-2016 | | -BC- Origin of Era of Abraham. | Ref: 5 |
-110 | | -BC- Origin of Sidonian Era. | Ref: 5 |
366 | * | St Damasus I begins his reign as Catholic Pope. | Ref: 5 |
856 | * | The coronation of Judith, wife of Athelwolf (of England) by Hincmar at Verberie-sur-Oise. | Ref: 16 |
959 | * | Edgar becomes King of England. | |
1273 | * | Rudolf of Hapsburg is elected emperor in Germany. | Ref: 2 |
1347 | * | (approximately) The Black Plague arrives in Alexandria. | |
1588 | * | The feeble Sultan Mohammed Shah of Persia, hands over power to his 17-year old son Abbas. | Ref: 2 |
1768 | * | Two regiments of British soldiers lands in Boston to enforce custom laws. | |
1774 | * | The 1st declaration of colonial rights in America is called the Declaration and Resolves of the First Continental Congress. | Ref: 62 |
1778 | * | (date approximate) Blue Jacket and Wabethe (the Swan) are become husband and wife. | Ref: 57 |
1791 | * | In Paris, the National Legislative Assembly holds its first meeting. | Ref: 2 |
1795 | * | Belgium incorporated into French Republic. | Ref: 10 |
1800 | * | Spain cedes Louisiana to France in a secret treaty. The secret treaty of St. Ildefonso reverses 1762 Treaty of Fontainebleau. | Ref: 70 |
1804 | * | William Beatty opens a tavern, the first business in Xenia OH. Court was convened in the upstairs west room. | Ref: 55 |
1833 | * | Rail service is established between Charleston SC and near Augusta GA. At 137 miles, it is the longest continuous railroad in the world and the first to carry mail. | |
1837 | * | "Racer's" Hurricane (Gulf of Mexico). | Ref: 5 |
1837 | * | Treaty with Winnebago Indians. | Ref: 5 |
1839 | * | The British government decides to send a punitive naval expedition to China. | Ref: 2 |
1851 | * | The first Hawaiian stamps are issued. | Ref: 5 |
1868 | * | St. Pancras train station opens in London near Kings Cross. | Ref: 10 |
1869 | * | The first postcards are issued in Vienna. | Ref: 5 |
1870 | * | The British Post Office issues the first Post Cards. | Ref:77 |
1878 | * | General Lew Wallace is sworn in as governor of New Mexico Territory. He went on to deal with the Lincoln County War, Billy the Kid and write Ben-Hur. | Ref: 2 |
1880 | * | A new director of the United States Marine Corps Band was named. John Philip Sousa became the band’s 17th leader. | Ref: 4 |
1883 | * | American churchman A. B. Simpson founded the first school in America to train missionaries, in NY City. Called the Missionary Training Institute in 1894, its name was changed to Nyack College in 1972. | Ref: 5 |
1885 | * | Special delivery mail service begins in US. | Ref: 5 |
1886 | * | The US mint at Carson City, Nevada closes. | Ref: 5 |
1889 | * | Washington voters adopt state constitution in referendum. | Ref: 5 |
1889 | * | World's first sex education course at Abbotsholene School in England. | Ref: 10 |
1890 | * | Yosemite National Park is dedicated in California. | Ref: 5 |
1894 | * | Civic organization, Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben founded in Omaha, Nebraska. | Ref: 5 |
1896 | * | Yosemite becomes a National Park. | Ref: 62 |
1896 | * | The U.S. Post Office establishes Rural Free Delivery, with the first routes in WV. | Ref: 70 |
1898 | * | Jews are expelled from Kiev Russia. | Ref: 5 |
1898 | * | Henry Huntington buys the Los Angeles Railway | Ref: 5 |
1908 | * | Henry Ford introduced the Model T automobile to the market; each car cost $825 and was painted black. | Ref: 70 |
1921 | * | The Latin American Mission was incorporated in Philadelphia by founders Harry and Susan Strachan. Today, over 125 staff work with LAM in eight Central and South American countries. | Ref: 5 |
1921 | * | (date given as October, 1921) The Xenia [OH] Business and Professional Women's Club is started. (XDG, p 4B, 9/30/2003) | Ref: 83 |
1924 | * | Judge Thayer denies all motions for a new trial. | Ref: 87 |
1928 | | Joseph Stalin's five-year plan to industrialize the Soviet Union and establish collective farming goes into effect. Millions who resist are killed; famine kills millions more. The total death toll between 1928-1932 is as high as 25 million. | Ref: 25 |
1928 | * | Dow Jones Industrial List of stocks expanded to 30. | Ref: 10 |
1934 | * | The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) registers with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as a "national securities exchange". (WSJ, p C1, 9/16/2003) | Ref: 33 |
1936 | * | General Francisco Franco was proclaimed the head of an insurgent Spanish state. | Ref: 70 |
1937 | * | Pullman Co formally recognizes Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters. | Ref: 5 |
1938 | * | Germany annexes Sudetenland (1/3 of Czechoslovakia). | Ref: 5 |
1945 | * | (Rosenberg) (month, day unspecified) Julius Rosenberg is dismissed from U. S. Signal Corps | Ref: 87 |
