1195 | * | Alexius III Angelus drives out brother Isaäk II as Byzantine emperor. | Ref: 5 |
1341 | | Francesco Petrarca crowned in Rome. | Ref: 5 |
1378 | * | Election of Bartolomeo Prignano, Archbishop of Bari, as Pope Urban VI. | Ref: 69 |
1455 | * | Alfonso de Borja (Ital. Borgia) is elected Pope Callistus III. | Ref: 69 |
1546 | * | At its fourth session, the Council of Trent adopted Jerome's "Latin Vulgate" as the official Bible of the Roman Catholic Church. (Included in the Vulgate O.T. were the 15 apocryphal books which Protestants reject in their biblical canon.). | Ref: 5 |
1692 | * | (Salem Witch Trials) Warrants are issued for Sarah Cloyce and Giles Corey for the suspicion of witchcraft. | Ref: 21 |
1716 | * | Duke Karel Leopold of Mecklenburg-Schwerin signs covenant with Russia & marries Czar Peter the Great's niece. | Ref: 5 |
1730 | * | Shearith Israel, first Jewish congregation organized in America, consecrated their synagogue in New York City. | Ref: 5 |
1783 | * | Catharina II of Russia annexes the Krim. | Ref: 5 |
1802 | * | French Protestant church becomes state-supported & -controlled. | Ref: 5 |
1806 | * | William Kendall receives a contract for building the Greene County (Ohio) court house. (Ref: The Herald-Advisor Magazine Section, p. 2, 9/8/1935) | |
1834 | * | Cornelius Lawrence became the first mayor to be elected by popular vote in a city election. The voters of New York City decided to make him mayor of their fair city. | Ref: 4 |
1838 | | Steamship "Great Western" maiden voyage (Bristol England to New York NY). | Ref: 5 |
1865 | * | (Lincoln Assassination Conspiracy) Booth returns to Washington from New York, where he had met with his Confederate control, and told a friend "What a splendid chance I had to kill the President on the fourth of March [at the innaugeration]." | Ref: 87 |
1879 | | Khedive Ismael of Egypt fires French/British ministers. | Ref: 5 |
1879 | * | Milk is sold in glass bottles for first time. | Ref: 5 |
1893 | * | The Critic reports that the ice cream soda is our national drink. | Ref: 5 |
1908 | * | Lord Herbert Henry Asquith succeeds Henry Campbell-Bannerman as British Prime Minister. | Ref: 5 |
1912 | * | The American Theological Society was organized at Union Theological Seminary, in New York, for the purpose of discussing religious, theological and philosophical problems. | Ref: 5 |
1913 | * | The 17th Amendment is ratified, requiring direct election of senators. | Ref: 2 |
1913 | | Opening of China's first parliament takes place in Peking (now Beijing). | Ref: 5 |
1914 | * | US & Columbia sign a treaty concerning the Panama Canal Zone. | Ref: 5 |
1916 | * | Norway approves active & passive female suffrage. | Ref: 5 |
1933 | * | Manchester Guardian warns of unknown nazi terror. | Ref: 5 |
1934 | * | Dillinger family reunion back in Mooresville. The farm is under surveillance at the time, but Dillinger leaves for Chicago after dinner. | Ref: 42 |
1935 | * | The Works Progress Administration (WPA) is approved by Congress. | Ref: 2 |
1943 | | Jomo Kenyatta of Kenya convicted of involvement with Mau Mau. | Ref: 5 |
1943 | | Hakuun Yasutani Roshi, founder of Sanbo Kyodan, receives dharma. | Ref: 5 |
1945 | * | Nazi occupiers executed, Nazi General Christiansen flees Netherlands. | Ref: 5 |
1946 | * | The League of Nations assembled in Geneva for the last time. | Ref: 5 |
1948 | | Soen Nakagawa & Nyogen Senzaki (Zen teachers) meet in San Francisco. | Ref: 5 |
1952 | * | President Truman ordered the U.S. Army to seize the nation's steel mills to avert a strike. The act was ruled to be illegal by the Supreme Court on 2 June. (XDG, p 6A, 4/08/2003) | Ref: 83 |
1956 | * | M Bandaranaike's People's front wins election in Ceylon. | Ref: 5 |
1960 | * | Senate passes first civil rights legislation. | Ref: 10 |
1960 | | Netherlands & Germany sign accord concerning war casualties. | Ref: 5 |
1962 | * | Accords of Evian (Algeria) accepted by referendum in France. | Ref: 5 |
1966 | * | Leonid Brezhnev elected Secretary-General of communist party. | Ref: 5 |
1968 | | New socialist constitution of East Germany takes effect. | Ref: 5 |
1968 | * | Czechoslovakia Cernik government forms. | Ref: 5 |
1970 | * | The Senate rejected President Richard Nixon's nomination of G. Harold Carswell to the Supreme Court. | Ref: 70 |
1971 | * | First legal off-track betting system begins (OTB-New York). | Ref: 5 |
1977 | * | Israel premier Yitzhak Rabin resigns. | Ref: 5 |
1985 | | India files suit against Union Carbide over Bhopal disaster. | Ref: 5 |
1988 | * | Televangelist Jimmy Swaggert, 52, was defrocked by the Assemblies of God following the disclosure of his involvement with a prostitute. (Swaggert was ordered to stay off TV for a year, but had returned after only three months.) | Ref: 5 |
1990 | | King Birendra of Nepal lifts 30-year ban on political parties. | Ref: 5 |
1991 | * | Secretary of State James A. Baker the Third toured refugee camps near the Iraqi border, praising relief efforts but saying "hope must be given to these people for a return to home." | Ref: 6 |
1994 | * | Darryl Strawberry enters Betty Ford clinic. | Ref: 5 |
1994 | * | Japan's premier Morihiro Hosokawa resigns. | Ref: 5 |
1994 | * | Smoking banned in Pentagon & all US military bases. | Ref: 5 |
1996 | * | Stock prices plunged on Wall Street amid concerns over stronger-than-expected employment data. The Dow Jones industrial average fell 88.51 to end at 5594.37. | Ref: 6 |
1997 | * | The Vatican chose Archbishop Francis George of Portland, Ore., to head the Archdiocese of Chicago, succeeding the late Cardinal Joseph Bernardin. | Ref: 70 |
1997 | * | Microsoft Corp releases Internet Explorer 4.0. | Ref: 5 |
2000 | * | The Central Intelligence Agency confirmed that personnel action had been taken following the mistaken bombing of the Chinese embassy during the NATO war against Yugoslavia; one employee was reportedly fired. | Ref: 6 |
2003 | * | The Xenia Daily Gazette announces on page 2A that actor Harrison Ford will serve as the Master of Ceremonies at the 2003 Pioneers of Flight Homecoming on Saturday, July 19, 2003 at the Dayton Convention Center. | Ref: 83 |
1513 | * | Ponce de Leon lands at the site of St. Augustine naming the place Florida. He claims them for Spain. | Ref: 5 |
