Word of the Day

January 1st

subversive (sub VUR siv) one intent on overthrowing or destroying an established principle or way of doing things; a corrupter, as in morals

January 2nd

vicarious (vi CAR i ous) 1. taking the place of another; 2. endured or performed by one person in place of another; 3. shared in by imagined participation in another's experience

January 3rd

extrude (ex TRUDE) to force out, as through a small opening (usually with the intent to give shape... think Play-Doh)

January 4th

foment (fo MENT) to incite; to stir up trouble

January 5th

exfoliate (eks FO li ate) to remove hair; the process of removing hair

January 6th

salubrious (suh LOO bree us) adj. beneficial to health; wholesome

January 7th

extemporaneous (ex TEM por an e ous) done or spoken with little preparation; offhand

January 8th

pathos (PA thos) the quality in something which arouses great sorrow, pity, sympathy, etc.

January 9th

timorous (TIM or us) full of fear, timid, afraid.

January 10th

canonical (ka NON ik al) 1. an official list; 2. a basic law or principle; a criterion; 3. a law or body of laws of a church

January 11th

escutcheon (i SKUCH en) a shield bearing a coat of arms

January 12th

discreet (dis KREET) caution around ones actions and words
discrete (dis KREET) separate and distinct; unrelated

January 13th

hyperbaric (hi per BAR ik) of, relating to, or utilizing greater than normal pressure (as in oxygen)

January 14th

corpulent (COR pu lent) overweight, obese

January 15th

truculent (TRU ku lent) fierce; savage; cruel

January 16th

neologism (ne AL o jism) a new word; a new meaning for an existing word

January 17th

arcane (AR kane) secret or esoteric

January 18th

esoteric (e SO ter ik) meant for or understood only by a chosen few

January 19th

niggardly (NIG gard ly) a stingy person; a miser

January 20th

petulant (PECH oo lent) impatient or irritable, especially over a petty annoyance

January 21st

heuristic (hyoo RIS tik) helping to learn, as by a method of self teaching

January 22nd

serendipity (se ren DIP it y) an apparent aptitude for making accidental fortunate discoveries

January 23rd

eruct (I rukt) to belch

January 24th

ensconce (in SKANS) to place or settle snuggly or securely

January 25th

exegesis (EK se je sis) interpretation of a word or passage, especially in the Bible

January 26th

easement (EZ ment) in law: a right one may have on another's land

January 27th

panache (pe NASH) 1. a plume, especially on a helmet; 2. dashing elegance of manner or style

January 28th

insouciant (in soo se ANT) calm and unbothered; carefree

January 29th

matriculate (mah TRIK yoo late) to enroll especially as a student in college

January 30th

masticate (MAS te kate) to chew up.

January 31st

ameliorate (UH MEEL yah rate) to make better, improve, relieve or soothe

February 1st

quisling (KWIZ ling) traitor (in several languages) derivative: from the name of a former Norwegian Defense Minister, Vidkun Quisling, who sold out his country to the Nazis in 1940.

February 2nd

plutocracy (ploo TAK ra see) 1. government by the wealthy; 2. a group of wealthy individuals who control a government

February 3rd

oligarchy (OL e GAR key) 1. government in which only a few persons have ruling power; 2. the ruling persons

February 4th

dauphin (dow FAN) the eldest son of the King of France (the title was used from 1349 to 1830)

February 5th

prexy (PREK see) the president, especially of a college

February 6th

polyglot (POL ee glot) speaking or writing in several languages

February 7th

monstrance (MON strans) a receptacle for displaying the consecrated host

February 8th

mordant (MOR d'nt) adj. caustic, sarcastic; n. a substance that fixes colors in dyeing

February 9th

moraine (MO rane) a mass of rocks, sand, etc. left by a retreating glacier

February 10th

kaolin (KAY oh lin) a white clay used in porcelain (named after a hill where the clay is found)

February 11th

karakul, caracul (KAR ah kel) 1. a sheep of central Asia; 2. the curly black fur from the fleece of its lambs

February 12th

itinerant (I tin er ent) a traveler

February 13th

prink (PRINK) as in prink up; 1. to smarten (oneself) up; 2. to dress oneself up; 3. (of a bird) to preen

February 14th

sententious (SEN ten chuss) 1. pompously moralizing; 2. affectedly formal in style; 3. aphoristic; using maxims

February 15th

aphorism (a FOR ism) short, pithy maxim

February 16th

maxim (MAK sim) a general truth or rule of thumb briefly expressed

February 17th

pithy (PITH ee) adj. terse and forcible

February 18th

shemozzle (shem OZ el) slang [Yiddish] 1. brawl or commotion; 2. muddle

February 19th

nihilism (Ni el ism) n. 1. a rejection of all religious and moral principles; 2. the belief that nothing really exists

February 20th

incunabulum (IN cun a BU lum) n. 1. an early printed book especially before 1501; 2. in pl. early stages of a thing.