1946 | * | Twelve Nazi war criminals are sentenced to be hanged at Nuremberg trials---Karl Donitz, Hermann Goring, Alfred Jodl, Hans Frank, Wilhelm Frick, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, Wilhelm Keitel, Joachin von Ribbentrop, Fritz Saukel, Arthur Seyss-Inquart, Julius Streicher, and Alfred Rosenberg. | Ref: 2 |
1946 | * | World Literature Crusade was founded in Saskatchewan, Canada, by Rev. Jack McAlister (president 1946-79). This mission is engaged primarily in Bible distribution, church planting and Bible correspondence courses. | Ref: 5 |
1947 | * | First helicopter air mail & express service, LA, CA. | Ref: 5 |
1947 | * | US control of Haitian customs & governmental revenue ends. | Ref: 5 |
1948 | * | CA Supreme Court voids state statute banning interracial marriages. | Ref: 5 |
1949 | * | Communist Party Chairman Mao Zedong raised the first flag of the People's Republic of China during a ceremony in Beijing. | Ref: 70 |
1949 | * | Republic of China (Taiwan) forms on the island of Formosa. | Ref: 5 |
1951 | * | 24th Infantry Regiment, last all-black military unit, deactivated. | Ref: 5 |
1951 | * | First treaty signed by woman ambassador-Eugenie Anderson. | Ref: 5 |
1953 | | Indian state of Andhra Pradesh partitioned from Madras. | Ref: 5 |
1954 | | British colony of Nigeria becomes a federation. | Ref: 5 |
1957 | * | U.S. B-52 bombers in the Strategic Air Command went on 24-hour alert status because of the perceived threat of an attack from the Soviet Union. | Ref: 4 |
1957 | * | Representatives from 49 churches met in Roseville, MI, to begin organizing the Baptist State Convention of Michigan. The organization officially came into being the following month. | Ref: 5 |
1958 | | Britain transfers Christmas Island (south of Java) to Australia. | Ref: 5 |
1960 | * | (Chairman, Joint Chiefs) General Lyman L Lemnitzer, USA, becomes chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. (TWA, 1997) | Ref: 95 |
1960 | * | Nigeria gains independence from Britain (National Day). | Ref: 5 |
1961 | | East & West Cameroon merge as Federal Republic of Cameroon. | Ref: 5 |
1961 | * | A believed extinct volcanco erupts in Tristan da Cunha. | Ref: 5 |
1962 | * | James Meredith became first black at U of MS. | Ref: 5 |
1962 | * | (Chairman, Joint Chiefs) General Maxwell D Taylor, USA, becomes chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. (TWA, 1997) | Ref: 95 |
1963 | * | The Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, signed by the US, Britain and USSR comes into effect | Ref: 62 |
1963 | * | Nigeria becomes a republic within the Commonwealth. | Ref: 5 |
1964 | * | SF cable cars declared a national landmark. | Ref: 5 |
1964 | * | The Free Speech Movement was launched at the University of CA at Berkeley. | Ref: 70 |
1964 | * | FCC (Federal Communications Commission) rules that all presidential candidates must get equal time. | Ref: 10 |
1968 | * | (through the 4th) An avalanche occurs in Bihar, West Bengal and Assam, India | Ref: 81 |
1969 | * | Guernsey & Jersey begin issuing their own postage stamps. | Ref: 5 |
1969 | * | The Concorde makes its first supersonic flight. (USA Today, p 2B, 4/11/2003) | Ref: 13 |
1974 | * | Five Nixon aides--Kenneth Parkinson, Robert Mardian, Nixon's Chief of Staff H.R. Haldeman, John Ehrlichman, and U.S. Attorney General John Mitchell--go on trial for conspiring to hinder the Watergate investigation. | Ref: 2 |
1975 | * | Britain grants internal self-government to Seychelles. | Ref: 5 |
1975 | * | Ellice Islands split from Gilbert Islands, take name "Tuvalu". | Ref: 5 |
1978 | * | Tuvalu (Ellice Islands) gains independence from Britain. | Ref: 5 |
1979 | * | US returns Canal Zone to Panama after 75 years (but not the canal). | Ref: 5 |
1979 | * | The last passenger train (Amtrak National Ltd) passes through Xenia OH at about 8AM. | Ref: 56 |
1982 | * | West Germany's Parliament ousts chancellor Helmut Schmidt. | Ref: 5 |
1985 | * | (Chairman, Joint Chiefs) Admiral William J Crowe Jr, USN, becomes chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. (TWA, 1997) | Ref: 95 |
1986 | * | Former President Jimmy Carter's presidential library and museum were dedicated in Atlanta. | Ref: 70 |
1988 | * | Mikhail Gorbachev becomes Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet. | Ref: 10 |
1989 | * | (Chairman, Joint Chiefs) General Colin L Powell, USA, becomes chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. (TWA, 1997) | Ref: 5 |
1989 | * | US issues a stamp, labeling an apatosaurus as a brontosaurus. | Ref: 5 |
1989 | | Thousands of East Germans received a triumphal welcome in West Germany after the communist government agreed to let them flee to the West. | Ref: 70 |
1990 | * | Pres Bush at the UN, condemns Iraq's takeover of Kuwait. | Ref: 5 |