1766 | * | First fire escape patented, wicker basket on a pulley & chain. | Ref: 5 |
1862 | * | Aerosol bottle patented by John Lynde of Philadelphia. | Ref: 5 |
1873 | * | Alfred Paraf of New York City patent the first successful oleomargarine. | Ref: 4 |
1947 | * | Largest recorded sunspot (7,000) observed. | Ref: 5 |
1964 | * | Unmanned Gemini 1 launched. | Ref: 5 |
1966 | * | OAO 1, the first orbiting astronomical observatory, launched. | Ref: 5 |
1985 | * | Amdahl releases UTS/V, first mainframe Unix. | Ref: 5 |
1993 | * | STS-56 (Discovery) launches into orbit. | Ref: 5 |
1997 | * | STS 83 (Columbia 22), lands. | Ref: 5 |
1500 | * | Battle at Novara King Louis XII defeats and captures duke Ludovico Sforza of Milan. | Ref: 5 |
1759 | * | British troops chase French out of Masulipatam India. | Ref: 5 |
1832 | * | Some 300 American troops of the 6th Infantry leave Jefferson Barracks, St. Louis, to confront the Sauk Indians in what would become known as the Black Hawk War. | Ref: 2 |
1848 | | First battle at Gioto Sardinia-Piemonte beats Austrians. | Ref: 5 |
1848 | | Battle at Xaquixaguana, Peru Pedro de la Gasca beats Gonzalo Pizarro. | Ref: 5 |
1861 | * | US mint at Dahlonega, Georgia seized by confederacy. | Ref: 5 |
1864 | * | In the Battle of Mansfield, Louisiana, Federals are routed by Confederate Gen. Richard Taylor. | Ref: 2 |
1865 | * | General Robert E Lee surrenders at Appomattox Court House in Virginia. | Ref: 5 |
1898 | * | Anglo-Egyptian forces under British General Horatio Kitchner defeat the Khalifa, leader of the dervishes in Sudan and 6,000 Sudanese, at the Battle of Atbara. | Ref: 2 |
1904 | * | Great Britain & France sign Cordial Entente concerning colonial matter settling Anglo-French differences in Morocco, Egypt & Newfoundland. | Ref: 5 |
1917 | * | Austria-Hungary breaks with United States. | Ref: 38 |
1939 | * | Italy invades Albania. King Zog I of Albania, flees. | Ref: 2 |
1940 | * | British forces lay mines off the Norwegian coast; the British government informs Norway that they are mining the Leads along the coastal waters off Norway; two German ships are torpedoed off the Norwegian coast; Norwegian coastal forts open fire on German warships, as a German invasion begins. | |
1940 | * | Germany battle cruisers sink British aircraft carrier Glorious. | Ref: 5 |
1942 | * | The Soviets open a rail link to the besieged city of Leningrad. | Ref: 2 |
1944 | * | Soviet troops begin an offensive to liberate Crimea. | Ref: 36 |
1962 | * | Bay of Pigs invaders get thirty years imprisonment in Cuba. | Ref: 2 |
1911 | * | The first squash tournament was played at the Harvard Club in New York City. | Ref: 4 |
1920 | * | LONGA soccer team forms in Tilburg. | Ref: 5 |
1934 | * | At Shibe Park, 15,000 fans witness the first legal baseball game between major league teams played on a Sunday in the city of Philadelphia. In a hometown exhibition game, the Phillies beat the A's, 8-1. | Ref: 1 |
1935 | * | 2nd Golf Masters Championship Gene Sarazen wins, shooting a 282. | Ref: 5 |
1939 | * | ACV soccer team forms in Axes. | Ref: 5 |
1941 | * | Joe Louis TKOs Tony Musto in 9 for heavyweight boxing title. | Ref: 5 |
1943 | * | Detroit Red Wings sweep Boston Bruins for the Stanley Cup. | Ref: 5 |
1956 | * | 20th Golf Masters Championship Jack Burke Jr wins, shooting a 289. | Ref: 5 |
1963 | * | In his first major league at-bat, Pete Rose works out a walk off Pirate pitcher Earl Francis. | Ref: 1 |
1963 | * | Steve Brooks became only the fifth race jockey to ride 4,000 career winners. | Ref: 4 |
1963 | * | After being promised the Secretary of Labor would intervened to mediate their dispute, the D.C. Stadium striking vendors do not appear at the ballpark and President Kennedy doesn't have to cross a picket line to toss out the ceremonial first pitch. The Senators lose the game 3-1 and JFK's suggestion of playing Tom Brown doesn't pan out as the rookie first baseman fans three times. | Ref: 1 |
1963 | * | Tigers claim young pitcher Denny McLain from the White Sox for $25,000. | Ref: 5 |
1966 | * | At the Astrodome, the Astros and Dodgers play baseball's first game on synthetic grass. Thanks to the Monsanto chemical company, who proposed using an experimental playing surface of nylon grass, the plan to play on an all-dirt field, necessitated by the need to paint the dome's glass panes to reduce the glare which prevented natural grass from growing, was alleviated by the use of 'Astro Turf'. | Ref: 1 |
1966 | * | AFL chooses 36 year old Al Davis as commissioner. | Ref: 5 |
1968 | * | Baseball's Opening Day is postponed because of Martin Luther King Jr assassination. | Ref: 5 |
1969 | * | Scoring all of their runs in the top of the first, the Seattle Pilots make their major league debut defeating the Angels, 4-3. | Ref: 1 |
1969 | * | The Royals play their first game in the history of the franchise and joins the winner circle along with the other three new clubs making their debuts today. | Ref: 1 |
1969 | * | The San Diego Padres make their major league debut with a 2-1 victory over Houston in front of 23,370 fans at San Diego Stadium. | Ref: 86 |
1969 | * | The Expos play the first game in team history against the Mets at Shea Stadium and win 11-10. Lefthanded reliever Dan McGinn hits the first home run in team history in the 3rd inning off of Tom Seaver. | Ref: 86 |
1974 | * | The Atlanta Braves' Hank Aaron he breaks Babe Ruth's all-time home run record with No. 715 against the Los Angeles Dodgers' lefty Al Downing. | Ref: 86 |
1975 | * | Frank Robinson becomes the first black manager in major league history as his Indians defeat the Yankees 5-3. The Tribes' new player-manager hits a home run in his first at-bat as the designated hitter. | Ref: 1 |
1979 | * | 8th Colgate Dinah Shore Golf Championship won by Sandra Post. | Ref: 5 |
1979 | * | People's Republic of China joins IOC. | Ref: 5 |
1980 | * | Islander Potvin's 2 shorthanded goals tie NHL record vs Kings set NHL rec of 2 shorthanded playoff goals in 1 period. | Ref: 5 |
1981 | * | Islanders scored 9 goals against Toronto in playoffs. | Ref: 5 |
1982 | | Tracy Caulkins, 19, wins her 36th US swimming title. | Ref: 5 |
1982 | * | Pittsburgh Penguins 2-New York Islanders 4-Preliminary; Islanders hold 2-0 lead. | Ref: 5 |