February 21st

ubiquitous (u BIK wit us) adj. existing or being everywhere at the same time; constantly encountered

February 22nd

propinquity (pro PIN kwit ee) n. 1. kinship; 2. proximity

February 23rd

cachet (ka SHAY) n. 1a. a seal used especially as a mark of official approval; 1b. an indication of approval carrying great prestige 2. a characteristic feature or quality conferring prestige; 3. a medicinal preparation for swallowing consisting of a case usually of rice-flour paste enclosing a medicine; 4a. a design or inscription on an envelope to commemorate a postal or philatelic event; 4b. an advertisement forming part of a postage meter impression; 4c. a motto or slogan included in a postal cancellation

February 24th

hagiography (HAJ ee og RAF ee) n. pictures of saints

February 25th

pariah (pah RI yuh) n. 1. outcast; 2. member of a low caste of southern India

February 26th

abtruse (ab TROOS) adj. difficult to understand

February 27th

alacrity (uh LAK ruh tee) n. cheerful, promptness, quickness

February 28th

capricious (kuh PRISH us) adj. unpredictable, guided by chance or by sudden flights of fancy

February 29th

contrite (kon TRITE) adj. thoroughly sorry for a wrongdoing

March 1st

dogmatic (dog MAT ik) adj. arrogantly inflexible in insisting upon's one's own arbitrary opinions; dictatorial

March 2nd

ephemeral (ee FEM uh ruhl) adj. lasting for a very short time

March 3rd

fetid (FET ud) adj. foul smelling, stinking, having an offensive odor

March 4th

fetter (FET ur) v. or n. a chain or shackle which restricts motion; to put on shackles or to restrict motion

March 5th

innate (in ATE) adj. existing within the individual before birth, rather than something that developed over time from life experiences

March 6th

innocuous (in AWK yoo us) adj. harmless; unlikely to arouse strong feelings; useless

March 7th

lament (luh MENT) n. or v. a verbal expression of regret or grief; wailing; to express grief aloud

March 8th

obliterate (ub BLIT uh rate) v. to destroy or wipe way (can be mental or physical)

March 9th

plethora (PLETH uh ruh) n. over abundance

March 10th

prodigal (PRAWD ih gul) n. or adj. extravigant; wasteful

March 11th

rend (REND) v. to violently tear apart or split inot pieces

March 13th

taciturn (TAS uh turn) adj. reluctant to converse; not expressive or sociable

March 14th

vapid (VAP ud) adj. lacking flavor, zest, liveliness or spirit; having lost appeal

March 15th

font (FONT) n. 1. a receptical for baptismal water or holy water; 2. a printer's style and size of type

March 16th

assuage (a SWAJ) v. to lessen the intensity of (something that pains or distresses); to ease

March 17th

recondite (rec ON dite) adj. 1. concealed; 2. difficult or impossible for one of ordinary understanding or knowledge to comprehend; 3. of, relating to, or dealing with something little known or obscure

March 18th

assume (as OOM) v. to take for granted
subsume (sub SOOM) v. to include in a broader category or group
presume (pre ZOOM) adj. to beyond what is proper or right

March 19th

enigma (en IG ma) n. an obscure speech or writing; something hard to understand or explain; an inscrutable or mysterious person

March 20th

lucid (LOO sid) adj. luminous, translucent; having full use of one's faculties; clear to the understanding

March 21st

manifest (MAN if est) adj. readily perceived by the senses and especially by the sight;easily understood or recognized by the mind
v. to make evident or certain by showing or displaying
n. list of passengers or an invoice of cargo for a vehicle (as a ship or plane)

March 22nd

calumny (CAL um nee) n. a misrepresentation intended to blacken another's reputation; the act of uttering false charges or misrepresentations maliciously calculated to damage another's reputation

March 23nd

otolarygologist (oh TOE lair in goll oh gist) n. head and neck surgeons concerned with the medicial and surgical treatment of the ears, nose, throat and related structures of the head and neck.

March 25th

virulent (vir U lent)adj. 1. extremely poisonous or harmful, as a disease; 2. bitterly hostile.

March 26th

spurious (SPUR ee us)adj. 1. not authentic, false; 2. forged or interpolated; 3. illegitimate, bastard.