1991 | * | President George H.W. Bush strongly condemned the military coup in Haiti, suspending U.S. economic and military aid and demanding the immediate return to power of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. | Ref: 70 |
1992 | * | Voucher privatization begins | Ref: 89 |
1993 | * | In a case that drew national concern, 12-year-old Polly Klaas was abducted from her Petaluma, Calif., home by a knife-wielding intruder; her body was found more than two months later. | Ref: 70 |
1996 | * | Theodore Kaczynski was charged by a U.S. federal grand jury with mailing a bomb that killed advertising executive Thomas Mosser in 1994. Kaczynski, known as the Unabomber, pleaded guilty in January 1998 to mail bombings that killed three people and injured 23. He was sentenced in July 1997 to life without possibility of parole by a federal court in Sacramento. | Ref: 4 |
1996 | * | Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman and nine other defendants were convicted in NY of conspiring to attack the United States through bombings, assassinations and kidnappings. | Ref: 6 |
1998 | | Seeking to head off threatened NATO attacks, Yugoslavia's Serb leadership invites foreign experts to investigate massacres in Kosovo. (XDG, p 4A, 10/01/2003) | Ref: 83 |
1999 | * | South Korean activists thank the US government for promising to investigate an Associated Press report that US forces allegedly killed several hundred refugees at the start of the Korean War. (XDG, p 4A, 10/1/2000) | Ref: 83 |
2000 | * | South Korean activists thanked the US government for promising to investigate an Associated Press report that US forces allegedly killed several hundred refugees at the start of the Korean War. But the protesters also demanded the US punish some of the veterans involved and compensate the victims' relatives. | Ref: 6 |
2001 | * | The Supreme Court suspended former President Clinton from practicing before the high court. | Ref: 70 |
2002 | * | Iraq agrees to a plan for the return of UN weapons inspectors for the first time in nearly four years but ignores US demands for access to Saddam Hussein's palaces and other contested sites. (XDG, p 4A, 10/01/2003) | Ref: 83 |
2003 | * | The US Supreme Court agrees to decide whether Austria can be sued in a US court in a case that involves disputed artworks valued at $150M and invokes crimes from the Nazi era. (WSJ, p A6, 10/01/2003) | Ref: 33 |
2003 | * | (Mutual Funds) A dozen brokers and managers at Prudential tied to the illegal mutual fund trading probe resign. (WSJ, p C1, 10/29/2003) | Ref: 33 |
1009 | * | (date estimate) Leif Ericson discovers "Vinland" (possibly New England). | Ref: 62 |
1846 | * | Times of London publishes discovery in Berlin on September 23rd of planet Neptune. | Ref: 10 |
1847 | * | Maria Mitchell, American astronomer, discovers a comet and is elected the same day to the American Academy of Arts--the first woman to be so honored. The King of Denmark awarded her a gold medal for her discovery. | Ref: 5 |
1927 | * | Fritz von Opel gets "shot into the air" and flies a mile near Frankfurt in rocket-propelled aeroplane. | Ref: 10 |
1940 | * | The first section of the Pennsylvania Turnpike, 160 miles in length and America's first example of a toll superhighway, opens to the public. | Ref: 5 |
1942 | * | Robert Stanley, chief pilot for Bell Aircraft Corp., flies the first American jet, a Bell XP-59 Airacomet, at the Muroc Army Base, CA. Ref | |
1952 | * | First ultra high frequency (UHF) television station, Portland Or. | Ref: 5 |
1957 | * | USAF Military personnel launch a Snark intercontinental missile in a test. | Ref: 50 |
1958 | * | Inauguration of NASA. | Ref: 5 |
1958 | * | Vanguard Project transferred from military to NASA. | Ref: 5 |
1962 | * | US National Radio Astronomy Obs gets a 300' (91m) radio telescope. | Ref: 5 |
1980 | * | Cosmonauts Ryumin & Popov break space endurance record of 176 days. | Ref: 5 |
-331 | | -BC- Alexander the Great decisively shatters King Darius III's Persian army at Gaugamela (Arbela), in a tactical masterstroke that leaves him master of the Persian Empire. | Ref: 2 |
1864 | * | The Condor, a British blockade-runner, is grounded near Fort Fisher, North Carolina. | Ref: 2 |
1918 | * | A combined Arab and British force captures Damascus from the Turks during World War I. In command of the British forces is T. E. Lawrence, a legendary British soldier known as Lawrence of Arabia. | |
1939 | * | Winston Chruchill refers to Soviet policy as "a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma" | Ref: 5 |
1941 | * | The U.S. Secretary of War requests that the U.S. National Academy of Sciences begin research on biological warfare. | |
1942 | * | The German Army grinds to a complete halt within the city of Stalingrad. | Ref: 2 |
1943 | * | British troops in Italy enter Naples and occupy Foggia airfield. | Ref: 2 |
1944 | * | The Canadian First Army liberates Calais. (Ref: "The Marshall Cavandish Illustrated Encyclopedia of World War II", ISBN 0-85685-955-9 (Vol 7), 1985) | |