1984 | * | 13th Nabisco Dinah Shore Golf Championship won by Juli Inkster. | Ref: 5 |
1985 | * | White Sox Opening Day starter Tom Seaver establishes a big league record with his 15th Opening Day assignment. The previous record of 14 was held by Walter Johnson of the Washington Senators. | Ref: 1 |
1986 | * | Facing Nolan Ryan of the Astros, Giant rookie Will Clark homers in his first major league at-bat | Ref: 1 |
1986 | * | The Mariners' Jim Presley hits two home runs in the ninth and tenth innings helping Seattle to beat the Angels, 8-4 in a dramatic comeback victory on Opening Day. | Ref: 1 |
1986 | * | It took 18 years of singing the U.S. national anthem, but on this day, at long last, baritone Robert Merrill of the Metropolitan Opera became the first person to both sing the anthem and throw out the first ball at Yankee Stadium for the Yanks home opener. | Ref: 4 |
1986 | * | The Atlanta Braves unveil their newest mascot "Rally", who replaces "Noc-A-Homa", the Braves mascot since 1969. (Walburn, Lee, "The Atlanta Journal and The Atlanta Constitution" p D1, 4/08/1986) (Courtesy Scott Sutton) | Ref: 5 |
1987 | * | Indian hurlers Phil Niekro and Steve Carlton combine to beat the Blue Jays, 14-3, making it the first time in major league history that two 300-game winners pitched for the same team in the same game. Niekro goes six innings to get his 312th career win and 'Lefty' blanks Toronto for four innings. | Ref: 1 |
1987 | * | Los Angeles Dodgers executive Al Campanis resigned after saying on ABC's "Nightline" that blacks may lack some of the "necessities" for becoming baseball managers. | Ref: 70 |
1989 | * | 1-handed pitcher Jim Abbott debut but lasts only 4 2/3 innings. | Ref: 5 |
1990 | * | 54th Golf Masters Championship Nick Faldo wins, shooting a 278. | Ref: 5 |
1990 | * | Kris Monaghan wins LPGA Red Robin Kyocera Inamori Golf Classic. | Ref: 5 |
1991 | * | Jockey Willie Shoemaker was left paralyzed in an automobile accident. | Ref: 5 |
1991 | * | Oakland A's stadium becomes first outdoor arena to ban smoking. | Ref: 5 |
1991 | * | Major league umpires & baseball reach a 4-year agreement. | Ref: 5 |
1992 | * | Tennis great Arthur Ashe announced at a New York news conference that he had AIDS. (Ashe died in February 1993 of AIDS-related pneumonia at age 49.). | Ref: 70 |
1993 | * | Indian Carlos Baerga becomes the first major leaguer to homer from both sides of the plate in the same inning. | Ref: 1 |
1994 | * | Braves' Kent Mercker no-hits Los Angeles, 6-0 at Dodger Stadium. It is the lefthander's first complete game in the major leagues. | Ref: 1 |
1994 | * | Chan Ho Park becomes the first Korean to play in the major leagues as he makes Dodger pitching debut. | Ref: 1 |
1995 | * | The Colorado Rockies sign free agents Larry Walker and Bill Swift to multiyear contracts. | Ref: 86 |
1995 | * | Oliver McCall beats Larry Holmes in 12 for heavyweight boxing title. | Ref: 5 |
1996 | * | Bruce Seldon TKOs Tony Tucker in 7 to win vacated WBA boxing title. | Ref: 5 |
1998 | * | The Tampa Bay Devil Rays record 10 hits but strand 13 runners on base, losing to Detroit in their first road game, 3-1, at Tiger Stadium. | Ref: 86 |
2000 | * | Kenny Rogers has his 19-game home winning streak snapped as Blue Jay David Wells pitches a nine-hit complete game shutout beating Texas, 4-0. Rogers' streak, compiled with the Yankees, A's, Mets and Rangers, is the third-longest in major league history. | Ref: 1 |
2001 | * | Upon winning the 65th Golf Masters Championship in Augusta, Tiger Woods becomes first golfer to hold all 4 pro titles at once. | Ref: 10 |
2002 | | (Mt. St. Elias) (sunset) Seasonsed outdoorsmen Aaron Martin and Reid Sanders reach the peak of Mt. St. Elias in Alaska with the intent of skiing to the sea. John Griber stopped 75 ft short of the summit. (Sports Illustrated, 4/29/2002, p. 56) | |
2003 | * | At the home opener at PNC Park, Pittsburgh unveils a sculpture of Ralph Kiner. The Hall of Fame home run hitter, who is depicted in the bronze artwork gripping a Kiner-model Louisville Slugger bat, joins Willie Stargell, Honus Wagner and Roberto Clemente as other former Pirates honored with a ballpark statutes. | Ref: 1 |
2003 | * | As a backlash of Canadians' reaction in Montreal last month at the singing of the Star-Spangled Banner due to their opposition of the U.S. war in Iraq, some of the 29,138 patrons at the Cub opener boo as the Canadian national anthem, O' Canada', is performed prior to the Expo game at Wrigley Field. | Ref: 1 |
2003 | * | By going went 4-for-4 along with three walks, Rockies' first baseman Todd Helton sets a club record by reaching base in all seven plate appearances. Chris Stynes also set a franchise mark for most plate appearances in a game with eight. | Ref: 1 |
2003 | * | In a frigid 35-degree home opener, with the fans chanting his name, Hideki Matsui hit his first major league home run, a grand slam into the right field bleachers. After be greeted with a warm reception in the pre-game ceremonies and a standing ovation after making a great defensive play, Godzilla receives a thunderous applause and curtain call from the sold-out Yankee Stadium crowd after his fifth inning bases-full poke against the Twins. | Ref: 1 |
1646 | * | First newspaper advertisement appears in the Imperial Intelligencer in England. | Ref: 10 |
1781 | * | Premiere of Mozart's violin sonata K379. | Ref: 5 |
1869 | * | American Museum of Natural History opens (New York NY). | Ref: 5 |
1876 | * | Amiliare Ponchielli's opera "La Gioconda", premieres in Milan. | Ref: 5 |
1931 | | "White Horse Inn" opens in London. | Ref: 5 |
1931 | * | Dmitri Shostakovich's ballet "The Arrow", premieres. | Ref: 5 |
1935 | * | Bartóks 5th String quartet premieres in Washington DC. | Ref: 5 |
1942 | * | A Schoenberg & Tudor's ballet "Pillar of Fire", premieres in NYC. | Ref: 5 |
1943 | * | Wendell Wilkie’s One World was published for the first time. In less than two months, sales reached a million copies. | Ref: 4 |
1950 | * | "Miss Liberty" closes at Imperial Theater NYC after 308 performances. | Ref: 5 |
1954 | * | "By the Beautiful Sea" opens at the Majestic Theater on Broadway. | Ref: 5 |