March 27th

coronate (cor ON ate) adj. having or wearing a crown
coronation (cor ON a shun) n. a ceremony where a regent is crowned
coronated (cor ON a ted) v. American only the act of crowning a regent (The verb form of coronate (i.e., coronated and coronating) are only acceptable in American versions of the English language. The verb forms are not acceptable in either England or Australia. We don't know about Canada or New Zealand.

March 28th

sommelier (SUM el ya) n. 1. [Fr. officer in charge of provisions, pack animal driver]. 2. A wine steward in a restaurant.

March 29th

endemic (en DEM ik) n. prevalent in, or peculiar to, a particular group, people or locality
epidemic (ep i DEM ik) n. affecting many individuals in the same area at the same time; widely prevalent
pandemic (pan DEM ik) n. widespread; general of all people in an area; med. an epidemic spread over a particularly wide area

March 30th

celerity (sel ER it ee) n. speed, swiftness

March 31st

dilatory (DIL a tor ee) adj. tending or intent to delay; marked by procrastination; proceeding at an undesirably slow rate

April 1st

indolent (IN dol ent) adj. disinclined to exert oneself; slothful conducive to inactivity or laziness; med. resulting in little or no pain

April 2nd

phlegmatic (fleg MAT ik) adj. having or indicating a calm, sluggish temperment

April 3rd

jocund (JO kund) adj. having a cheerful disposition

April 4th

munificent (mu NIF iss ent) adj. showing great generosity

April 5th

lassitude (LAS i tood) adj. listless weakness or exhaustion

April 6th

perfidious (PER fid ee us) adj. treacherous; deliberate breach of faith

April 7th

panegyric (pan ej er ik) n. a formal eulogistic composition intended as a compliment; elaborate praise

April 8th

mephitic (mef IT ik) adj. stench, an offensive smell; a foul-smelling poisionous gas emitted from the earth

April 9th

lachrymose (LAK rim ose) adj. weeping or given to weeping, tearful, sorrowful

April 10th

penurious (PEN ur ee us) adj. stingy, miserly, yielding little, barren, destitute

April 11th

temerity (TEM er it ee) n. excessive, arrogant self-confidence

April 12th

torpor (TOR per) n. mental of physical inactivity or insensibility; sluggishness, lethargy, apathy
torpid (TOR pid) adj. having been deprived of the power of motion or feeling; dormant, hibernating, lethargic, apathetic

December 26th

The following words will be added as time permits: , solicitude, sanguine, antipathy, rancor, vituperatative, truculent, bellicose, rankling, effrontery, cupidity, obstreperous, montebank, specious, paragon, exculpate, vituperate, venerate, didactic, pusillanimous, evanescent, noisome, redolent, felicitous, propitious, intrinsic, otiose, efficacious, elegy, pretentious, surfeit, penury, impecunious, modicum, hedonistic, temporate, parsimonious, ascetic, abstemious, contumacious, iniquitous, reprove, extol, adulate, approbation, pernicious, deleterious, probity, gelid, laconic, oquacious, garrulous, prolix, delustory, pallid, prosaic, punctilious.

December 27th Idiom Addition

idiom (id EE um) n.phrases that have meanings that are dissociated from the words that comprise them. As Americans, idioms incredibly common and yet they are virtually invisible to us. It is nearly impossible to think of an idiom "on the spot".

