | Ref: 70 |
1987 | * | Dean Paul Martin musician/tennis pro, killed in plane crash at 29. | Ref: 5 |
1990 | * | René Enríquez actor: Hill Street Blues, Bulletproof, The Evil That Men Do; dies. | Ref: 4 |
1990 | * | John Dexter, English stage director of opera and drama, dies at age 64. | Ref: 70 |
1991 | * | Dominic Bellissimo created buffalo chicken wings, dies at 68. | Ref: 5 |
1991 | * | Fons Jansen Dutch night club performer, dies at 65. | Ref: 5 |
1991 | * | Mona Maris actress (Camila, Berlin Correspondent), dies at 88. | Ref: 5 |
1991 | * | 20 Tornadoes kill 5 in Tennessee. | Ref: 5 |
1992 | * | Friedrich A von Hayek, Austrian-born English economist; awarded Nobel Prize in Economics-1974, dies at age 92. | Ref: 70 |
1993 | * | Hans Werner Richter German writer/founder (Gruppe 47), dies at 84. | Ref: 5 |
1993 | * | Denis Parsons Burkitt, English surgeon and medical researcher, dies at age 82. | Ref: 70 |
1994 | * | Giulietta Masina, Italian motion-picture actress, wife of Federico Felini/(La Strada), dies at age 73. | Ref: 70 |
1994 | * | Luis Donaldo Colosio, 44, Mexico’s ruling party’s presidential candidate, is gunned down during a campaign rally in the northern border town of Tijuana. The murder is officially unsolved. | Ref: 3 |
1994 | * | Alvara del Portillo Spanish Opus Dei bishop, dies at 80. | Ref: 5 |
1994 | * | Russian Airbus A-310 crashes in Siberia (74-75 killed). | Ref: 5 |
1994 | * | Jim Moloney dies of Parkinson's disease. | Ref: 5 |
1995 | * | Alan Barton singer (Smokie, Black Lace), dies in a bus crash. | Ref: 5 |
1995 | * | Daniel George "Danny" Apolinar composer/songwriter, dies at 61. | Ref: 5 |
1995 | * | Davie Cooper soccer star, dies at 39. | Ref: 5 |
1995 | * | Irving Shulman author/screenwriter, dies at 81. | Ref: 5 |
1995 | * | Ripley L Ingram singer, dies at 65. | Ref: 5 |
1995 | * | Robert Turner winner of first All-American Soap Box Derby, dies at 72. | Ref: 5 |
1995 | * | Russell Reading Braddon author, dies at 74. | Ref: 5 |
1996 | * | Jay D Miller record producer, dies at 73. | Ref: 5 |
1996 | * | Peter Baer artist/printmaker, dies at 72 | Ref: 5 |
2002 | * | Eileen Farrell soprano: 1940s radio performer; San Francisco Opera, Lyric Opera of Chicago, Metropolitain Opera; also successful singing, recording popular music and jazz; dies. | Ref: 4 |