1957 | * | Jimmy Dean began a morning show on CBS-TV to compete with the first 45 minutes of the Today show on NBC-TV. No, he didn’t stand around in an apron cookin’ sausage and singing Big Bad John for the audience, though it may not have been a bad idea. No sponsors were found for the show and it was back to the smokehouse for Jimmy when CBS quickly sliced the show from the network. | Ref: 4 |
1961 | * | "Show Girl" closes at Eugene O'Neill Theater NYC after 100 performances. | Ref: 5 |
1963 | * | 35th Academy Awards "Lawrence of Arabia", Anne Bancroft & Gregory Peck win. | Ref: 5 |
1968 | * | The Beatles went gold again, receiving a gold record for the single, Lady Madonna. | Ref: 4 |
1968 | * | 40th Academy Awards postponed to April 10th due to death of Martin Luther King Jr. | Ref: 5 |
1970 | * | "Cry for Us All" opens at Broadhurst Theater NYC for 8 performances. | Ref: 5 |
1971 | * | Chicago became the first rock group to play Carnegie Hall in New York City. Through the 1970s and 1980s, Chicago scored big with these hits: Make Me Smile, 25 or 6 to 4, Saturday in the Park, Old Days, Baby, What a Big Surprise, Hard to Say I’m Sorry and many others. | Ref: 4 |
1974 | | Discovery Island opens. | Ref: 5 |
1975 | * | 47th Academy Awards "Godfather II", Ellen Burstyn & Art Carney win. | Ref: 5 |
1979 | * | 204th & final episode of "All in the Family". | Ref: 5 |
1979 | * | "Carmelina" opens at St James Theater NYC for 17 performances. | Ref: 5 |
1984 | * | 4th Golden Raspberry Awards Lonely Lady wins. | Ref: 5 |
1985 | * | Comedienne Phyllis Diller underwent a surgical procedure for permanent eye liner to eliminate the need for eyelid makeup. | Ref: 4 |
1985 | * | "Leader of the Pack" opens at Ambassador Theater NYC for 120 performances. | Ref: 5 |
1986 | * | Clint Eastwood elected mayor of Carmel, CA in a landslide. | Ref: 5 |
1989 | * | Entertainment Tonights Mary Hart marries producer Burt Sugarman. | Ref: 5 |
1990 | * | "Twin Peaks" with Peggy Lipton premiers on ABC-TV. | Ref: 5 |
1990 | * | "Aspects of Love" opens at Broadhurst Theater NYC for 377 performances. | Ref: 5 |
1991 | * | Michael Landon announces he has inoperable cancer of the pancreas. | Ref: 5 |
1991 | * | "I Hate Hamlet" opens at Walter Kerr Theater NYC for 88 performances. | Ref: 5 |
1992 | | After 151 years Britain's "Punch Magazine" final issue | Ref: 5 |
1992 | * | "Five Guys Named Moe" opens at Eugene O'Neill theater on Broadway for 445 performances. | Ref: 5 |
2002 | * | Suzan-Lori Parks became the first black woman to win a Pulitzer Prize for drama for her play "Topdog/Underdog." | Ref: 70 |
-563 | * | -BC- Buddha (Shakyamuni) ‘The Enlightened One’ in the Buddhist faith; (as celebrated in Japan-Kambutsue), is born. | Ref: 4 |
1460 | * | Ponce de Leon searched for fountain of youth, found Florida, is born in San Tervas de Campos Spain. | Ref: 5 |
1533 | * | Claudio Merulo organist/composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1582 | * | Phienas Fletcher poet, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1605 | * | Philip IV, king of Spain and Portugal (1621-65), is born. | Ref: 2 |
1605 | * | Louis de Vadder Flemish painter, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1614 | * | El Greco [Domenikos Theotokopoulos] Iráklion Crete Greece, painter (View of Toledo), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1631 | * | Coirnelis de Heem painter, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1642 | * | Gerard Callenbach Dutch Admiral, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1655 | * | Louis Willem I Margrave (Baden-Baden), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1692 | * | Giuseppe Tartini Italy, violinist/composer (Trillo del Diavolo), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1695 | * | Johann C Günther writer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1697 | * | Pierre Prowo composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1708 | * | Georg Zarth composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1726 | * | (Declaration of Independence) Lewis Morris, farmer, signer of the Declaration of Independence, is born in Morrisania (Bronx County) NY. (TWA, 1997) | Ref: 95 |
1732 | * | David Rittenhouse, American astronomer and inventor, is born. | Ref: 70 |
1741 | * | José B da Gama Portuguese poet (O Uraguai), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1756 | * | Joseph Gehot composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1775 | * | Adam A earl von Neipperg Austrian General/Napoleon's wife Marie lover, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1776 | * | Thaddaus Weigl composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1783 | * | John Loudon, Scottish landscape architect and horticultural journalist, is born. | Ref: 70 |
1798 | * | Dionysios Solomos poet, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1816 | * | Frederick William Burton painter, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1818 | * | Christaan IX king of Denmark (1863-1906), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1828 | * | George Baird Hodge Brigadier General (Confederate Army), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1831 | * | Allard Pierson, Dutch theologiost/philosopher/art historian/poet, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1832 | * | Alfred von Waldersee Prussian fieldmarshal, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1842 | * | Elizabeth Clift Bacon (the wife of George A. Custer) is born in Monroe, Mi. Ref | |
1843 | * | Asger Hamerik [Hammerich], composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1850 | * | William Welch, American pathologist; modernized medical practices in the United States, is born. | Ref: 68 |
1859 | * | Edmund Husserl Germany, philosopher, founded Phenomenology, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1869 | * | Harvey Cushing US, neurosurgeon (blood pressure studies), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1872 | * | Ruth Gaines-Shelton playwright: The Church Fight [1926], is born. | Ref: 4 |
1872 | * | Ray (O. Raymond) Knight ‘Father of Canadian Rodeo’: conceived, coined, organized first Canadian stampede (rodeo); town of Raymond, Alberta Canada named for him. | Ref: 4 |