1"24 7; 24 x 7; 24 - 7"24 hours a day, 7 days a week; at all times
2"a cinch"easy
3"a steal"a bargain
4"ace"to do perfectly (usually on a test)
5"acid test"an unarguable proof
6"add fuel to the flame (or fire)"to make a bad situation worse
7"afraid of his own shadow"excessively fearful
8"all ears"listening attentively
9"all thumbs"physically awkward, lacking physical coordination
10"answer the door"see who is at the door
11"answer the mail"respond to a specific problem, usually in a direct manner
12"antsy"nervous, anxious
13"around the clock"24 hours continuously
14"as the crow flies"in a straight line
15"assume room temperature"dead
16"at the end of his rope"pushed to his limit; out of options
17"at wit's end"unable to solve a problem
18"babe in the woods"inexperienced
19"be bent on doing something"strong desire to do something
20"bear hug"a big hug; also a crushing wrestling hold
21"beat around the bush"to act or speak evasively
22"beat one's brains out"given great thought with minimal result
23"beat one's head against the wall"frustrate
24"beat the bushes"to search exhaustively
25"bent out of shape"angry
26"best thing since sliced bread"very, very good
27"big deal"(sarcasm) not really important
28"big frog (or fish) in a little pond"important person in a small position
29"bite off more than one can chew"to attempt more than one is able
30"blabbermouth"one who talks too much about the wrong things
32"blow his doors off"(in auto racing jargon) to decisively defeat
33"blow in"(slang) to arrive
34"blow off"ignore or disregard
35"blow one's stack (or top)"to become suddenly angry
36"blow one's top"to become enraged
37"blow out"explosive loss of air from a tire; when one team defeats another by a very wide margin
38"blow up"the act of creating an explosion; becoming angry
40"blue blood"aristocracy; high society
41"blue in the face"can say no more to convince
42"born yesterday"inexperienced, naïve
43"break someone's heart"anguish caused by a loved one
44"broke"without money
45"brush up"review (as in study)
48"bulls eye"the center of a target
49"burn the midnight oil"work or study late into the night
50"bury the hatchet"forgive each other
52"butterflies in the stomach"nervous
53"by the skin of one's teeth"success by a slim margin
54"call it a day"quit work for the day
55"can't make heads or tails of something"do not understand
56"catch one's eye"notice
57"catch some rays"to sunbathe
58"catch some Zs"sleep, nap
59"cause tongues to wag"gossip; spreading rumors
60"change one's mind"to reverse a decision
61"chew out"to berate
62"chew the fat"talk together, informally
64"chow"less than elegant food
65"chow down"eating with enthusiasm
66"clam up"suddently stop talking
67"climb on the bandwagon"join in because others do so
68"clothes horse"someone who likes clothes excessively
69"coffin nail"cigarette
70"cold feet"nervous to the point of reversing a previously made decision
71"cool"positive, highly acceptable
72"cool it!"stop
73"cost (someone) an arm and a leg"expensive
74"couch potato"someone who watches too much television
75"crash course"to learn quickly
76"cry baby"a reference to one (usually a child) who cries with only slight provocation
77"cut in"to interrupt; to take over
78"cut it out!"stop
79"cut short"end abruptly
80"dealing from the bottom (of the deck)"cheating
81"deliver the mail"to deliver with great reliability
82"devil's advocate"a person who champions the less accepted cause for the sake of argument
83"dicey"chancy; less than optimal expectation of success
84"die down"decrease
85"dish it out"to give abuse
86"ditch"to leave without permission; to leave in violation of a law or custom
87"don't count your chickens until (before) they hatch (they're hatched)"do not over-anticipate
88"drop a line"send a letter (or email)
89"drop like a hot potato"stop something immediately
90"drop on in"to call on unexpectedly
91"dry up"stop talking; to end
92"eager beaver"someone who is very eager
93"eagle eyed"very observant
94"easy as pie"very simple
95"easy does it"go slow
96"eat a horse"very hungry
97"egghead"someone very smart
98"elbow grease"physical work that takes considerable effort; rubbing
99"eleventh hour"time is running short; at the last minute
100"eyes pop out"look very surprised or impressed
101"face the music"to address the consequences of some deed
102"fag"(British) cigarette; homosexual
103"fall on your sword"(figurative speech) to be willing to die for rather than to accept the alternative
104"fan the flames"make things worse
105"fed up"had enough
106"feel like a million"in good spirits or health
107"fender bender"a minor car accident without injuries
108"fiddle"to tamper with
109"firsthand"direct; from the original source
110"fit as a fiddle"very fit, in good physical condition
111"flew the coup"left, usually in a hurry or unexpectedly
112"fly"a reference to the zipper on pants
113"focused (euphemism)"stubborn
114"fool around"play and joke; unfaithfulness to a mate or betrothed
115"for ages"a long time
116"forty winks"a night's sleep
117"fringe benefit"value beyond wages
118"funny farm"a sanitarium
119"get a kick out of something"to enjoy
120"get down"(depending upon context) to get very serious
121"get going"go
122"get lost"disappear, leave
123"get on one's high horse"become angry; a false sense of superiority
124"get on one's nerves"make nervous; aggravate
125"get on the ball"do better at the assignment
126"get one's wires crossed"confused
127"get out of hand"to lose control of a situation
128"get up and go"energy
129"give a big hand"to applaud by clapping with enthusiasm
130"give a ring"call on the telephone
131"give someone a hand"applaud; help