1944 | * | The Soviets enter Yugoslavia. | |
1944 | * | The U.S. First Army begins the siege Aachen, Germany. | Ref: 2 |
1985 | | Israeli planes fly 1,500 miles to bomb PLO headquarters in Tunis. | Ref: 10 |
1661 | * | Yachting begins in England; King Charles II beats his brother James. | Ref: 5 |
1879 | * | Cincinnati Enquirer publishes the 1st report on baseball reserve clause. | Ref: 5 |
1903 | * | Cy Young played in his (and everyone else’s) first World Series baseball game. The game was held in Boston between the Pittsburgh Pirates and the Boston Pilgrims (now the Red Sox). Cy and Boston lost the game; the score was Pittsburgh 7, Boston 3; however, Boston came back to win the series, five games to three. | Ref: 4 |
1908 | * | Jack Chesbro's final Yankee victory, beats Walter Johnson 2-1. | Ref: 5 |
1912 | * | Yanks lose game #100 en route to a 50-102 season. | Ref: 5 |
1919 | * | World Series #16 begins as a best of 9 affair, White Sox intentionally throw this series to satisfy gamblers (The Black Sox Scandal). | Ref: 5 |
1919 | * | (Black Sox) Cincinnati wins the first game of the World Series 9 to 1. That evening Charles Comiskey, Chicago White Sox Owner, and Kid Gleason, Chicago White Sox Manager, discuss rumors that the series may be fixed. | Ref: 87 |
1920 | * | (Black Sox) Claude Williams confesses to his role in the scandal. Arnold Rothstein testifies before the grand jury and places the blame on Abe Attell. | Ref: 87 |
1921 | * | White Sox backstop Ray Schalk is the first catcher to make a putout at every single base. The feat has not been accomplished again. | Ref: 1 |
1921 | * | First all NY series to be played entirely in 1 stadium (the Polo Grounds) & 1st NY Yankee World Series begins (World Series #18). | Ref: 5 |
1922 | * | Former Chicago Staleys play first NFL game as Chicago Bears, win 6-0. | Ref: 5 |
1928 | | Leon Vanderstuyft of Belgium bicycled 76 miles 504 yards in 1 hour. | Ref: 5 |
1932 | * | In the fifth inning of Game 3, Babe Ruth homers off Cub hurler Charlie Root after pointing, as the story goes, to the centerfield fence; the Babino's so call shot is still a matter of debate. | Ref: 5 |
1932 | * | NHL readmits Ottawa & drops Pittsburgh. | Ref: 5 |
1933 | * | Wash Senator coach Nick Altrock plays in a game at age 57. | Ref: 5 |
1933 | * | Packers make 5 first downs, the Giants make 0, but still win 10-7. | Ref: 5 |
1944 | * | St Louis Browns win their only AL pennant. | Ref: 5 |
1945 | * | Heavyweight champ Joe Louis is discharged from the army. | Ref: 5 |
1946 | * | The first baseball play-off game for a league championship featured the St. Louis Cardinals beating the Brooklyn Dodgers, 4-2. St. Louis wins 2 games to 0. | Ref: 4 |
1946 | * | Bob Feller 348th strikeout of the season. | Ref: 5 |
1947 | * | NHL Pension Society founded. | Ref: 5 |
1949 | * | Alex Kellner becomes the first 20 game winner for the A's since Lefty Grove accomplished the feat in 1933. | Ref: 1 |
1950 | * | Phillies win NL pennant on last day of season (10th inning HR). | Ref: 5 |
1951 | * | The 1st coast-to-coast televised game hits the airwaves and the Dodgers beat the Giants 3-1. | |
1955 | * | In Game 4 of the World Series at Ebbets Field, the Dodgers defeat the Yanks, 8-5. | Ref: 1 |
1956 | * | Johnny Heckmann rides 7 winners at Chicago Hawthorne Horse track. | Ref: 5 |
1959 | * | First World Series (World Series #56) since 1948 not to feature a NY team (LA vs Chic). | Ref: 5 |
1961 | * | Roger Maris hits his historic 61st homer off Tracy Stallard as Yankees defeat the Red Sox, 1-0. | Ref: 1 |
1969 | * | The Washington Senators close out the season with an 86-76 record after finishing 32 games under .500 a year earlier. The turnaround earns Ted Williams A.L. Manager of the Year honors. | Ref: 86 |
1970 | * | The Phillies beat the Expos in final game to be played at Connie Mack Stadium in Philadelphia, 2-1. After the game, fans swarm onto the field and destroy it. | Ref: 1 |
1972 | * | First games of the World Hockey Association. | Ref: 5 |
1973 | * | In the first game of a scheduled make-up double-header at Wrigley Field, a day after the regular season ends, the Mets beat the Cubs, 6-1,to capture National League East flag. The Miracle Mets, who were 11 and half games behind and in last place on August 5, by winning its 82nd game, (the lowest number victories ever to win a title) clinch the division making the second game of the twin bill unnecessary to play. | Ref: 1 |
1973 | * | Leo Durocher resigns as Houston Astro manager. | Ref: 5 |
1975 | * | The Expos fire manager Gene Mauch and replace him with Karl Kuehl. | Ref: 1 |
1975 | * | Mohammed Ali defeats Joe Frazier in the 15th round, to retain the heavyweight boxing title in Quezon City, Philippines. (The Thrilla in Manila) | Ref: 96 |