1875 | * | Albert I, King of the Belgiams (1909-1934) and leader of Belgiam army during World War I, is born. | Ref: 70 |
1878 | * | Rudolf Nelson composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1880 | * | Victor Schertzinger, composer/director (Uptown NY), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1881 | * | Fernand Lamy composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1885 | * | Dimitrios Levidis composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1886 | * | Margaret A Barnes writer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1887 | * | Walter Connolly, Cincinnati OH, actor (Good Earth, 5th Avenue Girl), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1889 | * | Sir Adrian Boult, Chester England, conductor (BBC Symphony Orchestra), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1892 | * | Richard J Neutra Austrian/US architect (Who Built America?), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1893 | * | Edgar "Yip" Harburg, lyricist ("Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?," "Over the Rainbow"), is born. | Ref: 2 |
1893 | * | Grace Cunard Columbus OH, silent screen actress (Resurrection), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1893 | * | Henri Puvrez Belgian sculptor (Sereniteit), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1894 | * | Mary Pickford (Gladys Louise Smith) Academy Award-winning actress: Coquette [1928-29], Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, Stella Maris, The Taming of the Shrew, Pollyanna, A Poor Little Rich Girl; is born in Toronto Ontario Canada. | Ref: 68 |
1895 | * | Bert I[ra] Gordon Kenosha WI, diector/producer (Empire of the Ants, Magic Sword, Amazing Colossal Man), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1895 | * | Sigurdur Thordarson composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1896 | * | Karl Hermann Pillney composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1897 | * | Herbert Eimert German composer/musicologist (Glockenspiel), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1898 | * | CM Bowra professor of poetry (Oxford University), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1898 | * | E Y "Yip" Harburg [Isidore Hochberg], lyricist/librettist, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1898 | * | Achiel H Acker Belgian premier (1945-46, 1954-58), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1898 | * | Cecil [Maurice] Bowra British classics expert (Greek experience), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1902 | * | Josef Krips Vienna Austria, conductor (London Symphony 1954-63), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1903 | * | Ilka Chase New York NY, actress (Masquerade Party, Trials of O'Brien), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1904 | * | Sir John Hicks, English Nobel Prize-winning economist (1972), is born. | Ref: 70 |
1904 | * | John Antill composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1905 | * | George Baxter Paris France, actor (Flying Saucer, Lili, Caged), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1905 | * | Hans Scherfig Danish marxist/writer (Idealister, Frydenholm), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1905 | * | Helen B M Fennell Joseph anti-apartheid writer (Side by Side), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1905 | | Pierre Wigny Belgian minister of Foreign affairs (1958-61) [or 4/18], is born. | Ref: 5 |
1906 | * | Charles J B Jonckheere Flemish poet/writer (Mirror of the Sea), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1907 | * | Maurice Stacey chemist, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1908 | * | Neil Lawson British high court judge, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1909 | * | George Dixon trumpet/sax, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1909 | * | Olavi Pesonen composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1909 | | William James Millar Mackenzie political scientist, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1910 | * | George Musso NFL guard (Chicago Bears), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1911 | | Douglas Hyde socialist/Christian, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1911 | * | Émile Michel Cioran Romania, writer (The Trouble With Being Born, Anathemas and Admirations), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1911 | * | Melvin Calvin US chemist (photosynthesis, Nobel 1961), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1912 | * | Sonja Henie Oslo Norway, ice skater/actress (Olympic-gold-1928,32,36), is born. | Ref: 68 |
1912 | * | Josef Gabcík, Czechoslovakia, resistance fighter (attacked Heydrich), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1913 | * | H Ernst bishop (Breda Netherlands), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1918 | * | Elizabeth ‘Betty’ Ford (Bloomer) First Lady: wife of 38th U.S. President Gerald R. Ford; founder of the Betty Ford Clinic for substance abuse rehabilitation, is born. | Ref: 68 |
1919 | * | [Douglas] Ian Smith premier of Rhodesia (1964-..), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1920 | * | Erik Pausin Austria, figure skating pairs (Olympics-silver-1936), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1920 | * | Carmen [Mercedes] McRae New York NY, US jazz singer/pianist (Downbeat's New Star of 1954), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1921 | * | Alfie Bass London England, actor (Moonraker, Are You Being Served), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1921 | * | Jan Novak composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1921 | * | Virginia O'Brien Los Angeles CA, actress/singer (Gus, Ziegfeld Follies, Thousands Cheer), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1922 | * | Carmen McRae NYC, singer (Down Beats New Star of 1954), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1923 | * | Edward Mulhare Cork Ireland, actor (Daniel Gregg-Ghost & Mrs Muir), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1923 | * | Franco (Dario) Corelli, Anconia Italy, tenor (Don Jos‚-Carmen), is born. | Ref: 68 |