132"go against the grain"to annoy; to do something the hard way
133"go ape"to get excited, even possibly angry
134"go Dutch"each pays his/her own way
135"go off the deep end"to be rash or hasty; extreme reaction
136"go postal (or nuclear)"to become enraged
137"go stag"to attend an event without an escort of the opposite sex when an escort is normally expected
138"go to bed with the chickens"go to bed early in the evening
139"go to the mat"to fight or argue without intent of compromise
140"go whole hog"do completely; to give all one's attention to something
141"go with the flow"do as others are doing
142"goose that laid the golden egg"a major revenue source
143"grab a bite"have a quick meal
144"gravy train"a very good arrangement involving the continual influx of money
145"grease monkey"mechanic
146"green thumb"a reference to a capable flower grower
147"greenback"paper money
148"grow on someone"increase in favor; to become accustomed
149"grow out of one's clothes"get too large for clothes to fit
150"handwriting on the wall"a forecast or prediction, usually of something bad
151"hard feelings"emotions that border on revenge
152"hassle"make difficult
153"have it in for"seeking (petty) revenge
154"have one's hands full"to be busy; fully engaged
155"have something down pat"to know all alternatives completely
156"have your ducks in a row"to have everything organized and well-thought out
157"head honcho"boss; person in charge
158"head in the clouds"optimistic to the point of impracticality
159"high five"a type of handshake
160"hit the books"study
161"hit the ceiling (roof)"to become suddenly angry
162"hit the deck"get on the floor -- danger
163"hit the hay (or sack)"go to bed
165"hold one's tongue"keep still; stop talking
166"hold your horses"wait patiently; slow down
167"horse (monkey) around"unstructured aggressive play
168"horse sense"common sense
169"hot water"in trouble
170"how come?"why?
171"if I had my druthers"if I had my preferences
172"in one ear and out the other"not listening
173"in tears"crying
174"in the black"profitable
175"in the doghouse"in trouble, often with a spouse
176"in the red"a losing situation, usually financial
177"in time"within the allowed time frame
178"it figures"seems likely
179"it's a breeze"it's simple
180"ivory tower"a protected, unrealistic view (of a problem)
181"jail bird"a reference to a convict
182"jump all over someone"to berate
183"jump the gun"prematurely
184"jump to conclusions"to make a decision before all the facts are in
185"junk mail"unsolicited mail
186"just what the doctor ordered"exactly what is needed
187"keep (stay) in touch"call, write or visit occassionally
188"keep a straight face"to give no indication of one's situation or intent
189"keep an eye on"watch carefully
190"keep an eye out for"look for
191"keep it under your hat"keep it a secret
192"keep the wolf from the door"keep out hunger or starvation or destitution
193"keep your chin up"maintain enthusiasm, positive attitude
194"keep your eyes peeled"look for
195"keep your fingers crossed"hope all goes well
196"keep your nose to the grindstone"pay attention to your work
197"kept his head (or cool)"remained calm
198"kick ass"to do a superb job
199"kick back"relax
200"kick the bucket"die
201"kick your ass"to punish; to defeat in a conflict or competition
202"kickback"a (cash) benefit for doing something illecit
203"kid"joke; a child or someone very young
204"kill time"to find a way to make time pass quickly (pleasantly)
205"kind of"an approximation
206"kit and caboodle"all of something
207"klutz"someone who is awkward
208"knee high to a grasshopper"a reference to a small child
209"knock it off"stop or cease
210"know it forwards and backwards"to know something thoroughly
211"know it inside and out"to know something thoroughly
212"know-it-all (sarcasm)"a reference to someone who does not know something he claims to know
213"left field"from an unexpected direction, often but not always, wrong
214"lend someone a hand"help
215"let it all hang out"be yourself (without false airs)
216"let it slide"neglect duty; postpone
217"let sleeping dogs lie"don't look for trouble
218"let-down"did not meet expectations
219"life of Riley"a very relaxed (though not necessarily wealthy) life style
220"little frog (or fish) in a big pond"insignificant (usually a person) in a context
221"live and let live"forgive and forget
222"live from hand to mouth"poor, without resources to handle a crisis
223"long face"sad
224"look down upon"scorn
225"look high and low"look everywhere
226"loose cannon"great undirected and destructive energy (in reference to an individual)
227"lose one's cool"get angry
228"lose one's head"to panic
229"lose one's nerve"to over-react; to act prematurely
230"lose track of"forgot
231"lousy"unpleasant, disadvantageous or bad
232"low blow"an unfair assault, usually verbal
233"macho"masculine in the extreme
234"make a mountain out of a mole hill"making a small issue into a very large issue
235"make faces"a facial expression (normally negative)
236"make one tick"motivates
237"make up one's mind"decide
238"make waves"create a disturbance; cause problems
239"miss the boat"lost opportunity
240"nest egg"savings
241"New York minute"very, very quickly
242"no way!"unconditional no
243"nose to the grindstone"to work dilligently
244"not my bag"not what I do
245"not on your life"unconditional no
246"now and then"occasionally
247"nuke"destroy; cook in a microwave
248"nut house"a sanitarium or insane asylum
249"nuts"crazy; a response to a question that is thought to be completely unsound
250"off base"wrong
251"ok or okay"yes; uninjured