1977 | * | Yanks win 2nd consecutive AL East title. | Ref: 5 |
1977 | * | 77,691 fans saw world-famous soccer player Pele in the last game of his career -- at the Meadowlands in New Jersey. He played the first half with the NY Cosmos and the second half with his former team, Santos of Brazil. Pele' retires with 1,281 goals in 1,363 games. | Ref: 4 |
1978 | * | Yanks lose 9-2 to Indians forcing a playoff game with Red Sox. | Ref: 5 |
1978 | * | Pat Corrales, a Texas Ranger coach since 1975, replaces Bill Hunter as manager before the final game of the season. The Rangers down the Mariners, 9-4, in Corrales' debut. | Ref: 86 |
1979 | * | Jerry Coleman leaves the San Diego Padres broadcast booth to become manager, replacing Roger Craig. | Ref: 86 |
1980 | * | With much media and fan pressure Red Sox fire manager Don Zimmer. | Ref: 1 |
1981 | * | (day unspecified) Garry Kasparov places sixth in the Grandmaster tournament held in Tilburg. | Ref:78 |
1984 | * | Peter Ueberroth replaces Bowie Kuhn as 6th commissioner of baseball. | Ref: 5 |
1988 | * | Lowest batting avg for NL champion (Tony Gwynn .313). | Ref: 5 |
1989 | * | Dallas Cowboy, Ed "Too Tall" Jones records his 1,000th NFL tackle | Ref: 5 |
1991 | * | Toronto Blue Jays' Juan Guzman sets a club record for consecutive wins by a Blue Jays starter with his 10th vs. California. | Ref: 86 |
1994 | * | National Hockey League team owners began a 103-day lockout of their players. | Ref: 70 |
1994 | * | Baseball players strike becomes longest work stoppage in pro sports history; no world series. | Ref: 10 |
1995 | * | Yankees and Rockies become first wild-card teams in new major league baseball playoff system. | Ref: 1 |
1995 | * | Beating the Giants,10-9, the Rockies win first wild card in the National League thus becoming the first team to make the postseason before their seventh year in existence. Colorado's posts the best ever record for a third-year team finishing ten games over .500 (77-67, .535). | Ref: 1 |
1996 | * | (thru the 5th) The Cardinals sweep 3 games from the San Diego Padres in the N.L. Division Series. | Ref: 86 |
1996 | * | The Texas Rangers play the first post-season game in franchise history, defeating the New York Yankees, 6-2, in Game 1 of the American League Division Series at Yankee Stadium. | Ref: 86 |
1997 | * | The Carolina Hurricanes lose their inaugural game against Tampa Bay, 4-2. (USA Today, p 3C, 2/02/2004) | Ref: 13 |
1998 | * | In a 6-3 win over the Astros, Tony Gwynn goes 2-for-3 raising his league-leading batting average to .313. The Padre outfielder becomes the first National League batting champion to win the title with an average below .320. | Ref: 1 |
1999 | * | Major League Baseball Owners approve the sale of the Cincinnati Reds to long-time Cincinnatian and limited partner Carl H. Lindner, thus ending the 14-year reign of Marge Schott as President and Chief Executive Officer. | Ref: 86 |
2000 | * | A crowd of 55,351, the largest ever to see a regular season baseball game in Pittsburgh, watches the Pirates fall to the Chicago Cubs, 10-9, in the final game at Three Rivers Stadium. | Ref: 86 |
1810 | * | America's first agricultural fair opens in Pittsfield, Mass. | Ref: 10 |
1843 | * | The News of the World, England's popular Sunday gossip rag, first published. | Ref: 10 |
1856 | | The first installment of Gustav Flaubert's novel Madame Bovary appears in the Revue de Paris after the publisher refuses to print a passage in which the character Emma has a tryst in the back seat of a carriage. | Ref: 2 |
1896 | * | Fiction: Sherlock Holmes adventure "The Veiled Lodger" takes place (BG). | Ref: 5 |
1910 | * | Berkshire Cattle Fair held in Pittsfield Mass (1st state fair). | Ref: 5 |
1928 | * | Duke Ellington recorded The Mooche on the Okeh label. | Ref: 4 |
1942 | | Pop Quiz time: Who was the original host of People Are Funny? Radio and TV fans might say, “Art Linkletter.” They would be wrong. Art Baker was the original host. | Ref: 4 |
1945 | * | Looney Tunes director Frank Tashlin left animation to work full time at Paramount doing live action movies. He wrote for the Marx Brothers and later directed the Dean Martin Jerry Lewis comedies. | Ref: 73 |
1948 | | Radio Denmark begins transmitting. | Ref: 5 |
1952 | * | Emcee Ralph Edwards began a new TV program on NBC-TV called This is Your Life. Each show began with Edwards surprising some unsuspecting. The victim would then be presented with the story of his or her life, complete with friends and relatives who had been brought in for the big occasion. The popular show ran for nine years. | Ref: 4 |
1955 | * | "Honeymooners" premieres. | Ref: 5 |
1957 | * | John Osborne's "Look Back in Anger" starts 407 performance run on Broadway. | Ref: 10 |
1962 | * | Brian Epstein signs a contract to manage the Beatles through 1977. | Ref: 5 |
1962 | * | Barbra Streisand signs her first recording contract (with Columbia). | Ref: 5 |