1926 | * | Shecky Greene (Sheldon Greenfield) comedian, Las Vegas nightclub performer; actor: Splash, Mel Brooks’ History of the World -- Part 1, Tony Rome, Laverne and Shirley, The A-Team, Northern Exposure, is born in Chicago IL. | Ref: 68 |
1927 | * | Charlie (Charles Richard) ‘Smokey’ Maxwell baseball: Boston Red Sox, Baltimore Orioles, Detroit Tigers [all-star: 1956, 1957], Chicago White Sox, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1928 | * | Eric Porter London England, actor (Antony & Cleopatra, 39 Steps), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1928 | * | John Gavin (Anthony Golenour) actor: Psycho, Spartacus, A Time to Love & a Time to Die, Sophia Loren: Her Own Story, is born in Los Angeles CA. | Ref: 4 |
1928 | | Mary Zeldenrust-Noordanus CEO (NVSH), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1929 | | -Joey "Crazy Joe" Gallo is born. | Ref: 10 |
1929 | * | Jacques Brel, Brussels Belgium, songwriter/singer/actor (Jacques Brel Is Alive and Well and Living in Paris, Pain in the A__), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1929 | * | Renzo de Felice historian, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1929 | * | Walter Berry Austria singer/ex husband of Christa Ludwig, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1929 | * | William K Everson film historian, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1930 | * | Dorothy Tutin, London England, actress (Importance of Being Earnest, Cromwell), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1930 | * | John Reardon NYC, baritone (Falke-Die Fledermaus), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1930 | * | John Bartholomew, Tucker PA, TV host (Candid Camera, Treasure Island), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1930 | * | Mary Moore principal (St Hilda's College, Oxford), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1930 | * | Julien Van Remoortere [Piet Mortelman], Flemish writer (Fist), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1931 | * | Dorothy Tutin actress (Importance of Being Ernest, Cromwell), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1932 | * | John Gavin, US actor (Back Street, Psycho, Murder for Sale), diplomat, ambassador to Mexico, is born in Los Angeles CA. (Also TWA, 1986) | Ref: 17 |
1933 | * | Fred Ebb lyricist (Cabaret), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1933 | * | Jaroslav Smolka composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1935 | * | Albert G Bustamante (Representative-Democrat-TX, 1985- ), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1935 | * | Elizabeth Barrett-Connor epidemiologist (Living legacy award-1984), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1936 | * | Klaus Lowitsch Berlin, actor (Despair, Marriage of Marla Braun), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1937 | * | Seymour Hersh award winning investigative reporter (NY Times), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1937 | | Ronald Anthony "Tony" Clegg property trader, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1938 | * | Lory Patrick Beckley WV, actress (TRina-Tales of Welles Fargo), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1938 | * | Barton Keith McLean composer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1940 | * | John Havlicek ,Basketball Hall of Famer: Boston Celtics [eight NBA championship teams: 1963-1966, 1968-1969, 1974, 1976/13 NBA All-Star Games: 1966-1978/four-time All-NBA First Team: 1971-74/five-time NBA All-Defensive First Team (1972-1976]; Celtics all-time leading scorer [26,395 points], is born in Martin's Ferry OH. | Ref: 4 |
1941 | * | Peggy Lennon Los Angeles CA, singer (Lennon Sisters), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1942 | * | Roger Chapman singer: groups: Shortlist, Streetwalkers, Family: Hung Up Down, The Weaver’s Answer, No Mule’s Fool, In My Own Time, Burlesque, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1942 | * | Douglas Trumbull director (Silent Running, Brainstorm), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1942 | * | Eduard Visser Dutch writer (Fyffes are now called Chiquita), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1943 | * | John (Frederick) Hiller baseball: pitcher: Detroit Tigers [World Series: 1968/all-star: 1974, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1943 | * | J P Kavanaugh racehorse trainer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1943 | * | Michael Bennett aids victim/choreographer (A Chorus Line), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1943 | * | Robby Weaver actor (Stone), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1943 | * | Tony Banks English politician (Lab), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1943 | | William Garth Morrison Chief scout, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1943 | * | Carol Lavell Fairfax VT, equestrian dressage (Olympics-bronze-92, 96), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1944 | * | Anthony Farrar Hockley military historian, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1944 | * | Roger Chapman, Leicester Leicestershire England, rock vocalist (Family-Family Entertainment), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1944 | * | Christoph Hein Heinzendorf Silesia (now in Poland), writer, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1944 | * | Hywel Bennett South Wales, actor (Family Way, Shelley), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1944 | * | Santiago Jimenez Jr US accordionist (El Mero Mero, Viva Seguin), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1945 | | Ian White Member of European Parliament for Bristol, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1946 | * | Stuart Pankin actor: The San Pedro Beach Bums, No Soap Radio, Nearly Departed, Knots Landing, Falcon Crest, Not Necessarily the News, the voice of Earl Sinclair in Dinosaurs, Father and Scout, Irreconcilable Differences, Arachnophobia, Fatal Attraction, Dirt Bike Kid, is born in Philadelphia PA. | Ref: 4 |
1946 | * | Jim (James Augustus) ‘Catfish’ Hunter baseball: pitcher: KC Athletics [all-star: 1966, 1967], Oakland Athletics [Cy Young Award- winner: 1974/all-star: 1970, 1972-1974/World Series: 1972-1974], NY Yankees [all-star: 1975, 1978/World Series: 1976-1978]; is born. died Aug 9, 1999 [ALS: Lou Gehrig’s disease] | Ref: 4 |