252"on the cutting (or bleeding) edge"normally the latest, greatest technology
253"on the dot"precisely
254"on the double"quickly
255"on the road"traveling
256"on the spot"impromptu; without warning or preparation
257"on time"at the scheduled time
258"once in a while"occasionally
259"over one's head"beyond one's capability
260"paddle one's own canoe"do one's own work
261"party animal"someone who likes to party excessively
262"pay the piper"the cost of an unpleasant task
263"piece of cake (or just "cake")"very simple
264"pig out"to eat too much
265"plastic"less than genuine (referring to a person)
266"play by ear"to play an instrument without music; ad lib; without formal preparation
267"poker face"to give no indication of one's situation or intent
269"pull an all-nighter"to study or work all night
270"pull one's leg"to tell an untruth (usually as a joke)
271"pull one's punches"giving less than a full effort against a weaker opponent
272"pull one's weight"to do one's share
273"pull the wool over someone's eyes"deceive
274"puppy love"a reference to teenage love
275"push on"keep going
276"pushing up daisies"dead and buried
277"put a word in for"say something positive
278"put his foot in his mouth"made a foolish remark
279"put the cart before the horse"do in the wrong order
280"quick study"a reference to someone who learns quickly
281"quite a few"many
282"R and R"rest and relaxation
283"rain cats and dogs"a heavy rainfall
284"rain on your parade"to spoil a special occasion
285"rain or shine"no matter what happens
286"read someone's mind"to know someone's unspoken thoughts
287"rub the wrong way"to irritate
288"rubber room"a reference to a figurative room with padded walls so inmates/patients cannot injure themselves
289"rug (slang)"man's hairpiece
290"rule of thumb"an approximation
291"run down"tired; to chase as in overtake (may imply hit, as in a motorist who runs down a pedestrian)
292"run through a wringer"a short but very stressful experience
293"saving for a rainy day"saving money for an emergency
294"savvy"wise to the ways of the world
295"scaredy cat"highly reflexive, overly fearful
296"schmooze"pleasant for the specific purpose of gaining favors at a later date
297"scratch the surface"study superficially
298"search me"I don't know
299"see eye to eye"agree
300"see neither hide nor hair"cannot find
301"shoot the breeze"casual conversation
302"sick as a dog"very sick but not usually terminal
303"singleness of purpose (euphemism)"stubborn
304"sink your teeth into"to do something with particular enjoyment
305"sleep like a log (or baby)"sleep soundly
306"sleep on it"to defer a decision overnight
307"snap"easy, as in "it's a snap"
308"snappy"with style or class
309"so-so"average, mediocre
310"sort of"approximately
311"state of the art"most modern, most advanced
312"stay (keep) in touch"maintain contact over time
313"step on it"go faster, accelerate
314"stick around"stay
315"stir up"incite
316"straight and narrow"to so something without deviation (normally a behavior)
317"straight as an arrow"high moral character; trustworthy
318"straight from the shoulder"frankly, directly
319"sucker"someone easily fooled
320"take a chill pill"relax; do not be so excited
321"take a hike"leave!
322"take a ribbing"a joke directed at an individual
323"take heat"pressure associated with the job
324"take it easy"relax or become calmer
325"take the bull by the horns"to act in a determined way
326"take the gas"to end dramatically; to die
327"take with a grain of salt"believe only half of what is said
328"telegraph"to unintentionally give an indication of one's intent
329"the bottom line"the end result
330"the meat (or heart or nut) of"the central issue
331"throw the book at"to be harsh in judgement
332"tied up"busy
333"tight-fisted"excessive frugality
334"tightwad"an individual who practices excesive frugality
335"too big for his britches"going well beyond one's capability or authority
336"toot one's horn"brag
337"touched in the head"not completely sane
338"turkey"awkward; strange; can be a term of endearment under unique circumstances
339"turn on"excite; demonstrate something new
340"two peas in a pod"very much alike
341"two strikes against"at a disadvantage; without options
342"two-faced"a reference to an ingenuine person
343"under the weather"ill, but not deathly ill
344"until hell freezes over"never
345"until you're blue in the face"never
346"used to"accustomed to
347"walk the chalk line"obey
348"was my face red"embarrassed
349"wave a red flag"to incite
350"wave a white flag"surrender
351"wear out one's welcome"to stay longer than one is welcome
352"wear your heart on your sleeve"a reference to someone whose emotions are readily visible
353"wet behind the ears"naïve, immature (usually on a specific subject)
354"what for?"why?
355"when pigs fly"never
356"white lie"an untruth specifically to not offend ("No, those pants don't make you look fat.")
357"white's of their eyes"very close
358"whole nine yards"all of something
359"whole shootin' match"all of something
360"wishy-washy"lacking substance; lacking sufficient forthrightness
361"with bells on"to arrive with enthusiasm; an emphatic yes
362"with flying colors"a reference to an exceptionally well done task
363"yes-man"a reference to someone who always agrees with his boss absent all consideration of the issue
364"you don't say!"An expression of surprise.
365"you've got to be kidding!"An expression of surprise.
366"your face is an open book"a reference to someone whose thoughts are readily visible by their facial expressions
367"your name is mud"you are not thought well of
371"zilch"zero, none
372"zip your lip"stop talking
  ...More To Come...