1962 | * | Johnny Carson hosts his first Tonight Show on NBC-TV, succeeding Jack Paar. Joan Crawford guests. | Ref: 5 |
1962 | * | The Lucy Show premiers. | Ref: 5 |
1966 | * | I Love My Dog was released by Cat Stevens. He was 19 years old. Five years later, he recorded such hits as Wild World, Morning Has Broken, Peace Train and Oh Very Young. By 1979, Cat Stevens [born, Steven Demitri Georgiou], disenchanted with the music business, converted to the Islamic religion and changed his name to Yusef Islam. He may not have liked the music biz anymore but Cat still loves his dog. | Ref: 4 |
1968 | | "Night of the Living Dead" premieres in Pittsburgh. | Ref: 5 |
1971 | * | Walt Disney World opens in Orlando, Florida, USA. The opening was planned for October when the crowds were slower. Disney planners wanted everything to move slowly at first, so any problems that sprang up could be fixed with minimal guest inconvenience. | Ref: 4 |
1980 | | Ladies’ Home Journal startled readers. Robert Redford became the first male to appear alone on the cover. It had taken 97 years for the magazine to change its no-men-on-the-cover policy. | Ref: 4 |
1982 | * | EPCOT Center opens in Orlando Florida. | Ref: 5 |
1984 | * | Gary Trudeau's Doonesbury comic strip resumes after 2-year hiatus. | Ref: 5 |
1988 | * | Robert Englund the actor who plays Freddie Kruger weds Nancy Booth | Ref: 5 |
1992 | * | The Cartoon Network cable channel starts. | Ref: 73 |
2001 | * | (Napster) (date given as October, 2001) The recording and film industries sue the companies behind Grokster and Morpheus file-swapping services. The company behind KaZaA file swapping service, is added later. (WSJ, p B1, 9/09/2003) | Ref: 33 |
2003 | * | Rush Limbaugh resigns from his job as an ESPN sports analyst after commenting "I think what we've had here is a little social concern in the NFL. The media has been very desirous that a black quarterback do well." (XDG, p 2B, 10/03/2003) | Ref: 83 |
1207 | * | Henry III king of England (1216-72), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1685 | * | Charles VI Holy Roman emperor (1711-40), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1730 | * | (Declaration of Independence) Richard Stockton, American lawyer and signer of the Declaration of Independece, is born. | Ref: 70 |
1746 | * | John Muhlenberg Lutheran pastor/general/congressman, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1754 | * | Czar Paul I is born. | Ref: 10 |
1760 | * | William Beckford British writer (Epsiodes of Vathek), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1781 | * | James Lawrence naval hero (War of 1812-"Don't give up the ship!"), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1791 | * | Sergey Aksakov Russia, novelist (Chronicles of a Russian Family), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1799 | * | Rufus Choate US, lawyer (Hall of Fame), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1832 | * | Caroline Lavinia Scott Harrison first wife of Benjamin Harrison, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1835 | * | William H "Red" Jackson Brig Gen (7th Tennessee Cavalry), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1837 | * | Robert Gould Shaw, commander of the 54th Massachusetts Regiment (the first regiment of black troops from a Northern state) during America's Civil War, is born. | Ref: 2 |
1847 | * | Annie Besant [Wood], England, philosopher/thesophist, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1865 | * | Paul Dukas, Paris France, composer (Vell‚da), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1881 | * | William Edward Boeing, founded aircraft co (Boeing), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1885 | * | Louis Untermeyer NYC, poet/critic (Immortal Poems, Story Poems), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1889 | * | Birth of Ralph W. Sockman, American scholar and devotional writer. His best-remembered poem begins: "I met God in the morning, when my day was at its best...." | Ref: 5 |
1890 | * | Stanley Holloway London England, actor (Higgins-Our Man Higgins), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1893 | * | Faith Baldwin New Rochelle NY, author/novelist (They Who Love), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1903 | * | Vladimir Horowitz, the Russian-born pianist considered one of the most accomplished players of the 20th century, is born. | Ref: 70 |
1903 | * | "Slapsie" Maxie Rosenbloom NYC, light-heavyweight box champ (1932-34), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1904 | * | Vladimir Horowitz, Russian-born American virtuoso pianist, is born. | Ref: 2 |
1904 | * | Otto R. Frisch, Austrian physicist, is born. | Ref: 70 |