1947 | * | Cindy Pickett Norman Okla, actress (Guiding Light, St Elsewhere), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1947 | * | Steve Howe, musician: guitar, singer: groups: Asia: Heat of the Moment, Only Time Will Tell; Bodast; Yes: Roundabouts; Tomorrow: My White Bicycle, Real Life Permanent Dream, Auntie Mary’s Dress Shop, An Excerpt from a Teenage Opera, Sam, is born in London England. | Ref: 4 |
1947 | * | Peter Banks England, guitarist (Yes), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1947 | * | Gerald McRaney Collins MS, actor (Rick-Simon & Simon, Major Dad), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1947 | * | Hsiao-hsien Hou director (Cheerful Wind, City of Sadness, Puppetmaster), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1947 | * | Thomas D Delay (Representative-Republican-TX, 1985- ), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1948 | * | Richard Alan Litchfield Mass, bank robber (FBI most wanted), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1949 | * | Jim Lampley Hendersonville NC, newscaster (Monday Night Baseball), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1951 | * | Mel Schachter rocker (Grand Funk Railroad), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1952 | * | Adam Woods rock drummer/pianist (Fixx), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1953 | | Michael Bennett is born. | Ref: 10 |
1954 | * | Gary Carter catcher (Montréal Expos, New York Mets), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1954 | * | John Schneider, Mt Kisco NY, actor (Bo-Dukes of Hazzard), is born. | Ref: 17 |
1955 | * | Barbara Kingsolver, novelist (The Bean Trees, Animal Dreams). | Ref: 2 |
1955 | * | John Campbell harness racer (3-time winner of Hambletonian), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1957 | * | Michael Spound Santa Monica CA, actor (Dave-Hotel), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1962 | * | Izzy Stradlin [Jeff Isabelle], Lafayette IN, guitarist (Guns N' Roses-Welcome to the Jungle), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1963 | * | Julian Lennon John's son/singer (Too Late for Goodbyes), is born (of John Lennon and Cynthia). | Ref: 5 |
1963 | * | Erica Terwillegar Nelsonville NJ, lugist, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1963 | * | Terry Porter NBA guard (Minnesota Timberwolves), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1964 | * | Valinda Hilleary Littleton CO, WPVA volleyballer (US Open-9th-1993), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1964 | * | Biz Markie rocker (Meteor Man, Townsend Television), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1966 | * | Robin [Virginia] Wright Penn, Dallas TX, actress (Jenny-Forrest Gump, Kelly-Santa Barbara, Princess Bride), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1968 | * | Patricia Arquette, actress: Flirting with Disaster, Holy Matrimony, True Romance, A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors; granddaughter of actor Cliff Arquette and sister of actress Roseanna Arquette, is born in New York City. | Ref: 4 |
1968 | * | Don Davey NFL defensive tackle (Jacksonville Jaguars), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1969 | * | Steve Jackson NFL cornerback (Houston/Tennessee Oilers), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1970 | * | Derek D Brown Washington DC, team handball right wing (Olympics-1996), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1970 | * | Gerald Vaughn CFL defensive back (Hamilton Tiger Cats), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1970 | * | Harold Bishop NFL tight end (Cleveland Browns), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1971 | * | Edward Fryatt Rochdale England, Nike golfer (1994 NCAA West Regional), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1971 | * | Marc Peers Edmonton Alberta, tornado yachter (Olympics-96), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1972 | * | Damon Watts NFL center (Indpls Colts), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1972 | * | Isaac Davis NFL guard (San Diego Chargers), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1972 | * | Katrina Powell Canberra Australia, field hockey striker (Olympics-96), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1973 | * | Alex Gonzalez Miami FL, infielder (Toronto Blue Jays), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1973 | * | Joel Davis guard (Cincinnati Bengals), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1973 | * | Walter Nicholas Henry Tongue Auckland New Zealand, 50 meter/100 meter swimmer (Olympics-96), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1976 | * | Jim Farnum Honolulu HI, kayak (alternate-Olympics-96), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1981 | * | Rebecca Wilson Queensland Australia, gymnast (Olympics-96), is born. | Ref: 5 |
217 | * | Caracalla [Marcus Aurelius Antoniius] Roman emperor (198-217), murdered at 29. | Ref: 5 |
1143 | * | John II Comnenus Emperor of Byzantium (1118-43), dies in an accident. | Ref: 5 |
1364 | * | Jan II the Good, King of France (1350-64), dies at 44. | Ref: 5 |
1492 | | Lorenzo I de' Medici"il Magnifico" ruler of Florence (1469-92), dies. | Ref: 17 |
1498 | * | Charles VIII King of France (1483-98), beheaded at 27. | Ref: 5 |
1537 | * | Willem Aerts Flemish architect, dies. | Ref: 5 |
1629 | * | Willem Teellinck Dutch theologist/vicar, dies at 50. | Ref: 5 |
1697 | * | Niels Juel Danish Admiral (Oland, Moen, Kjögebocht), dies at 67. | Ref: 5 |
1736 | * | Pedro Vaz Rego composer, dies at 63. | Ref: 5 |
1759 | * | François de La Croix composer, dies at 76. | Ref: 5 |
1778 | | Pieter Teyler van der Hulst Dutch founder (Teyler Museum), dies at 76. | Ref: 5 |
1794 | * | Marie-Jean-Antoine-Nicholas-Caritat mathematician dies. | Ref: 5 |
1801 | * | Soldiers riot in Bucharest, kill 128 Jews. | Ref: 5 |
1844 | * | Ignaz Franz von Mosel composer, dies at 72. | Ref: 5 |
1848 | * | Domenico Gaetano Maria Donizetti, composer, dies in Bergamo, Italy at age 50. (also Cross, Milton, "Encyclopedia of the Great Composers and Their Music", Doubleday & Co, 1953) | Ref: 5 |
1851 | * | John Parry composer, dies at 75. | Ref: 5 |