Addtionally, Americans have many idiomatic phrases for individuals who consistantly do not meet their expected potential.
  1. "a slice short of a full loaf"
  2. "not the sharpest knife in the drawer"
  3. "one brick short of a full load"
  4. "one sandwich short of a picnic"
  5. "rowing with one oar"
  6. "the light is on but nobody's home"
  7. "the light bulb is not screwed in all the way"
  8. "lacks the brains (or personality) God gave cauliflower" (or other favorite vegetable)
  9. "even a bug moves towards light"
  10. ...More To Come...

December 28th Homograph Addition

homograph (ho MO graf) n.one of two or more words spelled alike but different in meaning or derivation or pronunciation

1bowbaa: front of a shipbo: a device used to launch an arrow
2closekloce: to be nearcloze: to shut
3polishPOL ish: shinePO lish: a nationality
4readreed: present tensered: past tense
5recordRE cord: to capture in mediaREC ord: a history
6resumeRE zoom: continueres U may: a personal history

December 29th Homonym Addition

homonym (ho MO nim) n.one of two or more words spelled and pronounced alike but different in meaning

1bandn: a musical groupv. to wrap
2barn: a long metal rod; a saloonv. to prohibit, prevent or build a baracade
3batn: a night-flying mammaln. a stick with specific dimensions used for hitting a baseball
4beann: a vegetablev. a hit in the head
5belln: something that ringsn. a beautiful young girl
6bitn: a small piece; a binary digitv. past tense of bite
7boreadj: uninterestingv: to drill
8buckn: a male deer
slang: one dollar
v. to jerk violently
9cann: a containerv. an indicator of ability
10checkn: a promise of immediate paymentv. to verify
11cherryn: a fruitslang?: new, untouched, pristine
12courtn: a place for a legal proceedingv. romancing for the purpose of marraige
13donn: a title of honor, distinctionv. to put on, as in clothes
14dollyn: dollyn. a 4-wheeled base, usually made of wood, for moving boxes or freight
15donn: a title of honor, distinctionv. to put on, as in clothes
16duckn: a birdv. to lower one's head
17falln: autumnv. to go from standing to laying down involuntarily
18finen: a fee for a legal violationadj. very small or detailed
19flyn: an insectv. to travel by air
20fontn: a fountain for baptismal watern. an assortment of type of one style and size
21leavesv: the act of departingn. plural for leaf
22leftv: having departedn. a direction
23liev: to lay flatv. to tell an untruth
24lightn: as a source of lightadj. not heavy
25logn: a fallen treev. to maintain a record
26marchn: the monthv. an army's formal walk
27mayn: the monthv. to permit
28mightn: powerv. a possibility
29moonn: as in the moon that orbits the earthv. to expose one's buttocks
30orangen: a fruitadj. a color
31pawnn: a chesspiecev. to sell
32penn: a writing instrumentn. a contained area for livestock
33planen: an aircraftv. to smooth
34postn: a stake driven into the groundv. the act of attaching a sign to a post
35pronen: laying down on one's stomachv. tendency
36quailn: a birdv. to falter
37quickn: core, heartv. with speed
38rulern: one who rules a countryn. a device for measuring distances, usually on paper
39shedn: a shelter, often for storage rather than livingv. to discard, disrobe or eliminate
40sinkn: a basin with a drainv. to descend below the surface
41slipn: a garment worn under a dress or skirtv. to accidentally fall
42rightadj: in accordance withn. a direction
43tendern: moneyv. gentle or with a soft touch
44tiren: rubber part of the wheelv. exhausted, sleepy
45trainn: two or more passenger or freight cars pulled by an enginev. to teach
46welln: a hole in the ground for retrieving water or oiladv. in a satisfactory, proper or execellent manner

December 30th Homophone Addition

homophone (ho MO fone) n.one of two or more words pronounced alike but different in meaning or derivation or spelling.