1904 | * | Vladimir Horowitz Kiev Ukraine, pianist (Carmen), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1907 | * | Hiram Fong (Sen-Cal), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1909 | * | Sam Yorty (Mayor-LA), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1909 | * | Everett Sloane actor, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1910 | * | Bonnie Parker (of Bonnie & Clyde) is born. | Ref: 47 |
1911 | * | Edward P Boland (Rep-D-Mass), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1911 | * | Irwin Kostal Chicago Ill, orchestra leader (Garry Moore Show), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1911 | * | Richard Torriani Switzerland, took 1948 Olympic oath, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1914 | * | Daniel Boorstin author (1974 Pulitzer Prize), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1920 | * | Actor Walter Matthau (Matuschanskayasky) is born in New York City. | Ref: 5 |
1920 | * | Lonny Chapman Tulsa Okla, actor (Investigator, For the People), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1921 | * | James Whitmore White Plains NY, actor (Give 'em Hell Harry), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1924 | * | Jimmy Carter 39th U.S. President [1977-1981]; married to Rosalynn Smith [three sons, one daughter]; full name: James Earl Carter, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1924 | * | (US Supreme Court Justice) William Rehnquist U.S. Supreme Court Justice [sworn in Jan 7, 1972], Chief Justice of U.S. Supreme Court [Sep 26, 1986-], is born in Wisconsin. | Ref: 4 |
1925 | * | Roger Williams (Louis Weertz) pianist: 18 gold/platinum albums, charted Billboard hits in four different decades: Autumn Leaves, Born Free, The Impossible Dream, Till, Almost Paradise, Two Different Worlds, Near You, Lara’s Theme from Dr. Zhivago, Theme from Somewhere in Time; in October 2000 Williams celebrated his 75th birthday by playing a 12-hour marathon at the opening of Steinway Hall in Phoenix, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1926 | * | Max Morath musician: piano: wrote, performed on NET: The Ragtime Era, Turn of the Century, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1927 | * | Tom Bosley Chicago, actor (Howard-Happy Days, Murder She Wrote), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1928 | * | George Peppard, Detroit Mich, actor (Banacek, A-Team, Blue Max), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1928 | * | Laurence Harvey (Laruschka Mischa Skikne), actor (Alamo, Romeo & Juliet), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1930 | * | Richard Harris actor (A Man Called Horse), singer (MacArthur Park), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1930 | * | Philippe Noiret actor: Il Postino, The Palermo Connection, Cinema Paradiso, The Family, My New Partner, Coup de Torchon, Who is Killing the Great Chefs of Europe?, The Clockmaker, Night Flight from Moscow, Murphy’s War, Topaz, The Day of the Jackal, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1931 | * | Frank Gardner, auto racer, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1932 | * | Albert Collins Grammy Award-winning musician: blues guitarist, songwriter: LP: Showdown! [1985]; LPs: Love Can Be Found Anywhere Even in a Guitar, Ice Pickin’, Frostbite, Frozen Alive!, Don’t Lose Your Cool, Live in Japan, Cold Snap; Blues Hall of Famer [1989]; is born. | Ref: 2 |
1933 | * | Richard Harris actor: Camelot, The Guns of Navarone, Hawaii, A Man Called Horse, Mutiny on the Bounty, Unforgiven; singer: MacArthur Park, Didn’t We; LP: A Tramp Shining, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1934 | * | Chuck (Charles Joseph) Hiller baseball: SF Giants [World Series: 1962], NY Mets, Philadelphia Phillies, Pittsburgh Pirates, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1935 | * | Julie Andrews (Julia Wells) Academy Award-winning actress: Mary Poppins [1964]; The Sound of Music, Victor/Victoria, 10, Hawaii; Emmy Award-winner: Victoria Regina: Hallmark Hall of Fame [1961-62]; My Fair Lady, The Boyfriend, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1936 | * | Charles G Fullerton Rochester, NY, astronaut (STS-3, 51F), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1936 | * | Edward Villella US, ballet dancer (NYC Ballet), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1936 | * | Stella Stevens Yazoo City Miss, actress (Girls! Girls!, Manitou), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1938 | * | Stella Stevens (Eggleston) actress: The Poseidon Adventure, Li’l Abner, The Nutty Professor, Flamingo Road, Ben Casey, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1939 | * | George Archer golf: Masters Champion [1969], is born. | Ref: 4 |
1942 | * | Herb Fame (Feemster) singer: Herb of Peaches & Herb, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1943 | * | Rock musician Jerry Martini, of Sly and the Family Stone, is born. (XDG, p 4A, 10/1/2000) | Ref: 83 |