1853 | * | Jan W Pieneman historical painter (Battle at Waterloo), dies at 73. | Ref: 5 |
1858 | * | Anton Diabelli Austrian composer/publisher, dies at 76. | Ref: 5 |
1861 | * | Elisha Graves Otis, US inventor of the first safe elevator, dies at age 49. | Ref: 17 |
1863 | * | Joseph Netherclift composer, dies at 70. | Ref: 5 |
1865 | * | John Park composer, dies at 61. | Ref: 5 |
1870 | * | Charles-Auguste de Beriot Belgian violinist/composer, dies at 68. | Ref: 5 |
1871 | * | Charles-Louis Hanssens composer, dies at 68. | Ref: 5 |
1890 | | Junius Morgan philanthropist, dies at 76. | Ref: 5 |
1894 | * | Bankim C Chattopadhyaya writer (Mrinalini, Anandamath), dies at 55. | Ref: 5 |
1897 | * | Heinrich von Stephan UK politician, dies. | Ref: 5 |
1897 | * | George Garrett composer, dies at 62. | Ref: 5 |
1902 | * | Sipyagain Russian minister of interior/headed Secret Service, assassinated. | Ref: 5 |
1912 | * | Steamers collide in the Nile, drowning 200. | Ref: 5 |
1914 | * | Jakub Arbes Czechoslovakia, author (Andél Miru), dies at 73. | Ref: 5 |
1919 | * | F. W. (Frank Winfield) Woolworth merchant: created the five and ten cent store [1879 in Lancaster, PA]: headed F.W. Woolworth & Co. with over 1,000 stores, funded NY’s Woolworth Building; dies in Glen Cove NY. | Ref: 68 |
1919 | * | Roland baron Eötvös Hungarian physicist, dies at 70. | Ref: 5 |
1920 | * | Charles Tomlinson Griffes US composer (White Peacock), dies at 35. | Ref: 5 |
1921 | * | Earnest von Possart German actor/stage manager, dies. | Ref: 5 |
1925 | * | Frank Baldwin, American inventor; known for the Monroe calculator, dies at age 87. | Ref: 70 |
1931 | * | Eric Axel Karlfeldt poet, dies. | Ref: 5 |
1935 | * | Adolph Simon Ochs, the American publisher who built The New York Times into one of the world's top newspapers, dies. | Ref: 70 |
1935 | * | Edwin Cannan economist, dies. | Ref: 5 |
1937 | * | Arthur William Foote US organist/composer, dies at 84. | Ref: 5 |
1937 | * | William Henry Hadow composer (Studies in Modern Music), dies at 77. | Ref: 5 |
1941 | * | Earle Graser, the eight-year voice of the radio program, The Lone Ranger, dies in an auto accident. Brace Beemer, previously the show’s announcer, took over the title role and stayed on the air for 14 years. | Ref: 4 |
1941 | * | Eugene-Marcel Provost, novelist, dies. | Ref: 5 |
1942 | * | Alfred Mombert writer, dies. | Ref: 5 |
1943 | * | Richard Sears, first to win US amateur national tennis match, dies at 81. | Ref: 5 |
1943 | * | Paul Colin Belgian journalist/collaborator, executed. | Ref: 5 |
1948 | * | Josef B Kjellgren Swedish writer (Guldkedjan), dies at 40. | Ref: 5 |
1950 | * | Russian ballet dancer Vaslav Nijinsky dies in London at age 60. | Ref: 70 |
1950 | * | Albert Ehrenstein Austria writer (Strum), dies at 63. | Ref: 5 |
1956 | * | 6 marine recruits drown during exercise at Paradise Island SC. | Ref: 5 |
1958 | * | George Jean Nathan, American author, editor, and drama critic, dies at age 76. | Ref: 70 |
1959 | * | Gustave Charlier Belgian literature historian, dies. | Ref: 5 |
1962 | * | Dara: British liner exploded and sank in Persian Gulf; 236 dead. Caused by time bomb. | Ref: 85 |
1962 | * | Juan Belmonte, Spanish bullfighter, dies at age 70. | Ref: 70 |
1965 | * | Erik A Blomberg Swedish art historian/poet/author, dies at 70. | Ref: 5 |
1965 | * | Lars Hanson Swedish actor (Flesh & Devil), dies after illness at 78. | Ref: 5 |
1966 | * | George Creten Belgian sculptor/painter, dies at 79. | Ref: 5 |
1968 | * | Harold Babcock, American astronomer, dies at age 86. | Ref: 2 |
1969 | * | Arthur Walter Kramer composer, dies at 78. | Ref: 5 |
1969 | * | Denton Cooley got first fully artificial heart, dies at 48. | Ref: 5 |
1970 | * | Marie V Felix Prince of Luxemburg, dies. | Ref: 5 |
1971 | * | Fritz von Opel, German automotive industrialist, dies at age 71. | Ref: 70 |
1972 | | Joey "Crazy Joe" Gallo is murdered. | Ref: 10 |
1973 | * | Artist Pablo Ruiz Picasso dies at his home near Mougins, France, at age 91. | Ref: 4 |
1976 | * | Phil Ochs rock producer (Joe Hill), dies at 35. | Ref: 5 |
1977 | * | Frank Milan actor (The Witness), dies at 71. | Ref: 5 |
1978 | * | Ford Frick, Baseball Hall of Famer: Commissioner of Baseball (1951-65); dies. | Ref: 4 |
1981 | * | (Chairman, Joint Chiefs) Gen. Omar N. Bradley, America's last five star general, dies in New York at age 88 | Ref: 5 |
1981 | * | Norman Taurog dies. | Ref: 5 |
1987 | * | Francis C Denebrink US Naval officer (WW I, WW II, Korea) dies at 90. | Ref: 5 |
1990 | * | Ryan White hemophiliac AIDS sufferer, dies at 18. The Ryan White Foundation was founded later in 1991 by Jeanne White and Phil Donahue | Ref: 5 |
1990 | * | Doreen Sloane dies. | Ref: 5 |
1990 | * | Jose De Vega dies of AIDS at 56. | Ref: 5 |
1990 | * | Norwegian Scandinavian Star catches fire; about 170 die. | Ref: 5 |
1992 | * | Nelson Olmstead dies at 78. | Ref: 5 |
1993 | * | Arleen Whelan dies of stroke at 78. | Ref: 5 |
1993 | * | H Earnest bishop of Breda, dies. | Ref: 5 |
1993 | * | Marian Anderson US contralto (My Lord, What a Morning), dies at 96. | Ref: 5 |
1994 | * | Kurt Cobain, singer and guitarist for the grunge band Nirvana, was found dead in Seattle from an apparently self-inflicted gunshot wound; he was 27. (also TWA, 1995) | Ref: 4 |
1994 | * | Frank Wells president (Disney), dies in helicopter crash. | Ref: 5 |
1994 | * | Irene Eisinger singer, dies at 91. | Ref: 5 |
1994 | * | Walter Arnold German theologist (World council of Churches), dies at 64. | Ref: 5 |
1996 | | Basil Hembry farmer/campaigner, dies at 80. | Ref: 5 |
1996 | * | Ben Johnson cowboy actor (Tex, Dillinger), dies of heart attack at 77. | Ref: 5 |
1996 | * | Charles Donald Adams singer, dies at 67. | Ref: 5 |
1997 | * | Laura Nyro singer, dies of ovarian cancer at 49 | Ref: 5 |
2000 | * | Actress Claire Trevor (Wemlinger) dies in Newport Beach, California at age 91. (TWA, 2001) | Ref: 95 |
2002 | | (Mt. St. Elias) (2) Martin and Sanders are killed in an avalanche shortly after reaching the summit, changing into their skis and beginning their descent. Griber, snowboarding, is missed by the avalanche, but loses some gear. Griber finds a crevice and spends a fitful night. (Sports Illustrated, 4/29/2002, p. 56) | |