1ail: illale: a lager
2aisle: a path between benchesI'll: I will
3bail: to leavebale: a unit of measure (of raw cotton, for example)
4beach: where the ocean and shore meetbeech: a tree
5been: wasbin: a storage unit
6berry: a fruitbury: to store underground
7bite: to cut with teethbyte: a computer storage unit
8boar: an animalbore: to drill
9bread: foodbred: past tense of breed
10but: a conjunctionbutt: to bang against; derriere
11cue: signalqueue: a line, first in, first out
12dam: to block waterdamn: to condem
13dew: ground moisturedo: an action
due: owed
14die: the end of lifedye: to color cloth
15doe: a female deerdough: uncooked bread
16ewe: an animalyou: yourself
17eye: used to seeI: oneself
18fair: 1. carnival; 2. honest dealingfare: a charge or rate (usually for transportation)
19fir: a type of pine treefur: thick hair on mammals
20fische: microfischefish: an aquatic animal
21flea: an insectflee: to leave in haste
22flour: ground grain used in bakingflower: the budding part of a plant
23fore: in frontfour: a number
24gnu: an animalnew: unused
knew: understood
25grate: 1. to make granular; 2. to annoygreat: wonderful; large; superior
26heal: to recover from injury or diseaseheel: back, bottom of the foot
27heard: listenedherd: a collection of animals
28hoarse: voice dysfunctionhorse: the animal
29hole: a space in an otherwise solid surfacewhole: complete
30knead: working dough to make breadneed: require
31lead: an elementled: to go in front of
32might: 1. a possiblity; 2: powermite: a particularly small insect
33nay: noneigh: the sound a horse makes
34oar: propels a rowboator: a conjunction
ore: raw metal or minerals mined from the ground
35oh: an exclamationowe: a debt
36one: a numberwon: a past victory
37P: the 16th letter of the alphabetpea: a small, round green vegetable
pee: to urinate
38pain: hurtpane: of glass
39pail: bucketpale: light in color
40pair: two of somethingpare: to cut
pear: a fruit
41peer: to lookpier: wharf
42rain: liquid precipitationreign: to rule
43read: ingesting a book or articlered: a color
44read: having ingested a book or articlereed: a hollow-stemmed marsh plant
45real: actualreel: a spool with thread (any size)
46right: correctrite: ritual
write: to pen or to author
47sail: cloth or paper to catch wind for a propellantsale: a bargain
48seam: line where like items join seem: appears to be so, but maybe not
49T: the 20th lettertea: a drink
tee: a device for positioning a golf ball
50vain: conceitvane: a device to measure wind direction
51wail: to crywhale: an aquatic mammal
52wait: delayweight: amount
53waive: exemptwave: fluid motion; a hand motion of greeting
54war: armed conflictwore: put clothes on
55ware: an item, often for salewear: as in clothing
where: a location
56warship: a ship of battleworship: to pay homage to a diety
57we'll: we willwheel: a circular frame revolving on a central axis
58yore: days gone byyou're: you are
your: possessive of you
59you'll: you willyule: Christmas

December 31st Homophone Addendum: A list of homophomes "discovered" by Ian (age 8).

1ant: a busy insectaunt: the sister of a parent
2ate: consumed foodeight: 8
3B: second letter of the alphabetbe: a passive verb
bee: a busy flying insect
4bare: unclothed, exposedbear: an animal
5blew: moving airblue: a color
6board: a flat piece of woodbored: drilled; lacking incentive or interest
7buy: to purchaseby: something that left (as in "went by")
bye: a parting remark
8C: third letter of the alphabetsea: a body of water
see: to view
9cent: a coin (1¢)scent: smell
10dear: a greeting in a letterdeer: an animal
11hair: on top of the headhare: a rabbit
12hear: to listenhere: this place
13hi: as in "hello"high: as in "up"
14J: the 10th letterjay: a male name; a type of bird
15knight: a medieval warriornight: after sunset, before dawn
16knot: made with ropenot: to negate
17know: understandno: to respond in the negative
18lie: an untruth; to lay flatlye: a powerful solvent
19made: built, createdmaid: a woman who cleans
20mail: a letter or packagemale: a gender
21meat: food from animalsmeet: to get together
22plain: ordinaryplane: aircraft
23right: correctrite: ritual
write: to pen or to author
24stair: a stepstare to look at intensely
25son: male childsun: a star
26tale: a storytail: the hind end
27there: an indication of directionthey're: they are
thier: an indication of ownership
28threw: as in tossing a ballthrough: to pass from one place or idea to another
29to: a prepositiontoo: also
two: a number
30we: uswee: small
31weak: not strongweek: seven days
32why: used in asking a questionY: the 25th letter
33wise: having wisdomYs: plural of Y
34wood: from treeswould: is willing to
Last Update: 17 Feb 2004
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