1944 | * | Scott McKenzie (Phillip Blondheim) singer: San Francisco [Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Hair], Like an Old Time Movie; co-writer: Kokomo [Beach Boys], is born. | Ref: 4 |
1945 | * | Donny Hathaway Chicago, singer/songwriter (Where is the Love), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1945 | * | Rod (Rodney Cline) Carew Baseball Hall of Famer: Minnesota Twins [Rookie of the Year: 1967/all-star: 1967-1978/Baseball Writers’ Award: 1977], California Angels [all-star: 1979-1984], is born. | Ref: 4 |
1946 | * | Eva Klobukowska Poland, relay (Olympic-gold-1964), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1946 | * | Tim O'Brien, novelist (The Things They Carried, In the Lake of the Woods), is born. | Ref: 2 |
1947 | * | Stephen Collins, Des Moines IA, actor (Star Trek I, Tattingers), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1948 | * | Ellen McIlwaine Nashville, blues singer (Honky Tonky Angel), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1949 | * | Annie Leibovitz photographer (Rolling Stones), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1950 | * | Randy Quaid Houston TX, actor (Midnight Express, Vacation, SNL), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1953 | * | Greta Waitz Norway, marathon runner (NYC), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1956 | * | Vance (Aaron) Law baseball: Pittsburgh Pirates, Chicago White Sox, Montreal Expos, Chicago Cubs [all-star: 1988], Oakland Athletics, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1960 | * | Elizabeth Dennehy actress (Guiding Light), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1962 | * | Trevor Baxter record holder for high jumping with a skateboard, is born. | Ref: 5 |
1963 | * | Mark McGwire baseball: Oakland Athletics, St. Louis Cardinals: Broke Roger Maris’ major-league single-season home-run record [60] Sep 8, 1998, set single-season record in 1998: 70, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1963 | * | Beth Chamberlin Danville Vt, actress (Beth Spaulding-Guiding Light), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1968 | * | Cindy Margolis, model, actress, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1968 | * | Jay Underwood actor (The Boy Who Could Fly), is born. | Ref: 5 |
1969 | * | Heather Hunter, actress: X-rated films, is born. | Ref: 4 |
1684 | * | Pierre Corneille, France, dramatist (Le Cid, Horace), dies. | Ref: 4 |
1807 | * | John Mohlenberg Lutheran pastor, dies on his 61st birthday. | Ref: 5 |
1848 | * | James Biddle, American career naval officer, dies at age 65. | Ref: 5 |
1893 | * | 3rd worst hurricane (unnamed) in US history kills 1,800 (Mississippi) | Ref: 5 |
1944 | * | Newspaper editor Alejandro Cordova assassinated in Guatemala. | Ref: 5 |
1953 | * | Edwin Cohn, American biochemist, dies at age 60. | Ref: 70 |
1961 | * | Donald Cook actor (Too Young To Go Steady), dies at 60. | Ref: 5 |
1972 | * | Dr. Louis Leakey anthropologist, dies at 68. | Ref: 5 |
1973 | * | Joe Devlin actor (Sam-Dick Tracy), dies at 74. | Ref: 5 |
1975 | * | Al Jackson Jr. drummer: groups: Booker T. and the M.G.’s, Roy Milton Band; dies. | Ref: 4 |
1978 | | Edgar Bergen dies. | Ref: 10 |
1982 | * | Stanley Holloway, British actor, dies at age 91. | Ref: 70 |
1984 | * | Walter (Emmons) ‘Smokey’ Alston baseball: SL Cardinals; Baseball Hall of Fame manager: Brooklyn Dodgers [World Series: 1955], LA Dodgers [World Series: 1959, 1963, 1965]; dies. | Ref: 4 |
1985 | * | E.B. (Elwyn Brooks) White author: Stuart Little, Charlotte’s Web, Is Sex Necessary?, The Elements of Style; dies. | Ref: 4 |
1986 | * | (Green River Killer) (date given as October, 1986) Patricia Michelle Barczak, 19, is last seen. She is the 41st of 48 women Gary Ridgway admits killing. (USA Today, p 3A, 11/06/2003) | Ref: 13 |
1987 | * | June Clyde actress: Behind the Mask, A Study in Scarlet Branded Men; dies. | Ref: 4 |
1987 | * | An earthquake in Los Angeles (eleven miles southeast of Pasadena) killed eight people and injured 200. The quake caused $358 millon in property damage and measured 5.9 on the Richter scale. | Ref: 4 |
1990 | * | General Curtis E LeMay dies at March AFB in California at age 83. | Ref: 68 |
1990 | * | An earthquake in southwestern Turkey kills about 90 people. (XDG, p 4A, 10/1/2000) | Ref: 83 |
1996 | * | A 6.0 earthquake in southwestern Turkey killed about 90 people. (TWA, 1997) | Ref: 95 |
1997 | * | Luke Woodham, a 16-year-old outcast in Pearl, Miss., is accused of killing his mother, then going to Pearl High School and shooting nine students. Two of them die, including the suspect's ex-girlfriend. The 16-year-old is sentenced to life in prison. Two others await trial on accessory charges. Ref | |
2001 | | A Pakistan-based militant group attacked the state legislature in Indian-ruled Kashmir, killing 38 people. | Ref: 70 |